Health y Fit Magazine November 2014

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PERFECT »PUSHUPS J For athletes and coaches: G Ado them right (or not at all!) 7, Ce Teer j POLISHING a Why it’s not the best thing for your mouth (OWE! DANE Between cardiac arrest and heart attacks CONCUSSIONS, & KIDS, Parents are paying attention! Let Us Host Your Event In GREATER LANSING! From premier sports venues to great lodging, dining and shopping, Greater Lansing is the winning choice for your next sports event. Combine that with the support and partnership of the Greater Lansing Sports Authority and you've got a gold medal event - everytime! Cd NOW PLAYING! Check out these events currently hosted in Greater Lansing! ev, GREATER LANSING 517-377-1411 LANSING CONTACT US TODAY! SPORTS UTHORITY FOR YOUR BUSINESS? YOUR KIDS’ SPORTS TEAMS? YOUR BASEBALL/SOFTBALL FIELD? * ‘ PRE-SEASON My Place of Hair Design SPECIAL a tecty fect (517) 627-5263 HEAVY-DUTY "Proud supporters of Lady Comet softball!” VINYL BANNER WITH GROMMETS 100 Custom sizes also available. Call for a quote. 60 feet long! (517) 599-5169 Up to 10 business day turnaround for most projects. Call today and get ready for the spring season! Healthy & Fit Want more healthy ideas and inspiration? Like us on Facebook! ; 26 The perfect pushup Doitright (or do something else!) PUBLISHER'S PERSPECTIVE 6 FIT FEATURES 8 COVER PHOTO BY ERICA SPENCER Fit Bits! When responsibility changes We havea new quick-read page How to nurture the network to prepare for just for you! empty nest years To polish or not to polish High school athletes Aninteresting question addressed by ‘Can young athletes benefit from Dr. Susan Maples. chiropractic care? Healing oils Caring for pietced ears ‘tsapractice that may help you deal Here are some tis from dermatologist. with the change ofthe seasons. Holiday eating Rethink your cardio Know when toleave the stuffing forthe For better weightloss results, try using turkey. these tactics. {Long term finances Food of the month: Fennel How to shift your focus trom the This aromatic, crunchy vegetable isa ‘moment into the future. great addition toyour diet, Keep your skin looking great Shorter, darker days ahead! Dr. Marcy Stret shares her cold [Neurofeedback may weatherproof your weather skin tips. brain, What’ the difference? Concussion education working Take acloserlook at cardiac arest anda Survey shows parents are finding heartattack presentations helpful. 4 Healthy & Fit = NOVEMBER 2014 ALIVE. Breast Care oor Cammy Well-Being. Pie TOGETHER IN HEALTH Our comprehensive approach to breast health includes a full range of services: Breast ultrasound | Screening and diagnostic mammograms Breast cancer risk assessment Stereotactic breast biopsy Breast MRI Breast reduction and/or reconsteuction surgery Lumpectomy and mastectomy | Ultrasound vacuum-assisted breast biopsy Sentinel lymph node mapping/biopsy Breast conserving surgery and needle localization biopsy Comfortable, private, pampering environment Nurse Navigator, providing one-on-one personalized care PUBLISHER PERSPECTIVE BY TIM KISSMAN Lederhosen at Wiesn is motivation aplenty never considered how much I wanted Jedeshosen unt was standing in my underwear inthe middle of stare aisle in downtown ‘Munich, Germany whe the female shop clerk: Mia, went ftom rack to rack to ind the perfect pair forme. Even with the trendy Bavarian ‘musi, hich somehow featured Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver blaring om overhead speakers, elt pretty exposed and 1 dnt want to wimp out and put my jeans back ont wanted some lederho- seal Twas in town for Oktoberfest The rel Oktoberfest. The locas alt ‘Wiesn a huge 16 da festival running from late September tothe ist ‘weekend of October thats been held since 1810. More than 6 milion people from all over the word attend this event in Munich, which features a huge fairground with ies, ood and of course large beer tents. And ofthe 6 rion people, most are in traditional Bavarian wear. For ladies isa Dial, ‘traditional dress. For the men, i lederhosen ila found the perfect pair and helped me wiggle into them, hooking the suspencer portion of the famous Bavarian costume into the proper butions, ‘which is no small feat. Tete ate lot of buttons on ledeshosen. ‘As Twas fastened into my pants {looked over at my younger brother, ‘Mike still ls under wet. and ba to smile. Mike has done this before: ‘was his second Wiesn, He was getting anew pair of etter iting lederho sen. This was my ist event an first lederhosen. Once tne Kissman brother had thelr gear on, you can bet they headed down to the event ‘And lot me tll you, is big BIG. We ventured onto the rgrounds, ‘whic reminded me of local county fe except BIG. And went down the BIG micray and found our ENORMOUS beer hall and headed in. While | «oul fill ths entire magazine with the exploits ofthe day, and rave about the BIG steins of German bees, and schicken servings of meat that were elicious, well save that fora diferent day ‘Mike and T mace many ne riends, and a good share had @ common focus fitness. I met James from Wales wh loved to run triathlons. et ‘Niklas, from Austria who sai he liked to rim marathons and mountain bike wiven he could (Lean only mnagne the elevation ofthe tells he ides). Alex, rom Germany, sid he liked to un a wel ‘And that’s how it ent forthe four days spent in Germany. I survived ‘Okloberest and have some great stories to tell. The food in Germany was delicious From my time there, Tean see how is easy to eat heathy The locals were very fend and despite the smoking (there was alot of| smoking), people seemed to be ft It was fan ‘Ofcourse, it the motivation to look good ina pair oflederhosen slays present, can understand why. Enjoy theissue! 6 Healthy & Fit = Healthy&Fit ATITLE OF eo isco PUBLISHING, LC OBO 26 MASON, Ml 4854 PUBLISHER AND EDITOR Tim Kissman ‘ADVERTISING. Kathy kissman CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Gina Kellen, RD Gina sa registred dlttan and culinary ceadinatr fr Culinary Services at Michigan Sta Justin Grinnell B.S., CSCS. “usin is the come of Slate of Fines in East Lansing, Hef also @ cfd rution coach, Reach him a1 817.708.8828, Lisa Marie Metzler Usa Mare Matzloris a cotied personal trainer and freelance writer, ‘Susan Maples, DDS, MSBA Susana dantstin Ht, Sc aoa specter, business consult ‘and author. Reach era, SUBSCRIBE ONLINE www For advertising information GREATER LANSING/JACKSON 517.599.5169 Hea & Fe @ Fee vadrariog, rely uthszan etl aap Mein. rasa ager by sets and ct al experts fu trees eatin erty bes bodes, frescoes hah paces fos spt and coher lions, Tis age poten Oy Kes Putting LL Mann, Metign, Retin ie or at chi ext he mn pron af ‘re pte. Te phos eres by he autos 28 ais Helly & ae ut ees see puter Hedy a ona sang 2993 va sponse sites asf he gpk ‘or pategain i ayfirg write, oe ake i putkoton PLEASE CINLLT A PRRSGN BORE ATENPTING A FRNSIA, ACTA OF MTATONA SOME, NOVEMBER 2014 Are Headaches Controlling Your Life? If you're female, over 25, and suffer from migraines these are facts you must know. Living with headaches is tough. Day after day of being miserable irtable ‘and looking alot older than you really are. The frustration of knowing that your friends and family don't understand what youre going, through, Add this to dactors'visits, MRI's and CT scans ~ which anly come back with “normal” results. ‘And that's notal.trying ane medication after another, feeling like youre on a merry-z0- Found of drugs. It'senough tomake anyone want to scream! Tay ernst pret atc im Dr. Jean-Guy Dagneauit Dr. Denise Rassel and | have been helping patients with neck tension, headaches and meraines live pain free for years nave Every week we hear how women suffer from severe headaches - statements le “feel tke my heads ina vice “My eyes hurtand | feel sa drowsy” “have to lay down” “Ivehadmieraines since childhood” “Muscle tension in the neck and pain into the shoulders? They tell me they're sick and tired of jumping from one headache medication to the next Here's