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Primary sources

Debs, Eugene V. "Debs, Statement to the Court." Debs, Statement to the Court. 18
September 1918.Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
This article helped us obtain an insight of Eugene V. Debs during court. He felt that it was unfair
what Pullman was doing to the workers. He expresses his thoughts about socialism, and the
contribution he wanted to make.
Debs Eugene V. Liberty. E.V. Internet Archive. 22 November 1895.Web. 10 Feb 2015.
After his imprisonment Eugene V. Debs gave a speech over his liberation. His speech let us
obtain his outlook on what he was going through at the time. Throughout his speech Eugene V.
Debs questions his liberty, and whether he is really considered free. This helped us enhance our
page, by obtaining this archive and posting it on one of our website tabs.
Debs Eugene V. Life of Eugene V. Debs, Grand Secretary and Treasure. Marxist. 10
September 1888. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
There was another article on the same website where it discussed his leadership of Eugene V.
Debs during his time of being Secretary and Treasurer. The last article focused primarily on
Leader Requests that All Trade Unions and Societies work for release union.
Debs Eugene. Proclamation to American Railway Union. Internet Archive ARU History.1
June 1895. Web. 10 Feb 2015.
This article enabled us to get an insight of Eugene V. Debs opinions towards the ARU. This
archive helped us obtain information over the situation Eugene V. Debs was going through
during 1895.
Debs, Eugene V. "The Federal Government and The Pullman Strike." Markist. 7 July
1904. Web. 9 Jan. 2015.
There was three primary sources (articles) on this website that we were able to get access of
about Eugene V. Debs. The first article allowed us Eugene V. Debs to describe his point of view
over the ex- president, and how Cleveland's opinion over the Pullman Strike was very inaccurate.
It also focuses on the procedures Pullman had to go through his appearance in courts.
Eastman, Max. "The Trail Of Eugene V. Debs." The Liberator. 1 Jan. 2006. Web. 9 Feb.
This article gave our website an insight of what the process was in court before Eugene V. Debs
was put in jail. He stresses the unfairness of the wages and the railroad workers.
Debs, Eugene V. "You Railroad Men." You Railroad Men. Marxists Archive, 1 Jan. 1906.
Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
Eugene V. Debs talks about the people he worked with. He describes his experiences of working
with the Railroad men. This article allowed us to see things from his perspective allowing us to
enhance our website with a copy of the article.

Morais, Herbert M., and William Cahn. The Story Of A Fighting American. 381 Fourth
Avenue, New York 16: International, 1948. Print.
This book was extremely helpful. We were able to get a lot of information, quotes, and pictures.
Morais, Herbert M., and William Cahn. "Men against Slavery." The Story Of A Fighting
American. 381 Fourth Avenue, New York 16: International, 1948. 40-47. Print.
This particular chapter of the book helped us obtain many of Eugene V. Debs opinions over the
Pullman Strike. He expressed many of his thoughts about the harsh conditions the workers were
going through.
Prade, Ruth. "9653." Debs and the Poets. Pasadena, Cal.: U. Sinclair, 1920. Print.
This book had a variety of Poems that different people wrote. We looked through plenty of them,
and one in particular caught our attention. we decided to use one of the poems that explained his
Currie, Harold W. Eugene V. Debs. TWAYNE, 1976. Print.
This book helped us obtain a variety of primary pictures. Many interesting facts about Eugene V.
Debs life were mentioned in the book. The pictures helped us improve our website, by giving it
a more credible source.
Debs, Eugene V. The Issue. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr, 1908. Print.
This book was very helpful. we were able to use a variety of pics as primary sources. The book
contained a history of Eugene V. Debs which allowed us to enhance our website.

"America's Historical Newspapers." Eugene V. Debs 16 Aug. 1894: 2. Print.

