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the SPEAK Campaig La Geel | "They still call it Pye We 76 it torture" & ris When Oxford University opened their new animal laboratory they announced that it would hold at least sixteen thousand animals at any one time. Latest figures show that the number has risen to more than 202,000, this figure in itself makes depressing reading, but when we consider each single animal, it is even worse. Those who share their homes with other species fully understand that, as with their human counterparts, each creature is an individual. Like ourselves each one has its own personality, foibles, fears and pleasures—some crave company, * a Wigihte some prefer solitude, some are bold, some nervous and so on. Itis for this reason that we must think beyond our horror at the sheer magnitude of the numbers of animals tortured each year, and think about each separate ‘one, and the private fear, pain and incomprehensicn that it suffers et the hands of the researchers. Each day in the media we see and hear stories of unbelievable animal abuse inflicted by members of the public, and we, along with the general British public are angered and outraged by the stories, but much, much worse suffering is inflicted every day on helpless sentient creatures by the vivisection industry with no redress, Every single life, and the way in which Foun. SPEAK jie itis lived matters, and that is what ‘SPEAK‘s campaign has always been about. The fight to prevent the laboratory being built in the first place was not about the bricks and mortar, but a fight for every single animal that would be forced to enter that hell hole, to suffer and to die in the false name of science, In 2014 Speak will have been in existence for 10 years, unfortunately not an anniversary to celebrate, but a time to take stock and to consolidate the stand that we have taken over that period, the battles that \we have won and lost, and to pledoe that we willbe there to fight for every single animal that suffers and dies alone within the walls of the Oxford University Animal Testing Laboratory A tragic loss for animals On Sunday 3 November the animals lost a great friend and activist with the tragic death of Jo Badger. Jo, 36, was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer in 2041. In May this year she discovered that the cancer had metastasised to her brain, lungs and, more recently, her liver. Jo was best known for her campaigning against badger culls, as well as Noah's Ark Zoo Farm. She also campaigned frequently with SPEAK, was a hunt sab for many years and in fact was involved in many different campaigns against all forms of animal abuse. Also, as a Samaritan volunteer for years, she had supported many people going through difficult times, Jo touched the lives of many people; her caring gentle personality and her beautiful smile were known throughout the UK. Certain people add something special ‘and enduring to @ group and Jo was such a person. A huge gap has been left by someone who always brought the sun with her. She will be Gretta, missed Speak demos SPEAK organises many different types of demonstration and their aims are twofold ~ to keep the general public Informed of the barbarism taking place in the University’s animal laboratories, and to remind Oxford University that, ‘SPEAK will only go away when all experiments on animals coase in their laboratories. Due to the draconian injunction taken out by the University, peaceful protest at the laboratory is only allowed for up to four hours once a week, making a mockery of the University's claim to be a bastion of free speech! To take full ‘advantage ofthis, {In July of this year a letter was printed in the Oxford Mail that sparked a heated debate in print between SPEAK ‘supporters and other members of the public. An animal sanctuary called Crunchy Rescue was being taken to court by the RSPCA because of horrendous animal cruelty, and one reader asked how: wnone of the Animal ete brigade, who have plery of tis to hang around tre University of Oxford Science arta, in Soudle Park Road, being & nuisance, have failed fo notice this case against Crunchay Rescue. Iwas SPEAK's duty, of course, to respond. The lady was asked why she had not informed the campaigners about the pending cruelty case, and the campaign's ‘campaigners can be found every Thursday afternoon protesting opposite the Oxford University Animal Testing Laboratory on South Perks Road. \Very visual Ring Road Demos are held around Oxford; here visitors entering and leaving the city are reminded of the atrocities carried out against thousands of helpless animals year after year by Oxford University Every year SPEAK has a presence at the Oxford University Encaenia ceremony, where the ‘great and the good! come along to receive their Honorary degrees. This ‘year campaigners were heartened to find those protesting against the Port Meadow development by the University joining them in anti-vivisection chants. Peaceful demonstrations are also held on ‘@ regular basis outside the Sheldonian Theatre, where the Oxford Degree Day ceremonies take place. Here SPEAK supporters receive much suppor, not only from the public, but also from the ‘many tourists visiting Oxford, who ere genuinely shocked to leam of the barbarism that takes place in the University’s vivisection laboratories, ‘Oxford University have said they find presence in South Parks Road was furthermore defended. Further letiers highlighted the misery of laboratory animals, including the fact that deep-brain stimulation, which is carried out on monkeys such as Felix, s banned in ‘somo countries because of the extreme pain and suffering involved. Readers Were reminded that Oxford University had used and abused a massive 202,000 animals in 2012. SPEAK was getting the message across loud and clear to (Oxford Mail readers, creating fantastic publicity against Oxford University. At this point 2 member of the public challenged the statement that there had been no independent evaluation by ‘governments of the efficacy of animal research, by asserting that in fact there hhad been four, all in favour of vivisection. ‘SPEAK members feared that the pro- Viviseetion brigade would silence them, the protests at these occasions very ‘embarrassing, and so they should! [SPEAK also take their demonstrations conto the River Thames, where a launch festooned in placards and banners makes its way along the river, leaving the many river users in no doubt about the cruel experiments carried ‘out at Oxford University - atrocities that the University would prefer to keep secret, Campaigners old and new are welcome to join SPEAK at their demonstrations. For

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