what | hear 1am tired of being locked upon a: 2omeane who Ay out there to get medicine. ( only want RELIEF. don't know why that is 0 hard for pape ta understand. | don want to be treated badly anymore. want to get help, and want to getridof the headaches” Imagine being able to live life like @ normal person again pain free and without headaches “being able to play with your kids, enjoy time. with friends, and not have to worry that your headache wil hit you at just the wrone time, Wererunning a special 14-day offer for those suffering with headaches. Until November 20th, $49 will get you all the services we rnormally charge new patients $260! Why would we practically give away our services? Because patients tellus too often, "only wished | had found you sooner” This happens so often, we decided to do something about it and run this ad. Just call before November 20th and here's what youll eet + An in-depth consultation about your headaches where we will listen. really the details of your unique situation, +A complete neuromuscular and skeletal ‘examination of the head and neck so We an find the problem =A fall set of specialized xrays to determine ifposture or joint problems are contriouting to your pain. (NOTE: These sould normally cost yout least $200), + A thorough anahsis of your exam and serays where welll map aut hos getridef your headaches once and for all ‘+ Aspecial report that you can take with you revealing what is happening inside you to cause the headaches Could this drugiess treatment be the key to your headache solution? Numerous studies have shown the benefits of spinal adjustments with headache patients ‘The Boline Study This study compared two groups of headache patients, half went for chiropractic adjustments, and the other half took amitriptyline, a medication often prescribed for the treatment of severe tension headache pain, After sixweeks, researchers found that Chiropractic patients experienced almost no side effects. And only the chiropractic patients continued to report fewer headaches when treatment ended, ‘The Duke Study Medical experts concluded that spinal manipulations resulted in almost immediate improvement for headaches. Patients also had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of headaches than a commonly prescribed medication Recurring Headaches re Not Normal No question. ifyou are having. headaches then something is wrong, Pain is your body's way of teling you something is wrong, (Not that you have a lack of pain medication), Finding the prablem and fixing ites got to be top priority! Calltoday Phone: 517-336-8880 ‘cert fr Call anytime between the haurs of 2:00 ‘am and 600 pm Monday through Friday Tell the receptionist youd lke to come in for the Special Headache Evaluation before Novemloer 30th, Look, you have very litle to risk and a lot to gain. Call today and we can get started with ‘your consultation, exam and rays as soon as there's anopening inthe schedule Our offices called Rassel-Daigneauit Family Chiropractic ‘and you can find us next to FRANDOR behind Wend’s..587 N.Clippert. Lansing or for your convenience at our Okemos location at 4650 Dobie Re Sincerely, Dr. Denise Rassel, DC. Dr Jean-Guy Daignesuit,0.C PS. Why Suffer More Years Of Misery? How many years can your body handle taking conepillafter another? That's no way to live, nat when there could be _aneasy solution to your problem. Many of the pain medications available are quite addicting, land can have drastic side effects, Call today, We may be able to help you live 3 normal, painree Iie gain all 517-336-2880, “Medicare/Medicaid restrictions apph, Hop to Bed Trouble getting your z's? You may want to ‘ry 300-600 mg of hops. Supplement about 45 minutes before bedtime. Blends that contain hops and or valerian and passion flower may be good to ‘ry as wall. A word of caution: fyou've had breast ‘cancer, avoid hops as they increase estrogen levels. Walk to Work it Out You've heed (and hopfully experienced) that walking can cleer your head. Heres why: research shows that hon we exes, blood pressure and blood flow increase everywhere inthe body-Induding the bran Mote biood means more energy and onygen, which help us problem Solve. The hippocampus the part a thebain ria for learning and ‘memory also highly active dung txerdze When the neurons rev up here our cognitive function improves {sce up your shoo: and head out toreop the benef! Heres some says to make t more interesting avs You Find a hill that takes between 30 seconds and two minutes to limb, Set your timer and walk Lp the hill as fast as you can, Repeat and shave off your time. Capture the Flower \Walkuntl you've taken snapshots cof 10 beautiful landscapes, ‘buildings or individual plants and lowers. Past your finding on social media to inspire others. November is Peanut Butter Lover's Month (a Here are some fast facts: Ietakes 540 peanuts to make "az of peanutburter Americans eat 800 millon pounds ‘of peanut butter each year Itcontains heart-healthy ‘monounsaturated fat Youll get2 grams of fberand& ‘grams of protein per serving > uy regular peanut butter seach reduced- fat The calories are ‘sly the same creven higher ss roa het ingest repace he msing fat-incuding mote suger Leaders in Anti-Inflammatory Eating veggies cuts inflammation but Brussels sprouts, kale cabbage, couliflower and bok choy rate a the top ofthe lit according toa study published nthe Journal ofthe Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Women who consumed these veggies had up to 25 percent lower levels of markers ofnfammation than those who didnt eat them Have you AMRAP‘d lately? AMIRAP (Rs Many Reps As Possible is ‘a nke way to break through a plateau ‘or add variety to your workout. Simply many reps of circuit as you can in 10 minutes. Heres an example: 20 jumping jacks Zope squats io burpees 10 push ups 20bicycle crunches FREE Apps ‘ike + Training Club For the ladies only. This customized 4-week program includes strength ‘and taining routines featuring Nike Master Trainers, 15,30 and 45 minute ‘workouts with easy-to-follow coaching, nor No time to exercise? Really? This app zaps that excuse and helps you squeeze In exercise. You get a video with five moves todo in five minutes. Try one ‘of the 75 quickie routines after arun and stack them for full workout, Healthy Out ‘You don't have to leave your good intentions at home when you dine out. Stay on your plan with HealthyOut, an app that will help you find healthier ‘options at your favorite restaurants Itlso covers popular diets ike South Beach, Zone, Atkins and Paleo. There's even filter "Not a Salads0 you can eliminate this usual go-to when dining out NOVEMBER 2014 esas Boss’ BIRKENSTOCK Oxi LOVE Shop our great selection of mens and womens casual apparel & accessories playmakers —_°17.349.3803 Success! Elizabeth Stomski Running has changed Elizabeth Stomski’s life. Inspired by a weight loss challenge at work, and a lo- cal running program, Stomski, 34, of Lansing, found a passion for long distance running. The results have been amazing. Here is her story: What inspired you to become healthy? In 2008 (at 28), 1 weighed nearly 290 and was horribly unhealthy. I real- ized how unhappy Twas and signed up for the Biggest Loser Challenge at work in 2009, [began training for Small races and eating bet- ter Iwsed the Couch to SK Program at Playmakers and ran my first SK in October 2009 at Hawk Island My friend, who finished the race can do this marathon So on Tanuary 1, at miduight, right after I exchanged Happy New ‘Year wishes with everyone, logged onto the registra- tion page and signed up. 1 ‘partnered up with Amy Howe of Amy Jo's Howe About Per sonal Training, developed a plan of attack, which included ‘runing, cross training, and strength training, and off T wet before me, met me when L What otherraces have you hhad a quarter mile t0 20 and done? Almost one year later, coached me tothe end of Tve completed two additional the race. eried as I crossed half marathon races (Lansing the finish Kine Half Marathon, Sleepy Hol: {ow Trail Half Marathon), my How did you get into half fist triathlon (Hawk Island), marathons? From 2009- ‘and multiple other races 2013, I competed in SK and (Lake Lansing Team Mara- 10K evens, Then it hit me: ‘why not doa half-mara- ] signed up for my fist Disney thon? I'm originally from half marathon too, in Novem- “Metro Detroit and I thought ‘ber of this year I still train it would be so satisfying ‘with Howe one or two times to be able to run over the week, and she has become Ambassador Bridge and one of my best friends through the Detroit Windsor Tunnel Ttrained almost all AM] Elzabeth Stomski How do you feel now? tot can yearand completed my Gist half marathon in October Before: 300 bs 2013 There was noting Alter. 