Pictures: Political Cartoons

"DRC Exhibits Savior or Spoiler." DRC Exhibits Savior or Spoiler. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
"Eugene V. Debs and American Socialism." Independence Hall Association.
Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
This website allowed us to obtain a political cartoon
"Eugene Debs: Canton, Ohio." Zinn Education Project Eugene Debs Canton Ohio
Comments. 16 June 2011. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
This website was helpful because we were able to obtain a self-portrait of Eugene V. Debs. There
was also a short video where the speech Canton,Ohio was read by Mark Ruffalo, it gave a
more interesting and understanding idea of what the speech was about.
"Eugene V. Debs, President of the American Railway Union | Illinois During the Gilded
Age." Eugene V. Debs, President of the American Railway Union | Illinois during the Gilded
Age. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.

This political cartoon enhanced our website a lot. It was very self-explanatory, and it was used on
the website to show Eugene V. debs hardships and dedication although he was still in jail.
"King Debs | Illinois During the Gilded Age." King Debs | Illinois During the Gilded Age.
Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
This political cartoon enhanced our website by showing Eugene V. Debs leadership in the
American Railroad union. His supremacy as a socialist is shown on the political cartoon.
"From Karl Marx to Karl Rove: "Class Warfare" in American Politics | Origins: Current
Events in Historical Perspective."From Karl Marx to Karl Rove: "Class Warfare" in
American Politics | Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
This website helped us obtain a political cartoon that was described Karl Marxs perspective of
socialism. The cartoon was used to give the viewers an illustration of what socialism was
considered back then.
"Sabo-Tabby Vs. The Bosses: The Political Cartoons of North America's Most Radical Union."
17 Dec. 2013. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.

This website helped us obtain a political cartoon that showed what citizens how people ere
against socialism.

Secondary Sources
Brendel, Martinal. "The Pullman Strike." The Pullman Strike. Illinois History, 1 Dec.
1994. Web. 9 Jan. 2015.
This website helped us obtain a deep understanding of the Pullman Strike. Also the website gave
us an overview of what the workers had to go through. The strike was described very well and it
enabled us to get information and pictures to use on our website.
Briles, Bryan. "A Very Brief History Of The American Left." *Democratic Socialists of
America*. 8 July, 2013. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
This website allowed us to obtain a brief article that was written to describe his steps toward
being a socialist leader. Also it gives pieces of information over his imprisonment, and how he
ran for president while serving his time
Brommel, Bernand J, Eugene v. Debs: Spokesman for labor and socialism. Chicago:
Charles H Kerr Publishing Company. 1978. Web 07 Dec. 2014.
This website allowed us to create an understanding of the leadership Eugene V. Debs. The
websites purpose is to show a deep understanding of what Eugene V. Debs did as a leader for the
socialist party. Also it describes his role during his early life leading towards his leadership.
Driver Layer. Web. 8 Jan. 2015

This website allowed us to obtain a major part of the self-portraits of Eugene V. Debs. The
pictures were from different times of his lifetime. Some of the pictures had quotes on them which
helped enhance our website.
Easy Cards. Web. 8 Jan. 2015.
This website allowed us to obtain an American Railway Union picture. It gave us also a small
paragraph that explained how Eugene V. Debs led this organization pledged to unionize all
railway workers.
"Eugene V. Debs." American Experience. PBS, 2001. Web. 04 Dec. 2014.]
This website helped us to obtain information about Eugene V. Debs and his great
accomplishments. The main focus is the early life of Eugene and his accomplishments leading to
"Eugene V. Debs and American Socialism." *USHistory*. Independence Hall
Association.Web. 07 Dec. 2014.
This website helped us identify what led Eugene V. Debs to be the father of socialism. The
website describes his contribution to the American Railway Union, Pullman car Company, and
the hardships faced during the Pullman strike.
"Eugene V. Debs." A&E Television Networks, 1 Jan. 2009. Web. 9 Jan. 2015.
This website helped us obtain one of the banners for our website. Also the history website had a
good overview of what Eugene helped contribute over time. The main focus of the website is
Eugene V. Debs early life.
"Eugene V. Debs Quotes." *Eugene V. Debs Quotes (Author of Eugene V. Debs Speaks)*.
Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
This website gave us a variety of thoughts Eugene V. Debs and his leadership style. A variety of
quotes and pictures were obtained from this website
*Industrial Workers of the World*. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
This website was specifically made for Eugene V. Debs which was very helpful. There are
different tabs that focus on different time periods of his life time. The main thing we focused on
was on his leadership as a Union leader. With this given we were able to enhance our website
with information over his leadership.
"Library." *Indstate*. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
This website helped a lot. The varieties of resources that this database contained were very
reliable. Also we got to discover interesting facts of Eugene V. Debs that helped us improve our
Martinez, Mark. Labor Day & The Pullman Strike. 1 Sept. 2014. Web. 7 Jan. 2015.
This website helped us obtain three different pictures from different occasions during Eugene V.
Debs time period.

