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Idioms and Phrases

An old head on young shoulders (To expect a young

person to be wiser than his years)
The trouble with my father is that he expects
me to have an old head on young shoulders.
Cock of the walk (Very proud)
On hearing the news of his selection, Arun was
cock of the walk for weeks.
Chew the cud (To discuss matters in a ponderous
manner, especially reminiscing)
He always chews the cud when he meets his
old school friends.
By fits and starts (Shorty, irregular bursts of activity)
The company is growing by fits and starts.
By leaps and bounds (Rapid growth)
The company is growing by leaps and bounds.
To be under someones thumb (To be dominated
by someone)
He is very much under his wifes thumb; she
makes all the decisions.
To move heaven and earth (To make a supreme
He moved heaven and earth to get a transfer
to his home town.
To bark up the wrong tree (To be mistaken in
When he accused his brother of taking his pen, he
wasbarking up the wrong tree; his sister had taken it.
At stake (In danger)
Dont give me apple pie. I may be as
He turned a cold shoulder on me after I refused
his loan.
A wild goose chase (A useless and foolish search)
Your ef
didnt take him long

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