224s like it. The crowds. The Height: 5'3" medal being placed around my neck—it was cont sows change in a year. I'm happier than I ever have been and I'm healthy. Istill have a ways to go('m down to 235 Ibs and kept it off for 4 years), bbutI can see- and feel- the progress. The training for the marathon has been tough (I ‘What were some of your did a 16 mile un yesterday), hurdles? had some major ‘ur I can doit life chauges occur that sme tosign up for my fist marathon November-a long term relaion- ‘The Detroit Free Press) Taker Bank — What's your ultimate weight goal? ship ended, children (his, not mine) Marathon 2014. The motto of the T've gotten to point where the were involved. Tmoved out of my race really spoke (ome, “YouCan number on the seale isn't the end al home and my life was Ripped upside DoThis!” While everything else in be all for me. It would be amazing (0 down. Totop it off, Thad fractured iy life wasn't making seuse, that dip below 199, but I would rather be iy ankle a week prior to this up sloganstuck with me TknewT could astrone 200 than a wimpy, nscle- hheaval Iwas amess andstartedto make it through these challenges and less 199! turn to my unhealthy habits again, Mysupporive and amazing family [5 vou know someone who isa Suctess! story?sonimemai | ee ei i, | Do you know someone who is a Success! story? send ane mail have worked for in the past few years | ‘0 Timat Include your name, phone and got me on my feet again and got | timber and why you think your candidate isa Success! 10 Healthy & Fit = NOVEMBER 2014 IEE Fun, Inviting Atmosphere Results Based Semi-Private Training * Private Training * Group Training Teeth To polish or not to polish? That is an interesting question. by Dr: Susan Maples chaveall gown yp with the thuoride molecule as glue, clogging the tool the floride on the enamel surface theexperience ofhaving glass-like tubules and protecting the longer, actually increasing its penetration fourteeth polished atthe tooth from absorbing these harmfilaciés. and effectiveness for cavity protection leaningappolntment, We Fluoride must be continually reapplied to Incidentally, fluoride varnish leaves the leavewithnice smooth _reinforceits protective power. Here’ the teeth feeling ough fora half hoor, ke teeth forabout an hour, ruby polishingteeth with abrasive paste, flne-glt sandpaper. ‘Ils should be our uni the protein ayer of protection new fee] of health aftr your dental visi (called the biofilm or pelicle forms again not smooth, shiny teeth, It turns out polishing teeth isnot so good Is thisnew evldence? Not Dental/ for them. For years we have had stucies Laygiene schools have, for yeas, taught proving that polishing teeth with a rubber selective polishing for stain alone, But it’s cup and professional paste causes bard for us to change our practices, _miero-abrasion and should be performed ‘mostly because we are worried about selectively, for unsightly staln ony cisappolnting patients Instead of Why? Pieture your teeth under a polishing | recommend dental profession ‘microscope. Enamel is ike a massive als take that thme to work with each stack of glass tubules (Ike straws) that person (especially children) on individual suck up whatever moistureit touches. _ removes the biofilm and the fluoride: skill-building, fra lifetime of good home Maybe i's saliva, whlch is perfect, or protected layer ofenamel. Abrasion is care and health maybe its jule/Soda/dietsoda/sports or even more harmful for kids, where the Ieisup to all of us to know this energy drinks which are highlyaciic, enamel on balay teeth is far thinner. \nformation and request "No polish, |Add to that the acid from sugar-eating. ut waite getsworse. It tums out please” Inadlition, you are even bacteria inthe plaque and bang. the that polishing ofthe biaflm makes the slightly cavity prone, insist on a fluoride ‘enamel tubules begin to dissolve ‘Auoride varnish less effective. The data__vatnish protection at each and every Topical fluoride to the rescue! Picture shows the intact biofilm acts asaseaffold cleaning appointment! “4 | Susan Maples, DDS Personalized Dentistry for A Lifeline of Heath “J got the smile I've always wanted in only SIX months!” - Ronda Dr. Susan has advanced education in ‘© short term white braces « smile design, bonding and veneers + minimally invasive implant tooth replacement Call now for a complimentary smile consult! 517-694-0353 or visit 12 Healthy &Fit = NOVEMBER 2014 Mind A practice that might help deal with the change of the seasons. by Cynthia Logan be fll brings many stressors that we can prepare for Healing olls or essential olls ean be beneficial in many cases and have been used for centuries for religious reasons, marriage ceremonies, dating and courtship, cosmetics funerary services, medicine ‘and many other aspects of human ie. Many companies offer essential oils. and the ones that wil present aze generic. Essential oils ate the volatile Lugulds that ave distilled from many parts of plants Additionally the oils should not Interfere with medications, but please refer to your physician ifyou need advice inthis atea, Many companies tffer blends, which is a combination of oils that are known to aid in various conditions. Essential oils affect the brain by reaching braln tissue and eexebrosplnal ffuids and ean affect physical as well as ‘emotional conditions. Some oil ‘constituents pass the blood-brain barrier and aid in many conditions. “The amount of oxygen ia the lambie system ofthe brain helps ierease sveretions of antibodies, endorphins, and neurotransmitters, which help the body recover and ease pain and discomfort. ‘Essential oils can be tised aroma cally or through breathing, internally, ‘Hhrough the mouth, through the skin, or by vaginal or rectal insertion. Hands and feet ure good places to use the alls. “There ate reflex points on the body and this article cannot go into all ofthe dotalls, but internet seazches yield ‘many results on this topic. ‘Because of cold weather and germs being shared in close quarters at schools and worksites, a boost in the immime system ean be useful. Wild orange, clove bud, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus and rosemary are antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, andl disinfecting Clove, grapetrut, ylang ylang, geranium, cocoa bean extract, and vanilla extract are good for detoxifica- tuon to ald in getting toxins out of the body. ‘Lemon, lime, pine etronella melaleuca, and cilantro are good oils to help remove odors from the alt, disinfect, and remove harmful mieroor ganisms. ‘Laurel leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, ‘melalouca, lemon and ravensara can be used when a cold first shows itself. Tt ‘can be used as an aromatic or put on the chest to aid with congestion. ‘Again, try to shop for the blends, as the price of these individual oils tends to add up, Oi Logan Antony. PHD is a psyaholgist anda natonaly ‘artifedcaunselr Lear mare at aceterorsuccess cam, the Do what's best for your family. JOIN THE Y NOW « NOVEMBER 2014 * Healthy & Fit 13 Holiday eating Know when to leave the stuffing for the turkey. by Barb Geske ts the hotiday season, But those who struggle with weight know ‘tis the ‘Season of Stuffed ‘as sugary rich holiday foods beg for extra helpings Long before