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How to open video file or image for editing




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How t o open video f ile or image f or edit ing

Our editor allows to work with different objects including video files and images. You will be able to add necessary objects by several methods: using menu, toolbar, dragand -drop interface or applying resources.
To add an object using menu
To fulfill it you should go to "Editor" tab, click menu item "Add object" and select "Video" or "Image".

After you selected video file or image file, click "Open". A window with settings of object position in time will be open (for more information about object settings when you
add it to the scene, see the section "Settings of object position in time"). After you have configured settings and clicked "OK", you will be proposed to specify position
and size of the object; the cursor will take the crosshair form. Now select position of the added object on the scene, click the left mouse button and holding it down, set the
size of the object, and then release the mouse button.
P.S. Note that when an object is added to the scene, it is automatically added to the project resources and can be used an unlimited number of times. Removing an object
from the scene does not delete it from the resources while deleting a resource from a project removes all related objects in the scene.
To add an object using the toolbar
In order to add an object using the toolbar you should select an image of the added object and click on it. It will open a window proposing to choose a file, and further
actions will be similar to the actions specified in the previous item.
P.S. Note that this toolbar may be removed or added. For this purpose in "View" tab you should select or deselect corresponding item of "Editing tools" menu. Besides this
toolbar may be relocated and fixed in any position in video editor interface.
To add an object using drag-and-drop standard tool
Our video editor supports Windows drag-and-drop standard tool. It means that you can use file explorer to add
objects to the scene (or to project resources). For this purpose in file explorer choose a file, drag it to the
scene and drop mouse button the cursor will take the crosshair form and you will be able to choose position
and size of object for adding it to the scene as described above.
P.S. Note that when you use this method to add objects, settings window doesnt occur and properties are
automatically set for this object. It means that the time when object occurs will depend on cursor position in
timeline; duration of object will be equal to duration of video or audio file, or to 5 second in case of image. No
reference to parent object occurs.
To add object using project resources


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Objects in project resources (for example images, video and audio files) may be added as a result of adding
objects to the scene or when files are directly added to resources. In any case you may use these objects to
create a scene. Drag-and-drop tool will help you to fulfill this target, i.e. you need to choose an object and drag
it to the scene. Further actions will be as described in previous adding methods.
Note that there is one special method of adding video files and images by using "Wizard" to arrange subsequent change of objects, or slide-show. For more information
refer to section "How to create slide-show: make sequential change of videos or images".
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to set properties of object position in time




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How t o set propert ies of object posit ion in t ime

Video editor enables to work with different objects, namely: "Sprite", "Duplicate", "Line", "Rectangle", "Ellipse", "Tooltip", "Image", "Sound", "Video", "Movement" and also
with a large quantity of video and audio effects.
You can add these objects using the same methods which are divided into three stages: choice of object, setting up its position in time and on the scene. For more
information about the first and the third stages see example of adding video and image to the scene in section "How to open video file or image for editing". In the
present section we shall explain how to set object when it is added to the scene.
When you add object to the scene or when you apply effect to object you see the following window which sets object/effect position in time:

In this window you may set time of object appearance to the scene (effect start time), duration of display (effect duration), as well as its dynamics upon change of parent
object duration. Lets review in details each parameter:
by work area sets time of appearance and duration as per the marked working area on timeline (duration of video and audio objects is set not according to working
area duration, but in accordance with duration of video and audio material in a file).

From cursor position - sets time of appearance starting from cursor position on timeline and automatically sets duration to the end of the scene (duration of video and
audio objects is set not to the end of the scene but according to video and audio material in a file).
To cursor position sets time of appearance starting from beginning of parent object (scene or sprite) to cursor position on timeline (duration of video and audio
objects is set not to cursor position but according to video and audio material in a file).
Whole parent duration - sets time of object appearance and its duration equal to parent object duration. Connection of object duration with parent object duration is
also set ("Lock end position").
From scene begin - sets time of appearance starting from parent object. Object duration is manually set (except for video and audio objects which have duration set
according to duration of material).
To scene end - sets time of object disappearance equal to time of parent object disappearance. Duration is manually set. Connection of object appearance time and
its duration with parent object duration are also set ("Lock start position and "Lock end position").
From manual position time of object appearance and its duration are manually set.
To manual position time of object disappearance and its duration are manually set.
Lock start position - sets connection of object appearance time with parent object duration, i.e. if parent object duration is changed object appearance time will be
automatically recalculated.


