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Senior Exit Project Mentors

Senior Exit Project Coordinator
Highland High School

StIBJECT: Mentor Evaluation Grade

C d mentors are a vital part of a successful Senior Exit Project. We appreciate your willingness to help us

this year. As the person who has worked most closely with our student on the physical product portion of the
project, we need your input in assigning a grade. Your input will count for a portion of the student's gra,fle on
the project. Please complete the evaluation below and retui'n in the enclosed enveiope.

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Mentor signature,
4 -,,
-etimes during the course of his/her
1. Can you verify that the student had cohtact with you at least four
Senior Exit Project? Yes
No _


Name: R

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Please complete the following lnformation. lf you check a majority of Superior, the grade will
equate to an "A". lf you check a majority of Good, the grade will equate to a "8". lf you check a majority
of Average, the grade will equate to"a "C". lf you check a majority of Emerging, the grade will equate to a
"D"- lf vou check a
of Not Yet. the orade will
te to an "F".

2. Evidence of
to Fully Explore


Evidence of


Use of
Related to Proi

3. Your comments and explanations are important to us. Please provide us with insight
into the student's aftitude and efiofrs, as well as the quatity of the project. Use the back
of this form for comments.
Thank you for sharing your time and expertise with students as they worked to complete the Senior Exit
Project at Highland High School.


Mentor Evaluation for BeckY Pink

to the youth in our community.
in attendance. Each day has
This program has three 2Yrhour sessions with typically 30 - 35
new bible story. The youth are divided into groups and rotate to four'stations' during each session
Each year, our parish offers a summer Vacation Bible School program



Music, Games, Crafts, & Snacks.

When Becky pink approached me with the idea of using our Vacation Bible School as her Senior Exit
project I was very excited. Becky has been involved with our VBS since we first offered it 2006. She was
a participant, small group leader and station leader so I knew she had the background to run the
The theme of this year's VBS was*oAdventure Park and from the beginning Becky took charge. She
researched how she could decorate to 'set the scenelfor: the opening:and closing each day. She used
the supplies we had available at the church and what she brought from home and made it awesome.


Becky found activities for each station that related to the theme and the story of the day. Songs were
upbea! games were energetig crafu were fun, and snacks were delicious- She spent hours findingiust
the right activities for the kids and getting each area prepared for the 'station' leader. The station

leaders were very appreciative to have everything ready to present to the kids. And she checked often
each day to be sure the stations were going smoothly.
The kids were very excited to have Becky present the bible story of the day to start and end each day.
She engaged them in questaons and answers and a lot of laughs. On the last day of VB$ parents and
families were invited to attend a closing ceremony. Becky led the closing ceremony by having the kids
tell about the bible stories of the week and singing the songs they Iearned.
It was a joy to work with Becky on this project. She was very excited about what she was doing and it
showed in the way she presented to the kids. She was very budget conscious by spending only a third of
our allowed budget. I would gladly work with her on any projectDelores Eggers

Anthony & Philip

Reltgious Ed Coordinator



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