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1. Al-Tehrir Square is in __________.

A. Damascus
B. Cairo
C. Tripoli
D. Istanbol
2. The Secretary of States of United States is ___________ .
A. John Kerry
B. Joe Biden
C. Hillary Clinton
D. James F. Dobbins
3. The Vice President of United States is ___________ .
A. John Kerry
B. Joe Biden
C. Hillary Clinton
D. James F. Dobbins
4. 38th parallel is a boundary line between __________ .
A. United States and Canada
B. Pakistan and India
C. Turkey and Cyprus
D. South and North Korea
5. Channel Tunnel is an Under Sea Rail Tunnel that linked ___________ .
A. America and Mexico
B. England and France
C. France and Germany
D. England and Germany
6. MI-5 is the secret agency of __________ .
A. United States
B. United Kingdom
C. Israel
D. France
7. The largest producer of Uranium is __________ .
A. Canada
B. Russia
C. China
D. Kazakhstan
8. The largest emitter of Carbondioxide in the atmosphere is __________ .
A. Canada
B. Russia
C. China
D. Kazakhstan
9. The Book "Long Walk to Freedom" is written by __________ .
A. Nelson Mandela
B. Henry S. Commager
C. Bill Clinton
D. Mother Terasa

10. The Book "Higher than Hopes" is a biography of __________ .

A. Nelson Mandela
B. Henry S. Commager
C. Bill Clinton
D. Mother Terasa

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. Which from the following countries has no armed forces?
1. Niger
2. Nigeria
3. Iceland
4. Latvia
12. Who is Secretary General of NATO?
1. Lord Ismay
2. Anders Fogh Rasmussen
3. Willy Claes
4. Hillary Clinton
13. 2016 Olympics will held in ________.
1. London
2. Rio de Janeiro
3. Doha
4. Beijing
14. 2022 FIFA world cup will held in _________.
1. Qatar
2. Russia
3. UK
4. not decided yet
15. European Union has __________ member states.
1. 27
2. 28
3. 39
4. 30

16. The Euro currency is used by __________ countries.

1. 17
2. 18
3. 19
4. 20
17. "Kashmir" is a disputed area between __________.
1. India and Sri Lanka
2. India and Bangladesh
3. India and Pakistan
4. Bangladesh and Pakistan
18. "Northern Cyprus" is a disputed area between __________.
1. Cyprus and Czech Republic
2. Cyprus and United Kingdom
3. Cyprus and Greece
4. Cyprus and Turkey
19. The secretary general of OIC is _________.
1. Ahmed Saleem
2. Syed Ali Mousavi
3. Prince Salman
4. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
20. The official languages of NATO are ___________.
1. English and French
2. English and German
3. English and Spanish
4. English, French and German
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. B Croatia has become the 28th member of the EU on 1 July 2013.
16. B Lativa has become the 18th member of the Eurozone on 1 January 2014.
17. C
18. D
19. D
20. A
21. The Taj Mahal in India, was built by Mughal emperor __________.
1. Aurangzaib
2. Shah Jahan
3. Akbar
4. Humayun
22. The Sino-Indian War between China and India was occurred in __________.
1. 1956
2. 1959
3. 1962
4. 1965

23. The 2013 Summer Universiade was held in ________.

1. Moscow
2. Kazan
3. Astana
4. Beijing
24. In London Olympics 2012, the most medals were won by _________.
1. America
2. Russia
3. China
4. United Kingdom
25. The River Thames is located in __________.
1. England
2. Scotland
3. Ireland
4. Finland
26. In London Olympics 2012, the gold medal, in Men's Field Hockey was won by __________.
1. Germany
2. Holland
3. Australia
4. India
27. The Most populous city in the world is __________.
1. Beijing
2. Buenos Aires
3. Shanghai
4. Tokyo
28. US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan is __________ .
1. Seth Jones
2. John Kerry
3. Richard Holbrooke
4. James Dobbins
29. The secretary general of OIC is _________.
1. Ahmed Saleem
2. Syed Ali Mousavi
3. Prince Salman
4. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
30. The head of state of the United Kingdom is _________ .
1. Queen Elizabeth I
2. Queen Elizabeth II
3. Queen Elizabeth III
4. Queen Elizabeth IV
21. B
22. C
23. B