How to set properties of object position in time

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Lock end position - sets connection of object duration with parent object duration, i.e. if parent object duration is changed object duration will be automatically
We recommend to choose "Whole parent duration" option for filters and other effects covering the whole duration of parent object, because in this case "Lock end position"
option is set and when object duration is changed, effect duration will be automatically changed.
At the same time for transition effects we recommend to choose "From scene begin" or "To scene end". In such case options "Lock start position" and "Lock end position"
are set the way that when object duration is changed, duration of effect will not be changed, and effect finish time will always coincide with time of object disappearance if
you choose option "To scene end".
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to apply effects to video or image




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How t o apply ef f ect s t o video or image

Lets add an image to the scene in order to show how to apply effects to objects.

Then in order to add effect you should activate effects edit mode for the added image. You can do it with a double click on an image or by marking the object on timeline
and by opening the appeared tab with object name:

P.S. You can close the mode with a double click on a space outside the object borders or by clicking on a tab with parent object on timeline.
After it you will be able to add effects through menu in "Editor" tab:


How to apply effects to video or image

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Lets choose as an example a blur effect "Filters->Blur". Settings window of object position in time is open, and you should set time of effect start, its duration and dynamics
depending on parent object duration. After effect is added, it will appear in timeline list:

And the effect will be immediately applied to the image:

You can change automatically set parameters in object properties. For this purpose you need to mark effect on timeline (effects can not be seen on the scene), and in
settings window you will see effect properties. For these effects, for example, you can change blur intensity; you can also set original and final blur levels which enables to
make effect of stepless object blur or increasing of stepless contrasting effect.
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to export project and save it to computer in standard video format



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How t o export project and save it t o comput er in st andard video f ormat

After you made a project, you will need to save it in one of standard formats. For this purpose you need to export a project. You should choose menu option "Export
project", and then youll see a project export window:

In this window you can choose a device with a help of which you plan to play video, and a format supported by the device chosen:

The whole list of supported devices is open upon click on the button specified on the above image:


How to export project and save it to computer in standard video format

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After video format is chosen you need to choose a profile which sets quality of resulting video:

You can set profile yourself by clicking "Edit profile" and setting properties of video and audio codecs and then save them for further applying:

You can also indicate path to save video when exporting project:

And to finalize the resulting video: remove fragments from video, split file per markers or size. Use "Editor" tab to remove fragments and place markers.

After a click on this tab you will see a file editor window:


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You click "Convert files" button, and project export is arranged:

After project is converted you will receive a video file of the chosen format and you will be able to save it on CD or DVD.

Click "Disc Burner" tab and you will open the window assisting to work with a compact-disc: burn or remove data, make multisession discs, edit their content and make
DVD video (for this purpose you need to export video in DVD format). The tool looks as follows:

In order to create disc image for burning it to disc, you will need to create necessary catalogues and add files into list of files to be burned. Work with this window is
organized the same way as with Windows file explorer. In order to burn the created project you need to click "Burn disc" button, choose disc name and burn speed. You
can also close disc (finalize) if you dont want to make multisession disc:


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By clicking "Burn!" you will burn disc image to a disc.

P.S. In process of editing you often need to arrange quick view of the final result. "Preview scene" option is made for this purpose. This option opens video player window
and starts to play from cursor position on timeline.
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to split a video file into parts


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How t o split a video f ile int o part s

Splitting a file into parts can be effected by different methods according to your purpose.
1. If you need to split a file into parts and apply effects to the whole file, you can use the tool splitting a file during video export in result format.
Add video file to the scene and click "Export project" to export project.

You will see the form with properties for project export.

Choose "Editor" tab and locate markers at the points where you want the file to be split and click "Apply changes"


How to split a video file into parts

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Then choose split method "By markers". Note that you can split a file not only by markers but also by size of separate parts of result file.

After all properties are set, click "Convert files" to convert project to one of available formats. Result file will be split into parts in accordance with the selected properties.
The advantage of this method is its speed no need to prepare project; you only need to select properties according to which splitting will be performed. Disadvantage of
the method is the fact that you cant apply effects to separate parts of the split file because splitting points become known only at the end of file export.
2. If you want to apply effects to each of the splitted part, you should split a file into parties and place each of them into the separate scenes.
For this purpose you should add a file to the scene and click "Cutting and splitting" in properties tab to video object.