Halloween, bite-sized candles overflow store shelves and candy dishes. They ‘almost seem ta jump into our ‘hands as we pass by. ‘Then it's Thanksgiving. Stuffing and stuffed! Next comes Hank: Krab, Christmas, New Years Eve ‘and New Year's Day. One holiday flows into the next as quiekly as M&M's" change colors ‘And thanks to food industry promo- tions, this holiday season’ now extends to five months of the year! ‘Occaslonal overeating doesnt pack ‘on pounds. But frequent overindul gence can. It no surprise that weight jgaln isthe most common wellness struggle at this time of year Prevent overeating before it happens this holiday season, + Keep your blood sugar steady. ‘Eating reyidas, healthy meals and snacks throughout the day is the best thing you can do to prevent overeating. When your blood sugar is low, s0 is your wall power «+ Eat a small healthy snack and drink a glass of water before parties. his fills you up ‘and takes the edge off hunger. Try ‘asmall yogurt or a piece of frit “= Develop your game plan. If you know what's being served ‘and you really want cherry pie, that's fine, Have one piece. Simply ‘eat something healthy along with foods high in sugar: If¥ou Give Yourself a Cookle, Don't Forget the Milk. This helps balance out the sugar surge and insulin response. The rest ofthe ‘meal, focus on smaller portions, healthier foods, eating slowly. and smindfally. Barb Geshe, the Mint Motiato canbe reached at ‘mintamotvatergmal cam orby cling 517.930 4265. )Jingle Belle WOMEN’S 5K RUN/WALK A 5K Run/Walk for Women Saturday December 13, 2014 » 10 a.m. Delta Township District Library « 5130 Davenport Drive + Lansing « 517-321-4014 1k Healthy & Fit = NOVEMBER 2014 Finance Women & money: Long term finances Women are better investors. by Denise Wheaton ‘ou make many short-term balances and purposes. financial deson each “Many women feel Then ak an ventory ofcome ‘week In managing these 4 sources: yours, and those of your spouse dos-tovayissies voumay Adeptat making money 4, jami;ifapplcable Also consider vour vedumavayiom | decisions for today, some robbleinsone sources ter youre ‘making long-term financial . such as Social Security or a pension. ecisionsthatconld prove vitaltoyour —-@F@ Less confident about This may iliuminate potential new ‘inanelal well-belng making financial detions for you: As Nielsen consumer insights notes, + Theneed to save or invest more womnateustall tiefinacaldecson decisions for tomorrow.” — | tie asedior ueater ov aadlvonal Saker thse Tym icant noe Chia hin sae tent «Raster eg Consume puchsingcls ty gptLApacetiaterovell tums __ Dewitt hour ten ifn tane myn Shamed vines earn ters aye onal Sessoms sn slunligengewoncrsceel aly ented pt an Whicnunywamcntiaighat aewcldigetendy23pceent,—hapyouananifyoieon hn ht naltmoner ecsonsirtodesome “Odea tutnehaderom _‘tackor eed help franca Selascoudotsboumiiginal onaninceniweting vide poten Sncceatriemerom ntentymey Wear twat mpage bY Cav efCallomi peor ha tender epee seers TeryOiancleswomenareteterToleeyuad ing tanh esti ape ak tivesone athe Washnygn foto," tnssas our francs arty yi : your 8 ath hhesturled male and female investors" _takingan inventory of your investments ‘over seven years and found that women and savings aecounts ~ both their — Introducing SnapCheck Mobile Deposit When you need to stop by a branch, we'll always be there. But sometimes you need a quicker solution. Deposit checks through our Independent Mobile app - it’s a snap! Simply take a picture of your check using your smartphone *Make deposits anytime 24/7: when traveling, on the weekend, or anytime \Y INDEPENDENT BANK SnapCheck 20M | TELEPHONE BANKING 228.300.5193 — td depose nt mmedat'yavsbi. Fe for pereoal caching $0150 por check aftr two deposited pot cycle For business & ea two epost per exe Vt to eo andor ge Toosand datas sage and data ess may sob NOVEMBER 2014 = Healthy & Fit 15 Keep your skin ooking reat all winter long Dr. Street’s cold weather skin care tips by Dr. Marcy Street It’s that time of year again, leaves are falling and school is back in session. As we get deeper into this crisp season you may be noticing that as the air gets chillier and drier your skincare needs are changing, If you continue using the products that work well in the summertime youll find your skin will feel parched, tight, and uncomfortable. Don't fret! We are here in the nick of time with some preparation tips for the season! Use gentle face and body cleansers It’ time to use a cleanser that won't strip your skin, Avoid hot water when washing your face and skip the harsh cleansers which will make your skin dry and dull. We suggest putting away the body gels and using a creamy hydrating wash. Exfoliate ‘The more you discover about your skin the more youll realize exfoliation is a key compo- nent in keeping it beautifully healthy. As your skin becomes drier it will begin to look duller because of dead skin cell buildup which can cause a whole slew of issues. Treat yourself to a session of micradermabrasion. This process also increases cellular turnover and allows your other skin care products to penetrate more easily giving them the ability to work effectively. Some other great ways to exfoliate are using a weekly facial mask, chemical peels, and using a face wash with gentle exfoliating beads. Daily sunscreen Yes, you still need to wear a sunscreen with at least an SPF 30 every single day. For darker skin tones look for sunscreens which have micron- ized or nanosized zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to skip the chalk appearance some lotions leave behind. Find a hydrating sunscreen and apply it right after you've dried off after your shower or bath. This seals in your skin’s moisture and will create a healthy glow. Drink water ‘We have talked about the external things you can do but T cannot leave out the number one ‘way to prepare your skin for the changing seasons. Drinking plenty of water during the day ‘will help in maintaining plump cells which will aid in retaining youthful skin The area's only Mayo Clinic trained Mohs surgeon Meet Dr. Marcy Street, Medical Director, and the staff at Doctor's Approach Doctor's Approach Dermatology is a well-established, complete care medical and surgical dermatology practice. The practice has been known for providing excellence in care for 20 years in mid-Michigan and has a significant number of patients from all overthe 4, Midwest region. The Doctor's Approach mission =~ 1s to provide the best in cutting edge, ' comprehensive care and services in a relaxing ‘and nurturing environment. Dr. Marcy Street, medical director and founder, is a Mayo Clinic trained dermatologist and the only fellowship trained Mohs surgeon in the Lansing area, aCe accuse chal acute SESE Rise icone Set stid eles tela eee) respect my concerns” - Anonymous + Acne Warts * Rashes * Eczema * * Rosacea ¢ Psoriasis * Mohs Surgery « MMT Rxe leet Re Leel aol Muy te) Ai nee Una Seat eS UMS as it possibly could have. Dr. Street and her eee elim related Seid Re Ou e m kell nila are ec ata eel rated PC ROM ea Sra Le Ra etre Et cena Cue ode RC a * Juvederm * Botox « care was personal and professional.” - Jean B. DOCTOR’S® You | APPROACH —" 2685 Jolly Road » Okemos, MI 48864 edhfiy, | DERMATOLOGY | skin Care Office: 517.993.5900 laser center) ‘SURGERY — Health What's the difference ‘Take a closer look at cardiac arrest and heart attacks. by Dr: Monica Goble any of us have collapsing People often use these te interchangeably, butt M savers CARDIAC ARREST VS, HEART ATTACK from sudclen cardiac arest, ‘en abnormality ofthe hearts electrical system, It claims the lives of move than 300 Michigan children and adults under age 40 each year ‘according to the state health ddepattment. While not only athletes experience sudden cardiac arrest episodes duringathleticevents.cften Waar HapPENS ‘capture a community's attention and concer. “Although these may be high-profile and potentially ‘tragic events sudden cardiac arrest Is uncommon in ‘wna TO DO teenagers, for whom the leading