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Youth Educational Services

A career guidance program
A! Hamilton

Barbara Gale

International Director

Secretary of Research
P.O. Sox 2473

S6nv:/ce of ouneAU ONreiKNAJ^ONAL

mihs. wv 82644
(307) 265-2433

Nove.mbQ.yi 5,


2600 /lock^o/id Ln.

Deal BH.X.;

9 do tiopQ and pytay. that you. ayiQ ^ vQyiy. wqX.Z .

0 tvant

you. to knoiv that tfiQ dtyiQctoyi-^ oF ouyi mt^^ton, OutyiQaafi 0nteyinattonat

tiavQ y^uyg-Qyited that 0 y^tay tn the State^i jdo/i a yea/L o/i

to hQtp

tn. yiQcyiutttng. pQoptQ j^oyi ovQ/iyiQayi woyik,

9 ujLtt bQ tkQ dtyiQctoyi of..
yiQcyiuLtmQrit foyi 0 0,
Wq ayiQ tooktng. foyi -iQVQyiat team/i of /students
to g.o ovQyi/iQayi to y^tady the foyiktyn, tocat tanyuaye. The CLOuntyite-y^

that ivQ ayiQ tooktny tnto yiLyht now ayiQ Hanyayiy, 'Ruy^y^La, and Sa/it
Qeyimany, yood Loyid ujLtttny ujq t-ive.
Oayi team tn Betytny Chtna
has<t had yiuch ^acce.d<j tn yieachtny AQVQnat people foyi chyit-^t that
me want to do the yyame thtny tn the/^e otheyi countyite/i wheyie FityiyitonayitQyi

ayie not welcome.

We ayie u/itny tht/i pytoyyiam ySS, to help yet they^e y6tudent/y

oyiyant^ed and oveyi theyie.
9 would like you to put my name tn the
n.ex.t avatlable -^peakeyiy^ Ity^t foyi the whole yeayi of 1990.
0 want
to be avatlable all -^ummeyi lony foyi Vacation Btble Schoolyi and

foyi campy^.
!] do want chuyicheyi to know that 3 am avatlable alyio
foyi youth yietyieaty^, weekend meettny/i, and any otheyi o ppoyituntty
to y^hayie the need-^ of oveyiyieayi evanyeltyym. We want to yet tnto
theyie Untveyiyittte-i campuA mtntyityiteA to challenye theyie yitudentyi
to yo oveyiyieayi and yitudy wheyie they can yihayie the Qo/ipel of Chyityit
to people who have not had the oppoyituntty to heayi tt.
The woyik tyi yiealy yotny veyiy well tn Ktmbeyiley South Afyitca.
! hey ayie dotny a yyieat yob pyieachtny and teachtny.
The local
leadeyi-ihtp tyi -ityiony, fyiat-ie the Loyid foyi that.
We do thank the Loyid foyi youyi mtntyityiy and we pyiay that you
wtll continue to bey.fatthfull to Htm.
0 will be yiendtny a copy
of tht-i letteyi ,to Noyiman Weaveyi tn Kno->^vtlle.
ny dad and J yuyit yietuyined fyiom n)j^chj-yan wheyie 55 unA.veyiyiA.ty

yitudentyi came foyiwayid at a campu-i mtntyityiteyi yietyieat, to yo oveyiyieayi

to do thtyi type of woyik a-i foyietyn -itudentyi and otheyiwtyie TTL.
youyi Seyivant,

Jonathan Hamilton

So u

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