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Modern Dance: Conditioning Exercises

For my conditioning exercises, I try to make an even use of cardio,

resistance, and stretching so that I can make improvements on my
endurance, strength and flexibility. I do an exercise that involve the use of all
three and also includes the whole body so that I can make a more efficient
use of time when doing the workout. I also did many types of cardio workouts
from Tae Bo which I started in the summer, so along with Jazz, Ballet, and
what Ive learned in this class, Ive made a workout including most of what
Ive learned.
First, I start my workout with a quick wake up from top to bottom
starting from the head. I do each exercise moving forward, back, sides, sides
inclined, and a rotation to the left and right. I follow with some shoulder
shrugs and shoulder rotations then move on to arm swings. I do my arm
swings frontward and backward, then double arm circles. When I move on to
the side, I start to do lunges along with the arm swings to get the legs
involved in shifting weight and supporting myself with a pli. I then move on
to leg exercises by holding a relev while having my arms out, then going
down on a pli to add more weight to resist. After, I put more weight onto
one leg and shift my hip in order to do a retir while having my arms out,
shoulders down and lifting the spine while tilted towards the supporting leg. I
start adding more levels by doing warrior stretch then going down to a lunge
and do 10 push ups with my hips turned out, then going further down for a
stretch. After, I move into spiral twists with the spine straightened. I then

move on by doing my exercises while lying down with my spine flat on the
With my hips still turned out, I bend my knees and turn my hips inward and
outward to get the pelvis moving. I move to pelvic wheels which involve
bending one knee up and down to get the vertical motion on the pelvis. For
resistance and cardio, I do what weve learned in Jazz which we called
showgirl kicks which was having one leg bent and kicking the other leg up
while pointed and turned out then resisting on the way down. I move on to
straddles and stretching out to pointe then pli to flex followed by 8 sit-ups,
the 8th being held. I work a stretch by rolling around and moving into an
upward dog position then moving into childs pose then moving up onto my
knees then releasing to reach for my heels and open up the chest. I end the
exercise by jogging briefly in place while rotating my wrists to shake the
stretch out.

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