causes of deat, in descending order af frequen- are accidents, homicide, silelde, eancer and then heart abnormalities (9% of deaths). ‘Chris Fowler is an athlete ‘who experienced a sudden ‘cardiac atest. In October 2012, at age 16, he fell to one knee during an Ovid-Eisie High School football practice ‘and lost consciousness. Fortunately, the ural schoo! had several years earlier obtained an automated ‘external defibrillator (AED) ‘and his coaches knew haw to react. ‘They started cardiopal= ‘monary resuscitation (CPR), the athletic director quickly retrieved the AED from the ‘weight room, and 9-1-1 was called. The coaches placed the AED patelies on his chest. The AED detected a lethal heart rhythm and delivered a shock. Chels Woke up within seconds ofthe shock. In this erratic rhythm, known as ventuicular Aibelation, the heat is not able to supply blond to the body and the ‘lreulation lnmediately shuts down, ‘When the AED detects this rhythm itp plies a shock to reset the heart's ‘lectuical system, To be effective a shock needs to be delivered within Sto-6 rmaunutes, Whar is THELINK? CG) istectomn naan “The odds of survival markedly lmprove with Hands-Only CPR, whieh can be performed to the beat of the classic disco song “stayin Alive” and tumely AED use, ( ‘handsonlyepr) CPR provides blood flow to the body and incveases the Likelihood that the shock delivered will return the heart toa normal rhythm, Two impor- tant points are 1) AEDs only shock f they detect this type of ahormal tinythm and 2) Good Samaritan Laws protect the general public from liability related to CPR and AED use. The 18 Healthy & Fit = operation of an AED may be a frighten- ing thing to consider, but just as for performing CPR, victims of sudden cardiac arest can only be helped, and it cenit be more life-threatening to the victim than the cardiac arrest itself. Chris and his farlly have worked with the state health department to Increase both awareness and school preparedness for sudden cardiac arrest, While no underlying problem was Continued on page 29, NOVEMBER 2014 Boomers When responsibility changes Here’ how to nurture the network. by Tom Matt reoponsioitie, specie nowalftocolegeandtobe honest tis» Nurture your neko of ends oes Tc stan cet « Goback seo TTL ssmeelereantedad” — ” kaldeenree one wath theactve permet orathele projet «Allow plenty ote te aust up Tiles cilevenaly reach tyechee not bee bang po sat ae our homes empty nes Ideas that Can enable your bdgeto the" exeted abut te pte and Thisean beaver Ibentingor next pau fe niveau faghtperiod. all dopendonhow "= Teach our child nancial asics Psychologists refer to this as “Empty dangers of credit cards Tom Matis the hast ofthe Nest Smndrome” «Encourage the independent spit ‘anes Rack rac fak show ts GainadbyPcholagy Today the Bayo te al pho fers ner ass Empty Nest Syndrome is “The feeling of + Avoid building a’shrine'in the now Unwver ap ersity, 8 a certified personal Tape concn res entlorr ed ona seis Saige Stor chloren come of age and ave laGiipetewtrerniceis, MELE nar fiat caldhoodbonesthemey oat? eth ee wesc necustn lense Aiimniion: ee S ee fig malaga Se a, Your Customers : iO tS ISSCO MOBILE ADVERTISING KISSCO MOBILE ADVERTISING (517) 599-5169 NOVEMBER 2014 = Healthy &Fit 19 Sports High school athletes Can they benefit from chiropractic care? by Megan Patrick ‘ewant our families to be ‘healthy and active and in children to play sports ‘Children can be involved in.competitive sports at a very young age and by the time they reach high school the level of competition ‘can be quite intense, This increased level ‘of competition will unfortunately come ‘with an increase in the possibility af Anju. ‘The obvious downside to injuries is the pain the athlete sustains but an injury at the high school level can carry witht many other significant negative effects as ‘well Sustaining a significant injury can result in a negative mpact on the athletes health, grades, mind set and may even ‘Impact potential scholarship opportu ties Athletes a the high school level have a skeletal system that has yet to reach full ‘maturity; tis leaves them more suscep- Uble to injury. Once an injury is sustained there are many different tools that can be utlzed in the rehabilitation of the athlete, Even with these tools tthe injury is significant enough the athlete will most Ukely be out of play forfour to six weeks, ‘Ailetes who are nde chiropractic care function to thelr body’ optimal tpabiliy andl this wil provide them with increased athletic performance and a decrease in injury. Certified Chiropractle Sports Physicians are experts inthe fAinetion ofthe human body fom the elite athlete tothe weekend warrior to any person who wants to function optimally dung thelr activites of daly ving Even under regular chiropractic cane aninjury may occur. Luckily another benefit of chitopractic ear is faster recov. ery from injuries which can allow the athlete to return to play quicker. Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians are well versed inthe latest in rehabilitative technologies and have many tools at their Aisposal, such as taping, sot tissue rmobilztion, stvetching and strengthen: Ing routines to aid inthe switt recovery of the injured atete ‘Many team from the high schoo! level ‘up nto the professional leagues, inchud= ing Michigans own Detzoit Lions, now have chiropractors asa member oftheir heath care team, Chiropractic care integrates sear lessly with ather health care practitioners toprovide your athlete with a well zound- ced athletic health team behind them. ‘Making an appointment for your high school athlete with a Certified Chiroprac- tic Sports Physician may just be the edge they need to be fully successful ln thelr sport. De Megan Pack works at Creative Wetess in East Lansing where se reais patents fal ‘ypes and ages and has a special inkesestin working wt atietes and sports entusiass. Dr Patok can be ‘reached at Creative Wethess, 517 351.9240, Q Sparrow Laboratories Choose Sparrow for your lab tests! Convoniant and tionaly service clasa to home Your lab results mailed directly toyou Naxt day results to your doctor for most tests Seen PgR: New Lab Patient Service Centers: + 3955 Patient Care Way, Lansing - CIMA / SCOG Building + 1015 Charlevoix Drive, Grand Ledge - Sparrow Grand Ledge + 2682 Grand River Ave., East Lansing - Sparrow Urgent Care Bring this Adt a lab pair fer before December sugar) & Blood Pressure WV: Start your Wellness Challenge Today! Free Know Your Numbers screening available at Sparrow Laboratories sowice contort re 4. Locations and hours avaabe on our website Tests performed Total Cholesterol, HOL, LDL, Triglycerides, Glucose fe one frag Know Your Numbers oad ‘No appointment is required forthe Know Your Numbers Tesing. Vou may combine this efor wth your ab test order or vthou. We ask you ofastfar 12 hours prior the test. You may have water and conve t take your mesieatons 20 Healthy & Fit = NOVEMBER 2014 Skin Caring for pierced ears ips from dermatologists. Itnough ear piercings are + Put rubbing alcohol on your eas: more common and can be inki Using cotton ball r pad dipped les risky than other body “For anyone thinking in rubbing alcohol, gently clean piercings, they can still about getting their ears the skin aroun the piercings fauuse complications ifnat ol twice a day to keep away germs handled satly Foranyone Pierced, dermatologists and prevent scabbing, You may thinking about getting their ears urge people to take care tlso apply atin coat of petro Pierced, dermatologists urge people to Ioum lly around the opening fake care oftheir perced skin to avold of their pierced skin “after plercing your ears, Keep an eye infection fm onthem said Dr Matin, ifthey “It's important to remember that to avoid infection. become very tender, red or ifthe holes perce shin ie sn that has been coze yellowish guld see a board-cert ‘rounded leaving vulnerable to 7 fed dermatologist as you may have an infection; said board-certified derma- + Leave the earrings in your ears for infection” six