You will see a familiar window of video editing where you should place markers in the positions where we would like to split the file, and click "Apply changes". Program
will offer you to split the file by markers. After splitting all parts will be placed inside a sprite.

Now we add in project the necessary number of scenes as per number of separate parts and insert separate parts of the video in these scenes.Therefore we have one
split part in each scene and you can apply effects to each separate file.
In order to split the result file into parts by separate scenes which contain parts of the original video file, you should deselect "Join scenes to single" when exporting project.

In such case each scene will be saved in separate video file.


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A certain advantage of this method is its flexibility, because each part of the file may be edited inpependently from the remining parts. Disadvantage is its complexity you
should perform additional actions to prepare such project.
3. You can also split video file into parts as per the first method and then edit each part at your discretion: apply effects, remove fragments or perform other editing actions.
Then you should export these fragments separately. Disagvantage of this method is a double transcoding of video that may reduce quality of result video. But if you
choose formats without compression, or use lossless compression, you can avoid loss of quality. Advantage of this methos is its simplicity and flexibility each part can be
edited independently from the previous parts.
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to cut an unwanted part of video



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How t o cut an unwant ed part of video

Its quite simple to cut and remove an unwanted fragment from video. For this purpose click "Cutting and splitting" in object properties or in object menu.

You will see an editor window which enables to remove fragments from an object. In order to fulfil it, mark the region required for removal and click "Cut region". Then the
marked fragment will be deleted and added in the list of deleted fragments (you will be able to restore deleted fragments later).


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After video file is edited click "Apply changes" in order to apply changes to the object. Due to the fact that duration of video or audio material will be changed after editing
and will not correspond to duration of object in the scene, the editor will inform you about it and will offer to set a new duration as per the duration of material.
P. S. Duration of video or audio material may not correspond to duration of object; in this case, depending on settings selected, video or audio material may:
be cut in accordance with object duration;
show the first frame during set time and then start playing video;
play video and show the last frame during set time.
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to crop borders in video or image




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How t o crop borders in video or image

In order to crop unwanted borders in video or image, click "Crop borders" in object properties or in object menu.

In the occurred window mark the region which shall remain after cropping borders in video:


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After you marked region and clicked "Ok" borders will be cropped. You can achieve the same result if you manually set size of borders to be removed in object properties:

After borders are cropped the remaining part will by automatically inserted in the set object size, i.e. size of object will not be changed.

This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to merge several video files



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How t o merge several video f iles

This operation is one of the most simple. In order to merge several files you need to add them to the scene and set time when each file will appear so that appearance of
files is arranged one by one. For this purpose place the objects on timeline the way that one begins when another ends.

You can achieve the same result using "Set blocks order" button. If you mark these objects on a timeline and click this button, you will automatically place objects
sequentially one by one. If you need to set interval between the marked blocks, click "Set order with offset". You may set object position by cursor position clicking "Move
blocks to cursor position" and "Align blocks by cursor position".
You may also set time of object appearance manually using object properties. For instance if duration of the first object is 343 frames
then we shall create scene with sequential objects by setting time of the second object equal to 343 frame.
After these actions both files will be merged in a result file during project export and will follow one the other.

Another method of merging several files is to use "Wizard". For more information refer to section "How to create slide-show: make sequential change of videos or
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to create slide-show: make sequential change of images or videos




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How t o creat e slide-show: make sequent ial change of videos or images

This operation is often used and may be applied to make a simple change of scenes or even a full slide-show. Our video editor has an embedded "Wizard" which will help
you to easily make these scenes. Besides the program allows to automatically create transition effects between scenes on the basis of pre-installed templates. So lets
review in details procedure of making slide-shows.
There are two ways to start making a slide-show: the first one is to make a new project and to choose "Import videos and images" as a type of a new project, and the
second one is to click "Run Wizard" in "Editor" tab in case the project is already made. The following window occurs:

We can see four regions here: a list of transition effect types between scenes, transition effects of the selected type, video player which displays the selected effects or
video, and a region with a list of files used for making a slide-show.
In order to make a slide-show you need to add files into a list and to add transition effects between them. In order to add a file you may click "Drag and drop media files
here" or to drag and drop the needed files in this position using a drag-and-drop tool. The files may also be added through a menu in a toolbar you need to click "Add
files" and then "Insert files", and the files will be added to the end of the list or to the chosen position accordingly. Upon opening the files will be displayed in the list in the
same sequence as for a slide-show:

You can remove or change sequence of files using several buttons on a toolbar. You can change order by dragging a file and dropping it on a new position.
You can also select a file in the list and see how it will look like after slide-show is completed by playing it in a player:


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P.S. To see effects again you need to mark an intended effect.

