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Contemporary Representations

of Masculinity:
Modern characters are seen as in being
touch with their feminine side, showing
emotions, shopping and taking care of their

The Metrosexual and the New

In the mid 1990s development of
representations of masculinity shift
The young, single man with a disposable
income, living in the city
The Meterosexual man is not gay but
often confused with being homosexual
He is objectified and sexualised (turned
into a sex object) which goes against
traditional representations of masculinity.

Metrosexual: TOWIE
Task: How are men being represented?
Do these clips challenge or reinforce
male stereotypes? What are their
attitudes, values and beliefs of the
world (ideology)
Joey Essex
Joey Essex 2
Joey Essex 3
Joey Essex 4
Mario and Mark

Values and beliefs (ideologies)?

Party/ going out
Conscious of image/look after
Hang out with mates
Get girls

Demonstrates that representations of

masculinity has a tendency to change
over time
This leaves us with a rather mixed bag of
the features of masculinity in the media!

Case Study: 1
Alternative Representation of men the
Metrosexual man (heterosexual men with
feminine characteristics)
Gavin and Joey Essex Makeover

Gavin and Joey Essex

How has the subject been represented? Is
this a traditional representation of
masculinity? What camera shots are
used? Consider use of language, mise en
scene, use of non diegetic sound
Why has the subject been represented in
this way? Who is the target audience?
What about the narrative structure? Is it

Analysing Representations:
The main consideration when you are
analysing the representations of men and
masculinity, will be regarding the issues of
fairness and accuracy and what the
representation is actually saying to the

Representation of Men in reality

Geordie Shore, Made in Chelsea and the
Only Way is Essex.
Geordie Shore, The Only Way is Essex and Made in
Chelsea represent our generation's "time capsule" for
the future. That's how the people of 2042 will think we
look, spoke and behaved. Which is a shame because
they're not supposed to be representative. They're
supposed to be different from "normal people". They're
walking caricatured receptacles for spite. Their job is to
make absolutely everyone who tunes in hate them.
Instantly hate them. Hate them so much they can't take
their eyes off them. Charlie Brooker, The Guardian, 1st
July 2012

Masculinity has a tendency to change

over time
This leaves us with a rather mixed bag of
the features of masculinity in the media!

Changes over time

Although it is clear that representations of
masculinity have changed over time, the
dominant representation of masculinity still
focuses on:
Body image
Physical strength
Sexual attractiveness and relationships
with women
Power and independence

Alternative Representation of
Men Lifestyle Magazines
One media area that has developed
dramatically is mens lifestyle magazines.
Aspirational role models
Concentrating on representing body
image the perfect body!
Images manipulated
Magazines refer to sex rather than

Case Study 2: Representation

of Men in magazines

Mens Health
Image medium/long shot
Celebrity endorsement
Direct mode of address connotes seductive like approach
to a female audience.
Text reflects conventional language of womens magazine
28 Day Abs, the hidden health risk, reflecting interest in
body image/appearance
Sex rather than relationship - If you understand her needs
you will get what you want
Target audience 25-40
Colour code Colour, although sometimes in grey/black
Female gaze? David Gauntlett argues that men are
presented as beautiful and positioned in such magazines.

Image medium long shot
Niche music magazine with celebrity endorsement on
front cover
Direct mode of address- group shot
Masthead is not all visible covered by image.
Representing the strength of identification with the brand
Images and captions clearly relate to genre of magazine.
Not specifically related to sex/dating/relationships
Bold typography fits with genre of magazine
Target audience - Attracting a young male audience (1825), aspiring musicians, interested in gigs/concerts
Not about physical appearance,

Stretch and Challenge

Pick 3 case studies, can be print magazine cover,
TV programme, Film, Reality TV, Music Video
Analyse the representation of men:
For each text answer the following questions: 1. How are men represented? Adjectives
2. Example Specific textual analysis?
3. Are stereotypes being used? How? Conform/
4. Why do you think men are being represented this
What effect could this have?

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