McKenzie, Monent. "Eugene Debs (American Railway Union) (6)."M Startzman. Web. 9
Jan. 2015.
The main focus of this website was to describe Eugene V. Debs part in the American Railway
Union. The Sherman Anti-trust was described in this website.
Shmoop Editorial Team. "Free Speech." *Shmoop*. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008.
Web. 09 Dec. 2014
This website enabled us to also get a small overview of Eugene V. Debs Legacy
"PRODOS Film Study Group." PRODOS Film Study Group. 21 Jan. 2012. Web. 9 Jan.
This website helped us obtain a picture of a group of men entering a small court house With a
"Socialist Youth." *Socialist Youth*. 14 Sept. 2010. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
This website obtained a variety of information about the Pullman strike. We were able to obtain
great information over Eugene V. Debs protest. The website had different links that directed us to
different websites.
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. "Eugene V. Debs (American Social and Labour
Leader)." *Encyclopedia Britannica Online*. Encyclopedia Britannica, 13 Nov. 2014. Web.
09 Dec. 2014
This website was only used to get an overview of what Eugene V. Debs life and attitude towards
the socialist party. There was also different pictures that were used to enhance our website.
Urofsky, Melvin. "The Injunction." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia
Britannica, 15 July 2014. Web. 9 Jan. 2015.
This website allowed us to obtain an overview of the injunction of the Pullman Strike.The
political view was the main focus of the website. Pictures and small quotes where obtained from
this website.

"Eugene Debs Quotes." ThinkExist. Web. 9 Jan. 2015.
This website enabled us to access get different quotes from Eugene V. Debs.
"Eugene V. Debs Quotes." *QuoteHD*.Web. 09 Dec. 2014.
This website gave us a variety of thoughts Eugene V. Debs and his leadership style. A variety of
quotes were obtained from this website

Boundless. The Labor Wars. Boundless U.S. History. Boundless, 14 Nov. 2014. Retrieved
09 Jan. 2015.

This website allowed us to obtain a picture of soldiers dispersing A. R. U. strikers and

Button Museum. Web. 9 Jan. 2015
This website helped us obtain a Brotherhood Locomotive small logo.
Constantine, Robert.1874-1912. Web. 08 Dec. 2014
This websites allowed us to obtain pictures of Eugene V. Debs.
Driver Layer. Web. 8 Jan. 2015
This website allowed us to obtain a major part of the self-portraits of Eugene V. Debs. The
pictures were from different times of his lifetime. Some of the pictures had quotes on them which
helped enhance our website.
"Eugene V. Debs Campaign Button | Six Cent Press." *Six Cent Press*. 30 Aug. 2011. Web.
09 Dec. 2014.
This website was used to obtain a picture for one of our banners.
McNamara, Robert. "The Pullman Strike of 1894 - 19th Century History." About
Education. Web. 9 Jan. 2015.
This website helped us obtain a picture of Eugene V. Debs during 1894 of soldiers during the
Pullman Strike.
Postel, Charles. "Opinion: As American as Anti-union Tactics - Charles Postel."
POLITICO. 11 Mar. 2011. Web. 9 Jan. 2015
This website was used to obtain a picture of Federal troops escorting a train through fist-shaking
workmen in Chicago in this drawing of the 1894 Pullman strike.

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