weeks or more - even at night + Removing the starter earrings too carly may cause the piercings to close The “Pierced Ears: How to Care’ video is posted to the Academy website and the Academy's YouTube channel, ‘This video is part of the Dermatology A tologist Elzabeth §. Maztin, MD, EAAD, who maintains a private practice in Hoover, Alabama, "To minimize the risks, always go to a trained profes iondl foe piercing se kyo callrgsnde + Regularly wash your ears with $97: Video Series, which offers relatable carrings, and keep your newly plereed. soup and water, Carelully do thls videos that demonsteate tips people cars clean’ at least once a day to avoid ‘can use to properly care for their skin, To encourage healing, Dr. Martin, Infection, hair and nails. recommends the following tips + ‘Twist the earings a few times ‘Anew video inthe series posts to + Ahvays wash your hands before dally. Tals will help keep the the Academy's website and YouTube touching nevi plezced ears. plerced holes open. ‘channel each month, Are you ready to Get Fit from the Inside Out! achieve and Pee EEG Here'show Barb Geske, the Mindful Motvatoy, te makes thappen! OT am ol Group Coaching: Livy nd interac PL supportive environment No cantracts, food, o1 supplements buy. lesdap, 9 30-16:30 am Se ‘and 5:30-6:30 pm. Presbyterian Church oF STC ACR as ‘Okemos, 2258 N Bennett Road, Okemos. ST RRs sonal Coaching: Fesonalzed weight loss rellness plans designed to meet your wellness and live better? The oak Se ey Workplace Lunch & Lean: Barb rakes Negra ene ution and wellness comeaivein fun, Batb Geske engaging seminars Ditties, Conenty Nin, Mt Deer esa PRCT Eo Call Barb today! erase Pysilogy EL OT The Mind-full Motivator, LLC POET Cnr sreuinche votwerer ” tere 517.930.4265 NOVEMBER 2014 * Healthy & Fit 21 Rethink your cardio For better weight loss results, try these tactics. by Jason McGammon you want to lose fat, stop doing cardio. Yes, ou read that correctly—traditional cardio can actually eause you to keep body fat. 1 recently listened to one of the best explanations of exercise physiology metabolism ever. Ever 1 have been in fitness for aver 20 years, sa that is saying alot Dr. Doug MeGulf, MD, is an emer ency room physician, personal trainer dnd extremely well tead In exerelse science and nutrition In discussing his recent book, Body by Science, with Dr Joseph Mercola, DO, he summarized what Ihave been teaching clients for years: your body is designed primarily for anaerobic exercise, NOT aerobic Aerobic energy system work actually is ‘result of doing proper anaerobic work I this article is getting too technical Just stick with me, kt wal gel in minute ‘When you do traditional cardio you sare mostly burning fa for fuel. Most of tus have plenty of fat stores, even those that are considered lean. Your body is no farced to tap into muscle ener stores called glycogen (stored ghicase). 22 Healthy & Fit = Why is this a problem? Because aver time our bodies became conditioned to ‘burning ft for fuel during exercise and therefore dietary calories from fats carbohydrates and even proteins, are shuttled to fat cell, in pat, to belp keep an energy reserve, ‘Your body isa very smart machine; if you tell it to burn fat for fuel will ‘want to conserve its body fat stores to ensue there is plenty of fat for when you do your cardio, Worse, when you Ignore muscle glycogen a very nasty condition develops called insulin resistance. It's beyond the scope ofthis, NOVEMBER 2014 article to tackle, but sutice to say it precedes almost all eases of obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Further, ‘cardio’ works your small, weak muscles, called slow fatiguing or type I fibers. They are designed to work all day burning fat for fuel. This conditions ‘your body to reduce the larger, more powerful, muscle fibers, type lor fast fatiguing, as they are seen as merely excess baggage! You end up losing muscle tone, losing musele mass, and slowing yonr metabolism all the while your body is guarding your fat stores lke the Swiss Guard protects the Vatican, This is why most fong distance runners have little muscle mass, are not as lean as they appear (averaging, over 20 percent body fat) and do not have better mortally than the average person. Lam not stating that running or the ellptical is unlealthy. But how yout perform the activity is what makes it healthy or not. ‘The long, moderate to act opposite of how your body was designed. Take a look at ids on a playground. Do they Jog laps when they play tag? No, They dart back and forth in bursts of éenetgy. then rest when they get pooped. Then they start the cyele over again, They have the metabolism ofan elite athlete! Do you ever see animals in thelr natural envizonmeat slowly jogging on a daily basis? No. They casually move when they migrate and feed but atthe slightest sign of danger, they sprint for several hundred yards, then rest They see ifthe danger is still present, then sprint and rest again, Whether predatory or prey, just about all animals act in this way. We are merely another species in the animal kingdom, Its time to start acting like t The next tine you do cardio. ll you need is 12 to 15 minutes. Choose any modality like: rack sprints, hill uns, bike sprints elliptical sprints, elecult training with weights (bat the weight must be moderately heavy) chase your kid(s) around the yard... chase a greased pig... chase your spouse or the neighhorhood cat that keeps getting into your trash bin at night. Just pick something you like and perform it at maximum effort for 30 to 60 seconds, tokea minute or two break, repeat for 12 to 15 rminntes. Ifyou are not tired after that, you did not work hard enough. This anaerobic has been shown in studies to bur IOX more body fat than cardio. Feel free to throw in the occasional SK race, but most of your training should be sprint-rest-sprint-rest Research continues to pile showing that marathoners hhave just as much heart scarring and elevated heart enzymes as the average pot-bellied couch potato! They may be thinner than you but it’s unlikely they are healthier than you {And for Petes sake, please tell your body to keep rmusele mass by lifting weight a few times a week. “Muscle mass keeps you lean. Hire a professional though to doit the right way. Now, go get em tiger! ow cardi isthe © BB Jeson MoCammon, B.S, NFPT-PT. president DOfLOFI Fines & Welhass Canter Contact him through aftcom NOVEMBER 2014 gB2 Ashley lost 84 Ibs} “TUOVE OW I FEELIT LEVED FOR YEARS WITH TE EXCUSE, [1°S NOT MY TIME WHEN MY KIDS GROW UP[°L HAVE TEME TO FOCUS ON MYSELF.” But then | realized there's no way | can be the best that my kids deserve when | am not at my best. 6 months idler inn JOT Biness Wolnac Canter, ho ight clothes | had hidden in my closet have been thrown ‘out because they're too big! I'm doing exercises | never dreamed of and loving it. And the nutrition plan is my new comfort zone because know every day that I am doing my body good and the guesswork is gone. My kids tell me t'm strong ‘and they love how much ram willing to do with them. “EVEN AFTER KIDS AND M0 NOT TOO f FARAWAY, LHAVE NEVER FELT BETTER” Ashley 8. Tang Ml els eked SIAZ1 20504 2510 EMichigan Ave, lansing Ml IKE US-ONFAGEBOOKe * Healthy & Fit 23 Food of the month: Fennel by Gina eile Fennel Gratin ‘Source: Taste of Home ° fennel bulbs. thinly sliced 4 tablespoons butter 8 tablespoons flour Pinch of nutmeg What is it? Fennelis an aromatic cunchy, and ‘soe vegetable related parioy xr Fels, anil I's awnte o gen bub woh Saks and teethery leaves (known ‘fe fronce) cn top tat eyo Hower pro- cng fennel seeds Ris ofen mistaken Finch of gar powder franco wth tr teance croma Fennel is ‘teaspoon Salt ‘i teaspoon pepper 1 cup heavy whipping seam Haupshrediea Gruyere or Swise chess 2" tablespoone ratec Formecen cheese Freshly avalale inte a through sexing How to select and store: ‘Solo feo there mec sized, heavy. fi, and a white or ale (green in color The stalks should be ‘Sraght and cose together wih beck (green fronds. Avo those