NZ Building Act 2004

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Reprint as at 1 January 2015 Building Act 2004 Public Act 2004 No 72 Date of assent 24 August 2004 Commencement see section 2 Contents Page 1 Title 26 Part 1 Preliminary provisions ‘Subpart 1—General Commencement 2 Commencement 26 Pinpose and principles 3 Purposes 27 4 Principles to be applied in performing functions or duties, 28 or exercising powers, under this Act Overview 5 Overview 30 Application of Act to the Crown 6 Act binds the Crown 22 Rew (Changes authouised by subpast 2 of Pat 2 ofthe Legislation Act 2012 have been made sn the official reprint [Note 4 at the end of this reprint provides a list ofthe amendments incorporated ‘This Acti administered by the Ministry of Business, Imovation, and Employment. 1 10 u 13 14 14a, 148 1c 14D 14E, 14F 14g 15 16 7 18 19 Reprinted as at Building Act 2004 Vamary 2015 ‘Subpart 2—Interpretation General Interpretation Meaning of building Building what it means end includes Building what it does not include Meaning of allotment Meening of allotment ‘Subpart 3—Outline of regulatory roles under this Act Role of chief executive Role of building consent authority and territorial authority Role of regional authority Roles of building consent authorities, territorial authorities, and regional authorities in relation to dams Subpart 4—Outline of responsibilities under this Act Outline of responsibilities under this Act Responsibilities of owner Responsibilities of owner-builder Responsibilities of designer Responsibilities of builder Responsibilities of building consent authority Responsibilities of product manufacturer or supplier Part 2 Building ‘Subpart 1—Preliminary Outline of this Part Subpart 2—Building code Requirement to comply with building code Building code: purpose All building work must comply with building code Building work not required to achieve performance criteria additional to or more restrictive then building code Establishing compliance with building code How compliance with building code is established & Reprinted as at Lamary 2015 Building Act 2004 30 304 30B 30c 30D 30E 30F 30G Regulations may specify only 1 means of complying with building code Regulations may specify that there is only 1 means of complying with bulding code ‘What happens if regulations specifying thet there is only 1 means of complying with building code are made or not made Acceptable solution or verification method Acceptable solution or verification method for use in. establishing compliance with building code Effect of acceptable solution or verification method Chief executive may amend or revoke acceptable solution or verification method Content of acceptable solution or verification method Acceptable solutions and verification methods to be available on Ministry’s Internet site Warnings and bans Chief executive may issue warning about, or ban use of, building methods or products Offence to use building method or product in breach of ‘ban under section 26 Limits on certain powers of building consent authority in cases involving bans under section 26 Procedural requirements for acceptable solutions, verification methods, warnings, and bans Procedural requirements for acceptable solutions, verification methods, warnings, and bans Procedural requirements for urgent acceptable solutions, verification methods, warnings, and bans National multiple-use approvals ‘Notional multiple-use approval establishes compliance with building code How to epply for national multiple-use approval Applications for nationel multiple-use approval relating to design work thet is restricted building work Chief executive must decide whether to accept, for processing application for national multiple-use approval Processing application for netional multiple-use approval Issue of national multiple-use approval Refusal to issue national multiple-use approval 60 60 60 60 6 a 63 63 65 66 66 67 68 68 9 9

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