Duration of image is automatically set for five seconds. But it can be changed. For this purpose mark a file in the list, amend its duration in a toolbar and click "Apply".
You may also remove borders, fragments in video or split video into parts (for example, to make a transition effect between separate scenes of video). You can do it using
menu which will be open when you make a double click on an image. You will also see additional settings windows which were reviewed in sections "How to split a file
into parts", "How to cut an unwanted fragment from video" and "How to crop borders in video or image".
In order to add transition effect it is necessary to drag the selected effect in position between the files to which it will be applied:

In order to see how the effect will be performed you need to mark it, and the player will automatically show this effect.

P.S. Player automatically plays video upon a click on any object: on an effect in the list of effects, on a file, on an effect applied to files.
You can delete effect through a toolbar or a menu.
After you set sequence of files and added transition effects you need to click "Apply settings". As a result a sprite will be added to the scene (sprite is an object consisted of
other objects) which consists of all files which we added and of the necessary effects.


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In order to make a result video you need to export project to any of available formats.
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to remove background in video




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How t o remove background in video

Users often need to remove background in video and to replace it with the needed one. Our video editor enables to remove background by mask and by chosen color
(chromakey). We recommend to use removal by chromakey to remove background in video, because the first method requires a lot of computer power. Lets review
example of removing background in video which was shot at home in poor lightning.
First of all you need to place a video on the scene:

After it you need to add background remover effect "Video effects->Transparent->Background remover". For this purpose you need to open effects editing mode of the
added video by clicking the object on the scene or choosing a tab with object name on timeline.

Then you need to set the added effect the way to remove the blue background. For this purpose set "Mode" parameter in "By
chromakey color" and set color of removed background. In order to set color youd better use eyedropper tool which enables to
get the needed color directly from the scene click "Get the color from scene" in effect properties and choose a color from the

If you chose a color incorrectly, image will be partially removed from the scene it is the consequence of poor lightning and shadows on it:


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You may re-chose a color or set parameters which determine color difference in video from chromakey: "Min. brightness threshold", "Min. chromaticityU threshold" and
"Min. chromaticityV threshold". These parameters set difference in brightness and chromacity in color space YUV from the sought, i.e. set subspace of possible colors.
This condition strictly sets if the color will be displayed or not. But you can lighten the condition by selecting "Adaptive alfa" parameter which enables to set translucency for
the colors located on the border of the two subspaces. The following parameters - "Max. brightness threshold", "Max. chromaticityU threshold" and "Max. chromaticityV
threshold" set the second subspace, and starting from the second subspace translucency is calculated for the image.
Therefore if vector of difference in color is located in the first subspace, this color will remain; but if it is also located in the second subspace, a translucency coefficient will
be calculated for it; in case it is not located either in the first or in the second subspaces, the color will be replaced by the transparent one.
Translucency coefficient is calculated as follows:
Where "Alfa factor", "Alfa offset" are parameters to be set,
VLen is a length of difference vector between chromakey and color at a point in UV space, i.e. brightness of the point is not considered.
Varying these parameters we obtain the following result:

Now we need to add any image or video file to the background. For this purpose you may add any object to the scene for our edited video:


How to remove background in video

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Recommendations for creating similar video:

Try not to amend size of original video, because in this case neighboring colors may be mixed; use size mode without color mixing. After background was removed (in
case of unoriginal resolution of video file), objects will have the color tone of the removed background. For example in our case we used video which was
automatically sized by iPhone:

Try to use well lightened background without shadows, because in this case the best chromakey will be selected.
Removed background and remaining image should have a maximum contrast. For instance in the given example you should not use red, orange and other
neighboring colors as a background, because color of clothes will be blended with the background.
You can remove borders in video in case if background in these regions is not intercrossed with the image which you would like to leave. It enables to increase
performance by reducing workable region.
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to remove background in an image




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How t o remove background in an image

