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Year 6 PYP Exhibition 2015

Information Session for Parents

What is the PYP Exhibition?

What expectations are there?
What is the student role?
What is your role as a parent?
What is the role of a mentor?
Important dates

PYP Exhibition

What is the PYP Exhibition?


a student led, collaborative inquiry under a given

transdisciplinary theme - Who we are
a context for taking action as a result of their learning
an inquiry that starts from personal interest and passions yet
extends into identifying, investigating and offering solutions to
real-life issues or problems
an inquiry that requires students to apply their learning from
previous years
a rite of passage from PYP to MYP

Transdisciplinary Theme
An inquiry into:
the nature of the self;
beliefs and values;
personal, physical, mental, social and
spiritual health;
human relationships including families,
friends, communities, and cultures;
rights and responsibilities;
what it means to be human.

Central Idea
Will be developed by individual students / groups OR in class groups.

PYP Exhibition

This Years Exhibition

Students will begin exploring a personal interest or passion
they have that can extend into a real world issue.
Students may work individually or in small groups.
Each person/group will take action in some way to address
an issue.
Each person/group will choose a form of expression to
communicate their knowledge, understanding and the action
they have taken.

PYP Exhibition

Collaborate and communicate effectively with peers and

teachers to carry out an open-ended inquiry into a self
selected, real-life issue or problem.
To extend this inquiry to identify and take suitable action.
To use a variety of sources and be academically honest when
referring to these.
To reflect on the components of, and processes involved in, the
exhibition through journaling and/or blogging.
To engage in self and peer assessment.

PYP Exhibition

What are the expectations?

Within each group, the following are required:
A written record of the inquiry process (Exhibition Journal & Blog)
Student expression/communication through a chosen medium e.g.
story, dance, drama, art, film, photographs, mixed media etc
Effective use of technology
Oral presentations/explanations

PYP Exhibition

How much time do students spend

working on the Exhibition?

What about Home Learning?

The students spend approximately 9 weeks working on their

inquiries from after the Easter holidays until the beginning of June.
The students will continue to have maths, literacy and specialist
lessons yet the main focus of each day will be working on the
Exhibition inquiry.
Students need to document the Exhibition process by keeping an
Exhibition Journal and Blog - some of this will be completed as
home learning.

The home learning focus will be the Exhibition inquiry.

Students should continue to read every evening.

The children should use their time at home to research and

prepare for the Exhibition work which they will continue in

PYP Exhibition

PYP Exhibition

What is your role as a parent?

To have an understanding of the purpose and requirements of

To help your child to access resources - people, places, media and

To support and encourage students throughout the

To provide expert subject knowledge (where applicable).


the PYP Exhibition.

process of inquiry in particular to enable them to take real, authentic


To encourage independent inquiry and respect student ownership of the

To keep informed about the Exhibition by reading newsletters,

Encourage your child to write notes from written material and list


attending meetings, checking the Year 6 Weebly (under the

Exhibition tab) and class/student blogs, and by talking with your son/


To celebrate with your son/daughter by attending the:

Exhibition Student Led Presentation - Thursday 4th June.

To inquire into your childs progress by asking

probing questions

Ref: IBO Exhibition Guidelines

PYP Exhibition


PYP Exhibition

Question Prompts
Whats happening for you at the moment?
What do you want to achieve?
What have you done so far?
How will you know when you have achieved your
goal? What are you doing thats working towards your

In school support
Primary school teachers will act as
mentors for the Y6 PYP Exhibition.

What are you doing that is getting in the way of

your goal?

Once the students have clearly articulated next

steps, secondary teachers will be invited to act as
consulting/specialist mentors.

Where are you in your inquiry?

What are your options?

We would like to invite parents to be mentors

assisting with Exhibition on Wednesday mornings
from10:10 - 11:30 a.m. Either regularly or as a

What else could you do? How will you prioritise what youre going to do?
Whats worked in the past? What will you do in the next __ minutes? Day?
What have you seen others do in a similar situation?


What steps can you take? How committed are you to this?
Who can help you with this? Could you do more?
Where could you find out the information?

What else could you do?

Is there something I can do to help?



Inquiry group mentors will . . .

Visit Year 6 classes once a week.

Give time management advice.

Be supportive and encouraging.

Prompt students to document all mentor meetings by

commenting in the on-line forum.

Offer advice on locating and using resources.


Pose questions and help interpret sophisticated/

difficult information.

Celebrate achievements and successes with the action

group to provide expert subject knowledge where

Facilitate interviews, telephone calls, any electronic


Celebrate with students by attending the RCHK

Exhibition Thursday 4th June.


Some things for us all to remember

All learners (students and adults) need time and space

to wonder about things and consider their plans.

As with any inquiry there will be times when it seems

that students are not being very productive.

Considerable emphasis is placed on the Exhibition

Sometimes there will be a lot of discussion and thought
yet this will not result in anything that can be seen.

PYP Exhibition


Journal and Blog. Students will show their

understanding of concepts, the process and the
application of skills (e.g. problem solving) in their
Journal and through their Blog

Exhibition Day Schedule:

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

Timings related to
Year 6 Exhibition





Students finalise set-up for the day

PAC, Red Door, Primary Gym, Black

Box Theatre, Music Room


Introduction to the day (Ground


Ground Floor

Exhibition Day



PAC, Red Door, Primary Gym, Black

Box Theatre, Music Room


Lunch Break

Wednesday, June 17th Celebration Day (a.m.)

1:00 - 2:30


2:30 - 3:10


3:15 - 5:00


Thursday, June 4th


PYP Exhibition



PAC, Red Door, Primary Gym, Black

Box Theatre, Music Room

PAC, Red Door, Primary Gym, Black

Box Theatre, Music Room

End of Primary
Celebration Day
Year 6 Band
Year 6 Song
Certificate Presentation
Exhibition Showcase


Please direct your burning questions to either:

your son/daughter
a member of the Y6 teaching team
Mr. Jason Doucette (our VP / PYP Coordinator)


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