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Paul had started and trained the church at Corinth; but after he was absent
for several years, chaos reigned. Arguments broke out about who was coming to
church, how Christians should behave, and how they should worship. So Paul
performed some emergency church triage by sending his first letter (1 Corinthians)
and then personally showing up to help.
A year later, however, the church at Corinth was still struggling. Some men
who claimed to be apostles - and were lying - arrived in Corinth and lured the
church leaders away from Pauls leadership. The letter never says exactly what
these fakers taught, but Paul accuses the imposters of repackaging the Good News
of salvation with a different Jesus, spirit, and gospel (11:4)
When Paul cathces wind of all the chaos in Corinth, he goes on a rampage;
battling for the hearts and minds of the Corinthians, knowing full well this is a fight
he may lose. He cares about them. And hell do whatever it takes-regardless of the
heartache or humiliation-to win them back to the true Jesus, the true Spirit, and the
genuine message.
2 Corinthians 1:1
The Greek word apostolos can mean sent ones or one sent with authority. Jesus
selected twelve of His many disciples to be His apostles. Jesus sent these men to
take His message to the world and raise up churches. Paul also became an apostle
when he was appointed by the risen Christ, who encountered Paul on the road to
Damascus. Pauls apostleship include a great deal of suffering. Adding to his pain,
some false teachers in the Corinthian church doubted his authority. In 2 Corinthians,
Paul repeatedly defended his position as an apostle one with the authority to
speak for God.
2 Corinthians 1 (The comfort of God; deliverance from suffering and death;
simplicity and Godly sincerity)
2 Corinthians 1:22
God is the Father of all comfort; He comforts you every time you have trouble. And
so, who do you turn to when things go crazy? Do you immediately call the first
friend on your phones favorite contacts? Next time, stop, pray first, and then call
your friend.
Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

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