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Mrs. Alana Haughaboo

Honors Junior English
February 12, 2015
Jay Gatsby Materials
Schreier, Benjamin. "Desire's second act: 'race' and The Great Gatsby's cynical Americanism."
Twentieth Century Literature 53.2 (2007): 153+. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 20
Jan. 2011. Summary: I am going to start my summary here. I will keep typing my
summary without hitting enter so it continues onto the next line. Just make sure the
headings for each section are in bold. Assessment: This source is relevant to my topic
because it discusses The Great Gatsby and I know it is a peer reviewed article because I
found it on AVL. Reflection: This article will help me with my paper because I learned
Dilworth, Tom. "Gertrude Stein in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby." The Explicator 67.1 (2008):
24+. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 20 Jan. 2011. Summary: I am going to start my
next summary here. You do not need a new heading/page for each new entry. Just start
where the previous one ends. Assessment: Assessment here. Reflection: Reflection here.

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