Preschool PowerCord - February 15, 2015

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The Armor of God

February 15-February 21, 2015

Review the central truth, the memory verse, prayer and

confessions, and read the Bible story with your child each
day. As this is done, let your child color in or put a sticker
on the power outlet located on the back of the devotional.
At the end of the week please sign as proof of completion
and return to the teacher. Children who complete 3 weeks
Power Cords in a month will have their picture posted in
the foyer of Power Source.

God has given us His holy armor to protect us.

Father God,

Davids big brothers were out fighting in the army against the
Philistines. His dad sent him out to take them some food. When
David arrived, there was a giant Philistine named Goliath. He was 10
feet tall and dared anyone to come fight with him. Everyone was
scared of him, except David. David went out to fight Goliath with
just a sling and 5 rocks. He knew he had Gods armor to protect him.
With just one rock, David killed him. He knew God was bigger than
any giant! 1 Samuel 17

Thank you for watching over me. Thank you for

protecting my parents, teachers, friends, Pastor Ron, and
his family. Help us to grow in love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and selfcontrol. Teach me to obey my parents so things will go
well with me and I will live a long life on the earth. Help
me to tell others about Your great love! Thank you that
because of Jesus, I am healed and whole.
In Jesus Name,

Put on the full armor of God. . . Ephesians 6:11

Psalm 86:11
Teach me your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth.

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