Connection Structure

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Terms Connections:

1. Ottoman Empire, a Muslim empire, stopped Western Europe from with trading
with Asia. The conquistador, from Spain, fought to get the Muslims out of
2. Columbus was able to explore the West with the help from the conquistadors,
who fought in the crusade against the Muslims.
3. With Columbus finding the New World with gold other countries came to claim
the land in hope to get gold.
4. The Spain Empire rose in power when they found gold in the New World.
5. Spain settled in Central America and all the way up to the Texas area.
6. Britain heard they had gold in the New World, so some of their people went to
the New World and ended up settling in the Virginia and the South.
7. In Ireland they lived like the South. They had landowners and they had to
work to keep their rented land. This was a setup of how the plantation would
be run in the South.
8. The slaves were introduced in the New World in 1619. The South is who used
the slaves the most.
9. The slaves worked on the tobacco fields.
10.The slaves worked on the sugar fields.
11.The slaves worked on the cotton fields; this was the Southerns gold then.
12.The slaves started to take over the poor white farmers jobs, so those farmers
wanted to have the Indians land. The governor denied them the Indians land,
so Mr. Bacon attack and made himself governor and removed the Indians.
13.Fur trading was Frances gold in the New World.
14.With everyone claiming land, France joined in and claimed more the frontier
land, because it was where they are able to hunt for the fur for trade.
15.The British colonies didnt like that France had all that land, so they fought
them to kick France out.
16.During the French and Indian War, big Indian leaders, Neolin and Pontiac,
didnt like the Western influence. They had many battles with the British
settlers along the frontier line. They were somewhat successful.
17. A few years later, Tenskwatawa and Tecumesh tried to do what Neolin and
Pontiac didnt but failed and caused for the Indians to never have a major
revolt again.
18.The British colonies tried to attack and take Nova Scotia, Canada but failed.
1. The King of England taxed the colonies to help pay of French and Indian War.
The colonies fought against the taxing.
2. The largely influence colony leaders, George Washington, John Hancock, etc,
made a declaration against King George III for violating their rights as
freeborn Englishmen.

3. These same leaders made rough version of Parliament and discuss ways to
get Britain out of United States
4. The New England colonies (MA, DE, CT) were the enforcers to boycott against
Britains products due to the taxes.
5. The middle colonies (NY, PA, NJ) had a more diverse area with different
ethnicities, where New England are more British.
6. Indian chief, Phillip, killed many colonized alongside the frontier, during the
Revolutionary War.
7. Reformation was happening in England, where it was Catholics versus the
Protestants. The people started to think of wanting something more than the
Church of England, which is Catholic.
8. England had a war between Parliament and the King, Parliament wanted to
be in control.
9. Parliament won and got a Protestant King they can control
10.The reformations cause the people to expand their thinking, which turned in
the Enlightment era. This ear was more people thinking more scientifically.
11.The Enlightenment era also had those that wanted religious freedom called it
the First Great Awakening.
12.The stamp act caused an uproar in Boston and started to taunted with the
British solider, who invaded them. The taunting was so bad that they causes
a shot out which turned into massacring many Bostonians.
13.The colonies called it war when their fellow men were killed in Boston. They
had enough of Britain controlling their life when Britain wont even give them
representation in Parliament.
14.With the inspiration of the American Revolutionary War the people of France
started their own revolution against their King.
15.After winning the Revolutionary War, the new independent colonies, wrote up
a federal document that will represent their new federal government.
16.Thomas Jefferson believed that the Constitution should be followed word by
word or in a strict manner.
17.The Anti-federalist, Jeffersons political party, was against the Constitution.
18.The Anti-federalist renamed their party to the Democratic-Republicans.
19.Jefferson and Madison of the Democratic-Republican Party made a resolution
and called then from the states they are from. The resolution was the idea of
nullification of the government. The people rejected the idea.
20.The Democratic-Republican party supported the French in their revolution.
1. Alexandra Hamilton believed that the Constitution can be used in a broad
way of interpreting.
2. federalist was the political party Hamilton created.
3. The federalist was later called the Federalist Party.
4. John Marshall, Supreme Court judge, was the one who got the judicial part of
the government to be a balance in the other government areas to do or pass
laws that followed with the Constitution.

