Setting Up An Efficient Fresh Produce Sales Outlet With Emphasis On Customer Service

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Setting up an Efficient Fresh Produce Sales Outlet with Emphasis

on Customer Service

Background Questions on Present Operations

1. Who are the routine clients?
2. Where are the clients coming from?
3. How many clients are there from each area?
4. Are they early sale or late sale customers?
5. If they are early sale customers what is the latest time they
need to be at their sale point daily?
6. Can these clients be serviced by our other depot in order to
reduce the burden on RR depot and be more efficiently dealt
7. How much produce will each customer purchase on average?
8. What is the expected turnaround time for each customers
order to be filled and the customer dispatched?
9. Can the customer handle the food?
How do we ensure acceptance by customer in light of a
no to query #7?
How can the officers ensure quality and reduce

What is the greatest bottle neck at the sales depot?

Why is this the bottleneck?

What steps have been put in place to alleviate this

What is the average time taken to serve a customer?

How many sales personnel are assigned to each
Outline how the present system works from sale
request through to delivery & dispatch?

How do the customers rate the present system?

How do the depot personnel rate the present system?

What resources are needed but not available to speed
up the process?

Customer Service Agreements for Customer Expectations

and Responsibilities
JPTF Customer Service New Rules for the Retirement Road Depot
a. Fresh Vendors shall comply with all rules and regulations of the
JPTF Sale Outlet relating to the products they purchase.
b. Both the fresh vendors and the customer service team are
expected to participate in a spirit of cooperation.
c. The depots sales and ripening officer are expected to be at the
sales location no less than 15 minutes before the customers

d. Customers and customer service personnel must be properly

e. Customers and Sales Personnel must conduct themselves in an
appropriate and polite manner when dealing with the each other.
e. Customer service team members must deal with customers in
a prompt, efficient and polite manner.
f. After their business is conducted customers must leave the
g. Written warnings will be given to customers who breach the
agreed expectations of this customer service agreement.
h. A fresh vendor who receives three warnings within a month, of
any nature may have their right to purchase from the depot
i. Fresh vendors may appeal any warning within 5 days of
receiving the warning.
j. Customer service personnel who receive three negative reports
within a month of whatever nature from a customer will be
reprimanded according to the companys disciplinary procedures.

GRADE A - Regular Priced

Discounted Price


1. Grade A bananas will be produced and sold in a separate
location at the depot.

Customers will be directed to take a number in order to be
served in an organized manner (see picture).
3. A customer service tent will be provided for customers being
4. Customers will remain seated under the customer service
tent until their numbers are called.
5. Grade A bananas at the correct colour grade and quality will
be sold at the platform in a select area.
6. Customers will be served individually on a number basis.
7. There will be no rejection of Grade A fruit by the customer.
8. Grade A fruit carries full price as this is premium fruit.
9. Grade A fruit are ripened to order.
Grade A fruit will not be returned

Fruits scoring less than Grade A quality will be
assigned to the Grade B delivery area.
1. Grade B Bananas are bananas not meeting specifications
due to a variety of reasons from farm and ripening.
2. Grade B bananas are of a lower quality than Grade A fruit
and are not deliberately produced.
3. Grade B fruit are sold in a separate location of the depot
4. Customer will be informed of the existence and quantity of
this fruit as well as the maximum allocation to each
5. Grade B fruit will be agreed on by the ripening officer, quality
and sales.
6. Grade B fruit purchasers will be served individually on a
number basis.
7. Grade B fruit will be sold at a discounted price
8. Once customers have agreed to purchase grade B fruit, there
will be no returns
Fruits not sold on any given day will be returned to storage for
rolling at holding temperatures of 14 o C.
These fruits should not remain outside of cold storage longer than
15 minutes.
Each customer order will be delivered on a number by number
Fruits will only leave the cold storage when they are being
No fruits will be placed in the direct sunlight.

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