Consumer Behavior - Coca Cola

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Group 6 :

Cyril Delon (b00562152) Eloi Renaudin (b00399363) Hugo Blanchard

Ritika Chheda (b00561635) Sabrina Wee (b00542989) Victor PATENOTRE

1/ Reason of success of the Coca-Cola Liquid and

Linked campaign

The Liquid and Linked concept has for goals:

To create ideas so contagious that they cannot be controlled
To be relevant to Coca Colas business objectives, brand agendas and
consumers interests
The personal factors that made the Share a Coke campaign engaging:
Surprising effect
Personalization: a name in replacement of the Brand
Possibility to offer /share
Competition spirit : everyone wants his own bottle

2/ The campaign factors that explain the campaign


Different from the usual good but predictable campaigns of Coca

Surprising : Novelty and unexpectedness
Went from the typical mass market message to the individual oneon-one level
Self relevance
The launching communication was handed down to Coca Colas
People were able to create and share new visuals with their friends

3/ Other factors which contributed to this success

and differences per country

External factors
Creation of family names / nicknames to make up for the missing
Earned media : huge press coverage
Internal factors
Absence of brand name
Demographic trouble in the USA

4/ In the country of your choice,

illustrate the Share a Coke campaign with actual
Country of Choice: Singapore
Launch period: Chinese New Year
Aim: To make coke the drink of the festival
1) Allow people to pre-order personalized coke cans/bottles and
deliver it to their houses for the festive period
2) Have a tour around the country allowing people to personalize
cans/bottles on the spot
3) Target advertisements to emphasize on coke as the drink of the

5/ What is your opinion of this campaign? What can be

its future?

Consistent: Helps reinforce Cokes theme of happiness

Engaging: Captures consumers attention by evoking emotions
(delight, surprise), appeals to peoples narcissistic side, gets people

Future of campaign
Possibility to re-launch campaign but novelty would eventually wear
- Select proper time interval between campaign launch and
- Cap number of relaunches
Possibility to extend campaign into sub-campaigns
- Play on generic names for sub-campaigns

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