Sometimes you need to remove background from an image. Our video editor supports two removing methods: by chromakey and by mask. Removing by chromakey is
faster than by mask, because mask sets a big range of colors to be removed. Thats whey its difficult to remove background by mask in video; but at the same time when
you work with static images this method is worth using. To know how to arrange removal by chromakey refer to section "How to remove background in video". In this
section we shall review method of background removing by mask.
We shall add an object to the scene the same way as in example with video:

and the next mask in project resources (a part of original image):

After it we should add effect of background removal "Video effects->Transparent->Background remover" to original object and set it. We set work mode by mask "Mode: By
chromakey mask" and specify the mask in "Chromakey mask". We obtain the following result:


How to remove background in an image

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As you can see, practically whole background is removed except for several regions. This fact is resulted from "Mask resize factor" influence. For removing background not
the whole mask is used but its reduction copy (to accelerate work algorithm). "Mask resize factor" sets reduction level of the original mask, and "Resize mode" is the
algorithm of its size. Therefore if we reduce "Mask resize factor" to twenty, we shall have the following picture:

As we can see that the background is entirely removed.

Other parameters of effect have similar work principles as work by chromakey, i.e. they set subspaces of removed colors which remain unchangeable, and border colors
with calculated translucency coefficient. For more information about these parameters refer to section "How to remove background in video".
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to create moving objects on the scene




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How t o creat e moving object s on t he scene

Sometimes you need to make video with moving objects: for instance, text, images, shapes or even video. You can easily manage with this task with a help of "Movement"
In order to create a moving object you need to open effects edit mode in this object. For this purpose you may make a double click on the object or to click a tab with object
name on timeline:

Then we add "Movement" effect. You can do it using toolbar:

or using menu "Add object->Movement".

In the open window set start time of effect and its duration and click "Ok". Then indicate a new position of the object on the scene with a help of cursor. This effect will be
displayed on the scene as a vector which intercrosses centers of the object in its start and final positions:

When you fulfill these actions you will get the effect of moving object on the scene. When the movement is over, the object will be displayed in a new position.
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to create picture-in-picture effect



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How t o creat e pict ure-in-pict ure ef f ect

Due to the fact that our editor is related to non-linear class, creating picture-in-picture effect makes no difficulty. For this purpose you only need to add two objects to the
scene and place them in optional position one to the other. For example, the following way:

Then if needed set the required time of objects appearance and duration of their display with a help of timeline:

As a result object "Image1" will appear in nine seconds after video "Video1" will start to play in the left upper corner and will be displayed in parallel with it. Of course, any
other type of object or group of objects may be used instead of the image.
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to change volume of video or audio file




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How t o change volume of video or audio f ile

Sometimes you need to increase volume of video or audio file. Our video editor has four methods of changing volume: by applying effect to object, by changing "Audio
volume" properties of object, scene or project.
Difference of these methods consists in area of applicability of effects. When you add "Volume" effect, you can change volume only of a part of object. When you change
object volume, you change volume of all audio material. When you change scene or project volume, you change volume of all objects on the scene or of all objects in the
project accordingly.
Lets review the first variant of volume changing. After you added video or audio object to the scene, you need to open effects add mode. For this purpose you may make a
double click on the object or open a tab with object name on timeline:

After that we shall add effect using menu "Audio effects->Gain->Volume". You can change volume of the object by changing "Audio volume" parameter of the object:

This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.

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How to fade in and fade out image or video




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How t o f ade in and f ade out image or video

We shall explain how to fade out one image and fade in another instead. For this purpose you need to add two objects to the scene:

Now we need to set time the way that the first image fades in a bit earlier than the second one fades out. Note that the first object shall be placed under the second one.
For this purpose we use timeline and set order of the objects in accordance with the proposed method:

You can set exact difference in time of fading out and fading in by marking both objects on timeline and clicking "Set order with offset". In the open window enter time in
milliseconds this time sets interval of how long the object will intersect one the other (for instance, -1000 milliseconds).
Now lets open effects add mode of the first object by clicking a tab with its name on timeline:

And we add fade out effect through menu "Video effects->Transparent->Fade out". In the open window we enter effect duration equal to time of object intersection (1000
milliseconds) and click "Ok". Then effect will be added to the image and will smoothly increase its transparence during 1000 milliseconds up to its complete fading out. And
the object placed under this object will accordingly fade in.
Note that you can achieve the same target using "Wizard". For more information about this option refer to section "How to create slide-show: make sequential change
of videos or images".
This software can be downloaded from Free Video Editor description page.


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