5. Even though it was technically against the Constitution, Jefferson bought the
Louisiana from Napoleon.
6. Napoleon tried to take over Haiti but lost, which helped the United States
purchase the Louisiana territory.
7. Spain lost the South American land due to Napoleon taking over Spain.
President Monroe made a doctrine that the United States will protect all the
countries in the Western Hemisphere.
8. The United States wanted to take over Canada, British territory. Britain didnt
start defending Canada until after war with Napoleon was over.
9. Andrew Jackson took Florida. The US government wrote letter to Spain and
apologized for the takeover but asked if they can buy the Mexico/Texas land.
10.Texas wanted to be its own country because they are tired of being under
Mexicos control. They later wanted to be annexed by U.S., yet still Mexico
owns Texas.
11.The United States wanted the federal government system to spread to
12.The Unites States buying new land starts to become new states and the
dispute wither these states be free of slave states. The compromise any new
land above 36 30 north will be free states, below that line are slave states.
13.There began to be border dispute over Rio Grande boarder. The war didnt
last long because the US won all the battles and they ended up taking the
rest of their land(NM, NV, CA, AZ, CO, UT); which was the rest of the now
United Statess land.
14.With the new land won from Mexican-American War these immigrants moved
out West. They worked on the hard labor jobs, like railroads, roads, etc.
15.With the new land people moved to the California for more coast ports to
16.The new land obtained by the Mexican-American War, California was the first
to become a state and they become a free state. These causes more
disputes for new states to either become free or slave states.
17.After War of 1812 the U.S. had national pride, the system was formed to build
new banks, start creating tariffs, and started to control the federal finances.
18. Creator of the American System to help protection the nation.
19.This political party was created due to Jackson acting more like a King than a
president. They followed the Hamiltonian ideas.
20.This was the opposing political party of the Whigs, which Jackson was part of.
They followed the Jeffersonian ideas.
21.Andrew Jackson ordered thousands of Indian removed, so he can use the land
for the American people.
22.The Whig party later changed their name to Republicans.
23.The Whig party was very Hamiltonian, so they put tariff on foreign trade.
South disapproved because its cheaper to use foreign trade than Northern
States trade.
24.The South ignored the tariff and talked of secession.
25.The South nullified the tariff and the talk of secession was going around.

26.The Kansas Nebraska Act and the Compromise of 1850 had the people decide
if they want to be free of slave state.
27.The abolitionists were big in the North, so they went to Kansas in hope to
sway the vote in their favor.
28.The South still didnt have the Norths support, especially on the slavery
issue, so South Carolina left the Union.
29.The North were upset the South left Union, because now they cant fix the
slavery sproblem.
30.The abolitionist wanted the Civil War to be fought to end slavery.
31.After the bloody Civil War ended. President Lincoln was killed by a Southern
supporter, for Lincoln has ended slavery by passed the 13 th Amendment to
end slavery, Southerns main economy.
1. The U.S. started to rebuild and made the South follow Norths rules. Also
more Hamiltonian formed system.
2. The new products are introduced to the world: steel, oil, and electricity.
3. The market entrepreneurs created new products.
4. The political entrepreneurs used the power of the state to laws passed for
them, so they can continue their selling their product.
5. The political entrepreneurs had too much power and caused problem, plus
the people complained about working at their factories.
6. Moral crusade to have social issues resolved like child labor laws, drinking
problems, and better housing.
7. Having new products introduced to the world. The United States also wanted
to introduce democracy to everyone, even if they hate it.
8. The U.S. had to spread outward to get democracy out to everyone.
9. Teddy Roosevelt had control over the canal and controlled everyones trade
through the canal.
10.With U.S. trying to spread democracy, they tried to force the Philippines to be
like us but end up becoming a war.
11.The league was against the Philippines refugee from coming to the U.S. and
then claiming citizenship.
12.Cuba wants independence from Spain and we help in hope we could spread
democracy to Cuba.
13.German wants to gain power and with the new product of steel making
different kind of weapons, they can do a total war and get what they want.
War mostly against Britain and Germany.
14.The war consists mostly of young men ages 18-30, which once 18 they are
put into a draft and serve their time in the military.
15.The tax was used at its highest during the war to help pay for the war and
produce more products used in war.
1. This treaty was mainly to punish Germany for the war.

