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The Cammanivealth of Massachusetts MASSACHUSETTS SENATE (Ornice oF mie Misoniry Leaoen Srare House, Roow sof “he (619) 722-1600 Seaton Bnuce E. Tarn oe (67) Faso MINORITY LEADER Bruce TanneMAsenave;cor First Essex and Middeser see MArenare cor Thursday, February 22,2015 ‘His Excellency Charke Baker Governor ofthe Commanvealth State House, Room 360 Boston, MA02133 ear Governor Baker, We share your concerns of the repeated issues curently plaguing the Commonwelts public transportation system on many ofthe MBTA’s subway ines and the commuter rll service, and because of the region's historic snowfall totals over the last few weeks, the weather has ony exasporated the situation. ‘These past few weeks of arctic cold temperatures coupled with abnormal amounts of precipitation have stressed the need for further action to prevent the typeof commuter gridlock that has prevented so many from receving 2 timely commute to work, home, and other important destinations, Key issues that are not only preventing the MBTA's subway lines and the commuter ail service {com reaching its ful potential, but ae also hamperiag matters further, ince: + -Alack of timely communications to inform passengers of delays, cancellations, nd diversions; ‘+ Afaitue of Kelis to full a lengthy list of promised service improvements, eg, ontime performance, equipment performance safety, customer service, customer satisfaction, Fidership growth, et. ‘+The fallure ofa strong working relationship between Keolis andthe Massachusetts Bay ‘Transportation Authority (MBTA); and The purchase of diferent types of equipment (locomotives, coaches, and contol crs) ‘throughout the yeas from diferent manufacturers, preventing the formation of leet of standardized equipment, which now requires additional vaining, maintenance andinventory Issues and challenges. With ridership curretl fain over the past decade, an aging infrastructure that hs been pleced together through the years, and costs continuing t skyrocket to operate the nation’s oldest public transportation system, we stand with youn exploring methods to ensue the types of adverse "ssues that have prohibited timely commutes are stymied, ‘We urge you to take ll necessary action in improving Massachusetts’ public transportation system. The Commonwealth depends ona system that delivers a word class service to committer, and we are dedicated in working with you to ensure the people of this state receive such a system, ‘Tank you again for your dedication to this very important matter. Please do not hesitate to contact ut further. 3 ll, Uae race Test Robert Hedlund Minority Leader State Senator Haol) | Sal fone Ce-Lt Governor koryn Poito Stephanie Pollack, Secretary of Transportation Beverly Scot, Generel Monayer of MBTA

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