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Environme The classroom:

Welcomes all members and


My Mentor Teacher (MT) is very personable. The

MT calls students from every single one of his
block periods by his or her name and always
Is organized and understandable asks them about something particular in their
to all students
life. The teacher welcomes comments and
suggestions from all students. I particularly felt
welcomed by the introduction of me as Mr. Meza
Supplies, equipment, and
to the class and making me feel part of the
resources, are accessible
classroom community.
The classroom is always organized in groups of
Displays student work
4, so this enables students to work
collaboratively. Chromebooks, markers, poster
Is arranged to promote individual paper, the use of Smart Board, and any
resources pertaining to the lesson, assignment
and group learning
or project are accessible and ready to use.
My MT is a proud teacher. A large portion of the
classroom is dedicated to the teachers
students work and is on display at all times.
More recently we had a song-lyric poster
assignment where students displayed analytics
what theyre perceived the lyrics to mean to
them illustrated with pictures to represent their
I had the privilege of being a part of introducing
a newcomer to a group-setting environment that

encouraged learning both individually and being

a key team player.

Teacher-student interactions are

generally friendly, but may
reflect occasional
inconsistencies, favoritism, or
disregard for students cultures
Students exhibit respect for the
teacher and are generally polite
to each other
Teacher is sometimes receptive
to the interests and opinions of

The MT is friendly and fair. The teacher was

always great about inclusiveness. The teacher
had a share-the-mic technique and approach
that helped involve even the shyest of the
students. The teacher was attentive to the
students needs without crossing the friendship
teacher-to-student boundary.
The students respect each other and adhere to
the rules and regulations set forth by the
teacher thus following a protocol of appropriate
consequences when the rules are broken. Before
a student is disciplined they are asked to
acknowledge if they are aware of the reason
why they are being disciplined. This enabled
immediate self-reflection.
The teacher welcomes creativity and opinions
from all students. For example, in some cases if
the student was not comfortable asking the
question there was a suggestion basket that
could be left anonymously.

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