Nascar Trip

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Summary of travel expenses for trip to Charlotte, NC

for NASCAR's Induction of Wendell Scott

January 30-31, 2015
Registration (for 11 people)
Mileage reimbursement (for 1 personal vehicle)
Lodging (for 8 people)
Parking at hotel (for city van, two personal vehicles)
Meals (for 7 boxed lunches, 7 breakfasts)


Total Cost of Trip


Delegation included: Mayor, Vice-Mayor, three Council Members, City Manager, Economic
Development Director, City Attorney, Assistant City Attorney, Public Information Officer,
and Multimedia Design Manager
Six traveled by City-owned van. City Attorney, Assistant City Attorney and one Council
member drove personal vehicles. Public Information Officer and Multimedia Design
Manager drove City vehicle and returned to Danville on Friday night)

A display ad for the NASCAR program was $4,950, payable to Anthem Motorsports

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