that are Very large, have spots, or appear ‘Srveled The bulbe shouldbe roo racks. Avoid those wih flower Ing buds as his incieeos age Boil ferel for si to ght Tnutes or unt ors tener Drain snc oy endplace in a ‘eased baling ash © trasaucspen, me butter Stein our, ‘Storing fennel in the eisper of your rutmea. gare pow Pepe glow est or tes fofou Sark Setporpee Gat Sepa be saketon te Ai Sech ie Sib ander tho saps asic Sto gaahy 238 ssa na uatee pare oneal Bingen fovea Hench enafesoet cay eae eSeT and ob or Sbstredin an angi once’ tiSled onetstno mot chtay te ow to prepare: siecle cca erty Thotubaaks:sndtronds ar al ec rma Fa cheats sce over ei cect ec honoree rosce, Seve aft bale 25 cero foris Mekabtato Se te boo bown onion uke Une aise Taitely rome ia ewe oe wel Tres orgy or ‘as remove the outer layer. The flavor til golden brown and bubb!; serene oe ve elec! ae her, te there a Ny [oes can oe overcring ot sm tiny ait th bean oa Rewieierar | | poke eee ub can be exten raw, braised, giled + hop the fronds fer egg or poeta 3 Vea Baked cared the dats Shee passim fo, endeaoum: fs Sie seorre edasarvecn «your favre sinage oor seed edna fer ara Seupe or stows. The francs ean be used am els correion wth ih Sausage, and Ralan or Middle eastern ceohng inflammation, indgastion, and gastran jece and sprinkle fennel seeds + Gitthe suoin angs ony asic ‘ontop of salmon while teo0ks testinal Issues can also be breath freshener or tac I’m back to doing what I love... thanks to Creative Wellness I had lower back pain for years. It affected my work, my walk, my life. That is untill discovered massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care at Creative Wellness. It really works! ‘Submit your story online for a chance to win a Creative Wellness gift certificate. NR 517-351-9240 RY) wr cratrewanesanet 2k Healthy & Fit = worw.nealthyanditmagazine com NOVEMBER 2014 Subscribe to Healthy & Fit Mara eT SGT Cait nore: amy sua: a: AME: ooness: amy stare a: ‘Make check payable to Healthy & Ft Magazine Send to PO BOK26, Mason, Ml 48854 Fitness The perfect pushup Do it right or don't do it at all. by Justin Grinnell push ups as punishment, or ‘motivation to urge on the youngest of athletes, As young athletes tara int ‘older athletes, is impor- tant that they learn the proper way to do a push up. The push up is an outstanding core-strengthening exercise if done properly. However, the correct way is up is lost. And, in some cases, kids may hut ther selves. When done correctly, the push-up can be a valuable addition to anyone's gran. But, You must proceed n and proper execution. IF ‘you do not, you are asking fora sore neck and shoulders, People who de too rany push-ups incorrectly have been know to develop injuries, such as biceps tendonitis, wrist pain, neck pain, and in When executing a pusl-up, make sure to fallow few key points + start by lying down on the floor to prep the body + Bring your legs together and tuck + Strigh! them tight back + Squeeze your butt and abs + Bring your hands near your armpits Ifyon coach youth sports, train large groups, or you. dont think they ean do a proper puslup, heze are some alternatives, just as effective and equally challe their current fitness level Plank During the plank, stay as stable as possible and think of blanc ‘of water on your lower back to maintain a neutral spine. Kesp the entire body tight during the ‘whole set. This salsa great alternative for athletes that have an upper-body injury or for vasety asa stength bale: 26 Healthy &Fit + wonw reat rings or external weight to increase + Hold yours n your legs out and keep + Tuck your chin and pull your head intensity To decrease intensity, go on your knees. Iwill be going over + Elevate your feet; use Olymple some varlations next! dy ght and push-up! ‘Wall Push-ups Be sure to keep g at Property angle your body until the the wall. od posture all times as explained above sh-up feels natural against NOVEMBER 2014 Feet Elevated Push-ups This one is for the advanced athlete. you can perform 3 sets of IS reps of the standard push-ups with perfect form, you may be ready for the next level: feet elevated push-ups Knee Push-ups Decreasing your lever arm Is the perfect way to regress the ‘push-ups. Simply keep all the same form cues in mind, just Stay on your knees instead af the feet. Once you can perform 10 perfect push-ups on the knees, you can progress to standard push-ups and give them a try. Cynthia Logan Anthony, PhD Creer meee) (517) 960-3669 HAVE YOU (@) THIS IS WHAT TRIED THAT 2 = TIGHTENS, TONES, AND FIRMS INAS LITTLE AS 45 MINUTES $0925, . REDUCES THE APPEARANCE OF CELULITE GIVES YOU FAST & LASTING RESULTS FROM A BOTANICALLY BASED FORMULA HOST A PARTY HOLLYWOOD'S BEST-KEPT SECRET! AND ee SSE tach Sareea anf cionseine NOVEMBER 2014 + Healthy &Ft 27 Mind Shorter, darker days Neurofeedback may weatherproof your brain. by Gretchen Morse heyrecoming the shortest, nll you vere to wear aheat thing, Her nervous per hd become thrket cot daysofthe nie you mgt erat your art lesteac and she coed. He year "Winterisneta, beatsqickerthanttneedsto‘aod you, tod tbighter as wel since she Taonitmccpelon’ codtametreae obapsiow our anthave lo worse ardto manage teslnowdal Sind Levis earbea uumedicngyeursree Ths her aymptoma defn mor ene to do Treanfelikeworkto.” process wouldbeeallalBlosdback” other gs endue toga tanpertines normed AndtuofedbuckisuigpeetBiaer-—Neoletback can help alte ua Iackeigh peteaarywesre prone to buck rthe bran anne things nur envionment hat mind nto ues ung he coer Soityourbanythmsarslower' take ithani cope by natural and tnonth fs yearevinter banging than theyshaub,yourmihtbe mor gully lessening the nes tes iettwaslastjeauitmaybeerta. " pronetofedcad ander nmetheted.f fsponstostestore Aitcan hep to chaletgagto ott behurdinescfthe Jourbminiylinears owt you tance nod nea wel poorly seasonae pun mooi-and ene ightbeeaslyangete, festa or tring ote ht ey and be Thacuctmanjwhotumwopreedp oterwhciued Bengoutfbdance everughertolfe-As Vitor Hg sl vionutcations ingthetand —motonalyandenergtcayeanas ‘Taught the aun at deen wir ter seasmstebeestthersene of makepamtiouesmersolacealenge fom thehuman ace welbelngéuingthis time Howe, "Gin was findng increasing ard ther anther ehod that can ws your —topetoutot beading the colder gue sey bodys ewnenegy and physangyle mona andshe hd deen Son hm IMA pattalphlpweabereraneaorna trance orhunding Sarton and ‘es haar a Teen fice suse and nade annoyances She dod ate was thet of ie seen Nawotcedbaduespecalzed —_tewayhermndand body fle and feel sneer rc aiemuyescenacact ‘ug munemenmans wee re Bere ee tibeterblaneeticbranwnves ust scfenlsesionsherbrantcuredto””eafhra(617 200088 thar waite! ATMs oNG” Gem atamcduamcaaa, Semele erie manna thachmandeancontimwutydayand fd tharesewaclessbotherot ty Nada on cas WANT TO TRAIN LIKE Dp timize your brain... Sg ‘Ave you as fit as an astronaut? MSU researchers (under the direction of Dr Deborah Feltz) need exercise video game participants to bike ike one. Ifyou're 35 ~60 years old and ‘want to get paid to work out, contact us about participating in an exergame study. Ow Ae ae ee YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR EITHER: Study I 6 sessions over 6 days You will receive $5 for each 45 min session and a "Training Like An Astronaut” tshirt Study I 6 sessions each week for 24 weeks - You will receive $6.95 for every 45 min session (for a possible total ff $1000) and a tshirt OU compu Sports ce ES so one no on is Sto Urontine Tope ar iveooareases Aon Edo eteaio@mascts 28 Healthy & Fit = NOVEMBER 2014 Heart health (contiued i 18) identified in his cas, diagnoses can inchide genetic disorders such as cardiac channelopathles or abnormal subsequent collapse can also followa help. sudden blow to the chest. as a heat attack although those can persist for hours, days or weeks before a heart attack occurs. People affected may not be sure whats wrong heart muscle. Ventricular fibrillation and and may wait too long before seeking awarded anmually to those meeting base