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Three different types of nationalist


unification merges culturally similar lands

separation splits off culturally distinct groups
state-building binds separate cultures into one

Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires

The Breakup of the

Austrian Empire

Austria includes people

from many ethnic
1866 defeat in AustroPrussian War (Seven
Weeks War) and
Hungarian nationalism
forces emperor to split
the empire into Austria
and Hungary
still ruled by emperor

Flag of Austria-Hungary
representing two kingdoms,
but ruled by one emperor.
This was a concession to
Hungarian nationalism.

Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires

The Russia Empire Crumbles

After 370 years, Russian czars begin losing

control over their empire
Russificationforcing other peoples to adopt
Russian culture
policy further disunites Russia, strengthens ethnic

Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires

The Ottoman Empire Weakens

Internal tensions among ethnic groups

weakens the empire.
Rulers grant citizenship to all groups,
outraging Turks.

Europe 1871

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