Term Connections

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Term Connections:

1. Fall of Constantinople- Conquest of Granada
2. Conquest of Granada- Columbus
3. Columbus-Gold
4. Gold- Spains American empire
5. Spains American Empire- Spanish colonized Texas
6. Gold-Virginia/The South colonized
7. Virginia/The South colonized- Irish colonies
8. Virginia/ The South colonized- African Chattel Slavery
9. African Chattel Slavery- Tobacco
10.African Chattel Slavery- Sugarcane
11.African Chattel Slavery- Cotton
12.African Chattel Slavery- Bacons Rebellion
13.Gold- Fur
14.Fur- French American Empire
15.French American Empire- French and Indian War
16.French and Indian War- Neolin and Pontiac
17.Neolin and Pontiac-Tenskwatawa and Tecumsen
18.French and Indian War- King George War
1. French and Indian War- Stamp Act
2. Stamp Act-Declaration of Independence
3. Deceleration of Independence- Contential Congress
4. Stamp Act- New England colonies
5. New England colonies- Middle colonies
6. New England colonies- King Phillips war
7. New England colonies- Reformation
8. Reformation- English Civil War
9. English Civil War- Glorious Revolution
10.Reformation- Enlightenment
11.Enlightenment- Frist Great Awakening
12.Stamp Act- Boston Massacre
13.Boston massacre- Revolutionary War
14.Enlightenment- French Revolution
15.Revolutionary War- U.S. Constitution
16.U.S. Constitution- Strict interpretation
17.Strict interpretation- anti-federalist
18.anti-federalist- Democratic-Republicans
19.Democratic-Republicans- Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
20.French Revolution- Democratic-Republicans
1. U.S. Constitution- Broad interpretation
2. Broad interpretation- Federalist
3. Federalist- Federalist Party

4. Broad interpretation- John Marshall

5. Broad interpretation- Louisiana Purchase
6. Louisiana Purchase- Napoleonic Wars
7. Napoleonic Wars- Monroe Doctrine
8. Napoleonic Wars- War of 1812
9. War of 1812- Adam-Onis Treaty
10.Adam-Onis Treaty- Texas independence
11.Texas independence- Manifest Destiny
12.Adam-Onis treaty- Missouri Compromise
13.Missouri compromise- Mexican-American War
14.Mexican-American War- Irish, German immigration
15.Mexican-American War- California Gold Rush
16.California Gold Rush- Compromise of 1850
17.War of 1812- The American System
18.The American System- Henry Clay
19.Henry Clay- Whig Party
20.Whig Party- Democratic party
21.Democratic Party- Indian removal
22.Whig Party- republican party
23.Whig party- The Tarif
24.The Tarif- Nullification
26.Compromise of 1850- Kansas-Nebraska Act
27.Kansas-Nebraska Act- Abolitionism
28.Abolitionism- Secession
29.Secession- Civil War
30.Abolitionism- Civil War
31.Civil War- Assassination of Lincoln
1. Civil War- Reconstruction
2. Reconstruction- Second Industrial Revolution
3. Second Industrial Revolution- Market Entrepreneurs
4. Second Industrial Revolution- Political Entrepreneurs
5. Political Entrepreneurs- Corruption
6. Second Industrial Revolution- Progressive
7. Second Industrial Revolution- Whites Man Burden
8. Whites Man Burden- The Large Policy
9. The Large Policy- Panama Canal
10.The Large Policy- Philippines-American War
11.Philippines-American War- American Anti-Imperialist
12.The Large Policy- Spanish-American War
13.Second Industrial Revolution- World War One
14.World War One- Conscription
15.World War One- Personal Income Tax
1. World War One- Treaty of Versailles

2. World War One- Federal Reserved System

3. Federal Reserved System- Easy Credit Policy
4. Easy Credit Policy- Roaring 20s
5. Easy Credit Policy- Great Depression
6. Treaty of Versailles- Totalitarianism
7. Totalitarianism- Fascism
8. Great Depression- New Deal
9. New Deal- Fascism
10.New Deal- Tarif War
11.Totalitarianism- World War Two
12.Lend-Lease-World War Two
13.Lend-Lease- Atlantic Charter
14.Atlantic Charter- Totalitarianism
15.Tarif War- Attack on Pearl Harbor
16.Attack on Pearl Harbor- World War Two
17.Attack on Pearl Harbor- Hiroshima and Nagasaki
1. World War Two- Containment
2. Containment- NATO
3. Containment- Hydrogen Bomb
4. Hydrogen Bomb- Star Wars
5. Containment- Iron Curtain
6. Iron Curtain- Fall of Berlin Wall
7. Fall of Berlin Wall- Malt Summit
8. Malt Summit- Glasnot
9. Containment- NSC 10/2
10.NSC 10/2- KGB
11.NSC 10/2- Bay of Pigs Invasion
12.NSC 10/2- Korean War
13.Korean War- Suez Crisis
14.Korean War- Vietnam War
15.Vietnam War- Great Society
16.Vietnam War- New Left
17.New Left- Attack Dogs in Birmingham, AL
18.Vietnam War- Watergate
19.Vietnam War- Dtente
20.Dtente- Ping Pong Diplomacy
21.Dtente- Iranian Revolution
22.Iranian Revolution- Arab Oil Embargo
23.Arab Oil Embargo- Soviets in Afghanistan

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