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Definisi menurut KBBI

Definisi menurut Maple
n. 1. (Euclidean geometry) a straight line whose perpendicular distance from a curve decreases to zero as
the distance from the origin increases without limit. Often it is required that the line actually be tangent
to the curve at infinity.
Definisi menurut Wolfram
An asymptote is a line or curve that approaches a given curve arbitrarily closely.
1. Definition of Vertical Asymptote
Vertical Asymptote
If f(x) approaches infinity (or negative infinity) as x approaches c from the right or the left, then the line
x=c is a vertical asymptote of the graph of f.
(Calculus, Ron Larson)
Vertical Asymptote
(Calculus, William L. Briggs)
Example 1:



Example 2:



2. Definition of Horizontal Asymptote

Horizontal Asymptote
The line y=L is a horizontal asymptote of the graph of f when
(Calculus, Ron Larson)
Horizontal Asymptote
If f becomes arbitrary close to a finite number L for all sufficiently large and positive x, then we write
We say the limit of f(x) as x approaches infinity is L. In this case the line y=L is a horizontal astmptote of
f. The limit at negative infinity,
is defined analogously and in this case the horizontal asymptote is y = M.

Example 3:



Example 4:


Example 5:


Example 6:



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