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Discuss sample essay

Read essay
Discuss questions on sheet with group
Be prepared to jigsaw (discuss this essay with other

Each group will have at least one member who
knows the essay of Student Five, Student Six,
Student Seven
Discuss essays
Rank essays from least effective to most
effectivewrite on board

Each body paragraph should

* Give answer (How does this element contribute to the
* Explain answer
* Give specific examples supporting answer
* Explain how the examples support the answer and contribute
to the narrative

Works Cited page

A Work in an Anthology, Reference, or Collection
Works may include an essay in an edited collection or anthology, or a chapter of a book. The
basic form is for this sort of citation is as follows:
Lastname, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection. Ed. Editor's Name(s). City of

Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium of Publication.

Peer Review Narrative Analysis

On peer review sheet, write

Reviewed by: (insert your name)

Summary author: (peers name)
Exchange essays.
Read the essay and complete the peer review sheet.

Give both to author (your peer).

For Tuesday
Be prepared to discuss shifts, pronoun & antecedent agreement, pronoun
reference, and pronoun case
--- 10 bonus points to those who submit narrative analysis essay on Tuesday

--- Regular submission of essay is Thursday

Order of materials for submission
rubric, final copy, prewrite, plan, rough draft(s), peer review

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