The Ocean Research

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Lana West

Ms. Weinand
Presentational Speaking
23 June 2009
The Ocean Research

Jeffords, Jeffrey. The Ocean. 2008. National Undersea Research Program. 23 June 2009.

• The size of the ocean around you is the same size as Mt. Everest around an ant.

• The ocean has the largest mountains in the world

• Covers 72 percent of the world’s surface

• The ocean stretches out to 139 million square miles

o 139 with 19 zero’s after it

• The average depth of the ocean is 12,460 feet

o 10 Empire State buildings stacked on top of each other

• Most scientists believe that life first began in the ocean

o 3 billion years ago

• Over 1 million different species of plants and animals live in the ocean

• Some species think there are about 9 million species yet to be discovered

• The world’s largest animal, The blue whale, lives in the open ocean

• Great barracudas live in the Tropical Sea’s

• The Deep sea is very cold and dark

o To deep for sunlight to shine

• Tubeworms live 7,000 feet below the surface

• Hot sea vents change the water from extremely hot to extremely cold in just a few feet

• There is life in every part of the ocean

• Everything living in the ocean depends on energy

• Plants and animals in the ocean obtain their energy by eating other plants or animals

• This cycle of energy is called the food chain or the food web

• This starts with photosynthesis

o Photosynthesis is an important part of the cycle; it’s where the energy first starts

o It can only occur at the surface of the ocean because there’s sunlight

o Where there is no sunlight, energy is transferred thru the conversion of chemicals

into food

o This is called chemosynthesis

Human Impact On Oceans. 20 May 2006. hppt:// 23 June 2009.

• The ocean is able to absorb a great amount of carbon dioxide and pollutants, but the
levels are too high

• As the human population increases, the ocean populations decrease

• Pollution from developed areas drains into the ocean killing marine life, , threatens
human health, and causes toxic algae blooms

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