criteria through the Michigan Department of Community Health Forty schools that qualified inthe frst cycle ast spring are spotlighted on the ‘The longer a person with a heart MDCH website, (Resources at wor Sudden cardiac arest isnot the same attack goes without treatment, the sreater the muscle damage, Tumely ‘ and wor migre-org/Library/HeartSafe experiencing a heart attack can have this medical assessment, most often inan html) eletrleal problem develop secondary A beart attack, also called a myocardial infarction or M1, relates to the delivery of oxygen to the heart muscle, This Is ‘much more common aceurrence. Myocardium refers to the heart muscle, “The word infarction comes from the Latin infarcite meaning “to plug or stuf “Thus, MLL refers to the clogging of the coronary arteries. It typically oceurs in older people, A heart attack happens after the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle gradually become narrow - fom a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances, together called plaque. This pracess is Jayown as atherosclerosis, Symptoms of ‘heart attack may be immediate and heart muscle More often, though, symptoms start slowly, often with mild pain or discom- fort inthe center ofthe chest that lasts Emergency Room, s vital to preserving In summary, sudden cardiac arrest is Just that ~ sudden, and related to the heart's electrical system, While CPR and message forward saying, ‘AEDs do not reverse all sudden casdiae trtest cases, having AEDs aval the best chance of survival. Mainte- nance of AEDS is necessary, much like rogularly checking fire extinguishers to ensure they are in working order. Upelated training for coaches, athletic trainers, school staff and students should also be considered. State lav now requires schools to have a cardiac emergency action plan (Public Act 12 of 2014, effective July 2014), Coordination with local emergency intense services Is advisable. Beyond these basies, schools may plan a cardiac arrest drill, mich as they have fire drills. ehools ean also apply for more than a few minutes. Symptoms for "MI HEARTSafe School” status, Need better sleep? For a free sample e-mail: Visit revolutionaryheart to see ALL products and take a free HIPAA protected health assessment NOVEMBER 2014 Following his rescue Chris Fowler secognived that an AED saved his life that October day and fel fortimate that people sprang into action. He eautes the “There are plotures that end up on ble gives Facebook after our games of me looking, at an AED, or standing nextto it just Decause I's a big part of my ie ‘Monica Goble is a University of ‘Michigan Congenital Heart Center pediatric cardiologist prac Ing in Lansing, She i on satt at Sparow Hospital and af CS. Mott Cron Hospi. She ‘helped establs the Univers of Michigan as 2 Project ADAM national afiate and serves on the ‘Michigan Allance fr te Prevention of Suen Cardiac Death nthe Yeung (MAP-SCDP trough the Mtigan Department of Community Heath ‘She ives in East Lansing and enoysbcytng, yoga an tn Spartan Mating Band “a YW TEAM DOBIE” Renabiiation IC ) >. ‘mga Your Champio1 r Short-1 Rehabilitation Care! Crystal-clear Water. Excellent Service. Enjoy clean, delicious Culligan water delivered to your home or office by the best in the business. When it comes to reliable service and water expertise.. oer Te Culligan Man delbvers. Culligan. La too Dunkel, Lanang —cigartering com * Wealthy & Fit 29 Call today 517-393-1900 Health Concussion education working urvey shows parents are finding presentations helpful anypatents whose kids parents’confidence about managing _le without information at home to partleipate in athletics their chil’ injury” says Sarah J. Clark, guide them Ifor when thelr child is willheasked{tosigna MPH. associate director ofthe National injured” says Clark, who is also a ‘waiver about concussion Pollon Childrens Health and associate member of the U-M Institute for ‘education, but that’snot research scientist in the University of Healtheare Policy and Innovation. ‘enough to ensure parents Michigan Department of Pediatrics and ‘The US. Centers for Disease Control are confident about handling the injury, U-M Medical School estimates tat eweh year, nearly 175,000 ‘according to anew University of “Many schools mandate that a waiver children are treated in US emergency Michigan C'S. Mott Children's Hospital rooms for concussions related to sports ‘Natlonal Poll on Childrens Health “The U.S. Centers fr recreational activities, eluding Im the poll, about half ofthe 912 fer Diveane Control bicycling, football, playground activities, parents of middle and high school basketball and soccer. Research has Children surveyed reported participation _@Stimates that each year, hye hat the healing proces fora in some type of concussion education: nearly 175,000 children are concussions different for kids than treated in US emergency ull and that repeated concussions in Sperventhavereadabrochureor —_—xooms for concussions —_ a shor’ time period are particularly attended a presentation, when to seek medical attention, + LU pezeeat have signed a waver ‘monitoring the childs symptoms, and form, with no otheredicational form to be signed, but the danger is that limiting physical activity until symptoms component. parents wil skip over Information to get have subsided, says Clark, Health eaze + 49 percent report no concussion _ to that required signature line” providers also may recommend limiting education at all The poll showed that 63 percent of |_hamework and other mental activities to parents who watched a video or a allow the brain to heal Concussion education is more [presentation rated it as very useful "Parents play a key role in deciding ‘common among parents of children who Forty-one percent ofparents who read a when a chil returns to school and play sports compared to non-sports brochure oronline information rated extracurricular activities, and concus parents (58 percent vs 1 percent) that as very sell sion education can asist thera in “itis good news that many parents Howeveronly Ll percent af parents making good decisions; Clark says. "So report they have received concussion _whase only concussion education was one solution cou be to offer rmiple education, Wetound, however, that the signing a waiver form reported thal was education formats to ensure that format ofthat concussion education ery sf parents tly hear the concussion really matters. The way the concussion “ifthe walvers done aline or ona information rather than focusing on just information is delivered is inked tothe form relumed to school, parents may be signinga form” SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF A CONCUSSION Thinking/Remembering: Emotional: ‘© Difficulty thinking clearly + Irritable Difficulty concentrating or + sad remembering ‘= More emotional than usual Feeling more slowed down . Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or Brogey ‘Appeats dazed or stunned Is confused about events answers questions slowly Repeats questions Can't recall events prior to the hit, bump, or fall Can't recall events after the hit, bump, or fall Loses consciousness (even briefly) Shows behavior or personality Nervous sleep Physical + Drowsy Headache or “pressure” in head Sleeps less than usual Nausea orvomiting + sleeps more than usual Balance problems or éizziness i Fatigue or feling tired Chane edu luryor double sion “ony askavou sleep symptoms it Forgets class schedule or Sensitivity to light or noise the njuryecoted ona prior day assignments Has trauble falling asleep Numbness or tingling Does not “feel right" 30 Healthy & Fit = NOVEMBER 2014 2007 FORD EDGE SE FWD SUPER NICE WITH FRONT & REAR AC. $8,900 2004 GMC CANYON REGULAR CAB 2 WHEEL DRIVE WORK TRUCK READY! $6,900 2006 PONTIAC 66 GTP LOADED! $7,900 2009 FORD FOCUS SE 4 CYLINDER ENGINE WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION $8,495, 2008 DODGE AVENGER SXT 2.7L VB ENGINE, $8,195 eS WITH OUR TOP-NOTCH SERVICE GUARANTEE! 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