2. The companies still produce products like it was during war time. The
government gave out money to banks to give out loans to the people.
3. Banks had lots of money from government, so the people invested in the
extra money.
4. With the investment the people spent and built many things.
5. The Federal Reserved System cut the easy money and loaners demanded
their money back, which no one had. The number of unemployment people
started to rise dramatically. They also couldnt trade with other countries
because cant afford to pay workers and supplies. The world was also
affected by depression, for the U.S. was the main trader with them.
6. The idea of nationalism and a power system to control and prevent from
having a crash like the U.S. Government. They were able to control the
7. Another type of rule where started in Italy. Germany tried to be like Italy but
8. FDR made many policies to try to help get rid of the depression.
9. FDR tried to be like the other countries by having his New Deal be like a
fascist way.
10.The New Deal put a tariff on foreign trade that supported the Axis powers.
Japan stopped trading with U.S. altogether.
11.Nazi Germany came into power and overpowered those affected by U.S.
12.FDR gave weapons to China, Britain and Russia to fight Germany.
13.FDR and Churchill made post war goals through this treaty.
14.FDR and Churchill wanted to destroy the Germany totalitarian system.
15.Japan finally attack the U.S. due to the tariff they put on them and also that
the U.S. aided China to fight them.
16.The United States finally enters World War II.
17.To end Pacific War they used the atomic bomb the created and bombed these
two Japanese cities.
1. USSR started to spread the communist party to everyone, so the U.S. had to
make sure it didnt spread anywhere than where it is already.
2. The U.S. made an oversea alliance with many Western European countries
against Soviet Union.
3. The U.S. built this bomb first to beat the USSR, but they follow quickly behind
and made their own.
4. With the new technology in making weapons, Ronald Reagan wanted to make
weapons like from Star Wars, like having missiles launched through satellite
5. The USSR didnt appreciate United States intervening into everything, so they
close off the West side of Berlin and the rest of Eastern European countries.
Russia took over the old land they lost in past.
6. The political unrest with Germanys new government after the Iron Curtain
was formed, finally was lifted to where the Western Berlin people could visit

the Eastern Berlin people. The people started to destroy the wall and the
government helped pulled the wall down.
7. The new leader of the Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev met with George W. Bush to
sign an agreement that ended the Cold War between the two countries.
8. The Soviet Union opens up Russia publically. The public starts to criticize the
communist party for neglecting to take care of their country.
9. The National Security Council allowed the CIA to perform covert operation
against the USSR.
10.Hearing the United States had a spy group the USSR also made their own spy
11.The CIA trained a few Cubans to invade and take over Cuba but failed, for
they were siding more with the Soviet Union. After the failed invasion Cuba
started to work closer with the Soviet Union.
12.Soviet North Korea invades US supported South Korea. US join in fight to kick
out and gain the North but lost and lines still same as started.
13.The British invaded the Suez Canal after they nationalize the canal. United
States didnt like that Britain invaded without their knowledge, so United
States kicked Britain out.
14.The United States being involved with anyone who wanted to be communist,
which started the Vietnam War. The United States tried to stop the northern
communist Vietnam to spread to the southern Vietnam.
15.Many of the programs, that LBJ made help the American economy, had to
stop because the money had to going towards the ongoing Vietnam War.
16.This group was against the Vietnam War.
17.This group supported the blacks freedom and helped with the protests
against the racial attacks.
18.Nixon wasnt really didnt really focus on the war during his political
campaign for re-election as President. He was more focused on having CIA
members spy on his political rival; who got caught and had to resign as
19.Nixon was more for keeping the peace instead of focusing on the Vietnam
20.Communist China invited the United States table tennis team to play against
them. Nixon later went over to China to show he can be there in peace.
21.With Nixon wanting peace, he placed Pro- Americans in political powers in
Iran, which caused uproar with the Iranian people.
22.With the uproar they cut off their oil supplies to the Unites States.
23.The Soviets hope to prove to the United States that because they lost control
of the Afghanistan oil supply that they can now control. They ended up
having a war like the United Statess Vietnam War.

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