24. A
25. A
26. A
27. C
28. D
29. D
30. B
22. US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan is __________ .
21. James Dobbins
22. John Kerry
23. Joe Biden
24. John Mccain
23. India has constructed Baglihar Dam on _________ River.
21. Sindh
22. Ravi
23. Chenab
24. Sutluj
24. The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was _________ .
21. Anwar Sadat
22. Dr. Abdul Salam
23. Dr. Muhammad Younus
24. Yasir Arafat
25. Qantas is an airline of __________ .
21. Australia
22. Sudan
23. Malaysia
24. France
26. AFP is a news agency of __________ .
21. Switzerland
22. France
23. Germany
24. Sweden
27. The oldest news agency in the world is _________ .
21. AFP
22. WAFA
23. BBC
24. CNN
28. The headquarter of Transparency International is located in _________.
21. New York
22. Washigton
23. Paris
24. Berlin
29. NATO is a/an __________ alliance.
21. military
22. economic
23. regional

24. cultural
30. The Suez Canal is in __________ .
21. Nigeria
22. Libya
23. Egypt
24. Palistine
31. The Suez Canal connects the __________ .
21. Red Sea and the Arabian Sea
22. Red Sea and the North Sea
23. Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Sea
24. Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea

31. A
32. C
33. A
34. A
35. B
36. A
37. D
38. A
39. C
40. D
41. World's oldest operational space launch facility is located in ________.
1. America
2. Russia
3. Kazakhstan
4. India
42. The first human who traveled into space was _________ .
1. Neil Armstrong
2. Yuri Gagarin
3. Sergei Korolev
4. John Glenn
43. In which country It is mandatory for all male citizens aged 1827 to serve 1 year in Armed
1. America
2. Canada
3. Russia
4. Israel
44. Which country is the world's top supplier of weapons?
1. America
2. Russia
3. Israel
4. Germany
45. Which from the following countries is NOT the member of BRIC?



46. The President of India is __________ .

1. Sonia Gandhi
2. Dr. Abdul Kalam
3. Chidambaram
4. Pranab Mukherjee
47. The headquarter of Human Rights Watch is located in __________ .
1. Washington
2. New York
3. Berlin
4. Brussels
48. North Atlantic Treaty, that formed NATO, was signed in __________ .
1. 1949
2. 1955
3. 1961
4. 1967
49. World War II began by German invasion on __________ .
1. Russia
2. France
3. United Kingdom
4. Poland
50. __________ has the world's largest natural gas reserves.
1. Saudi Arabia
2. Iran
3. Russia
4. Canada

41. C
42. B
43. C
44. B
45. A
46. D
47. B
48. A
49. D
50. C
51. Secretary General UNO Ban-Ki-Mon belongs to __________.
1. South Korea.
2. North Korea
3. Japan
4. China

52. Currently, there are __________ member states of the United Nations.
1. 190
2. 193
3. 196
4. 197
53. Currently, __________ countries hold the status of Observer States in the United Nations.
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
54. There are __________ members of SAARC.
1. 5
2. 6
3. 7
4. 8
55. Secretary General SAARC Ahmed Salem belongs to __________.
1. Pakistan
2. India
3. Maldives
4. Bhutan
56. Which from the following countries does NOT yeild veto-power?
1. United States
2. United Kingdom
3. Canada
4. France
57. Which from the following countries is NOT a non-permanent member of Security Council.
1. Rwanda
2. Luxembourg
3. Argentina
4. Sweden
58. Al-Jazeera TV Channel belongs to ___________.
1. Qatar
2. Kuwait
3. Egypt
4. Bahrain
59. The newest member of the Eurozone is _______.
1. Lativa
2. Croatia
3. Bulgaria
4. Cyprus
60. The IranPakistan gas pipeline is also called __________.
1. friendship pipeline
2. future pipeline
3. peace pipeline

4. unity pipeline

51. A
52. B
53. A
54. D
55. C
56. C
57. D
58. A
59. A
60. C
61. On 5 November 2013 __________ launched its first rocket to Mars.
1. China
2. Israel
3. Iran
4. India
62. On 1 December 2013 China launched its first __________ rover mission.
1. Moon
2. Mars
3. Jupiter
4. Earth
63. On 28 January 2013 __________ sent monkey into space.
1. China
2. Israel
3. Iran
4. India
64. Taksim Square is in ___________ .
1. Cairo
2. Istanbol
3. Tripoli
4. Damascus
65. Taliban opened their political office in ___________ .
1. Riyad
2. Dubai
3. Doha
4. Musqat
66. The Chelyabinsk Meteor hits __________ on 15 February 2013.
1. America
2. Canada
3. Mexico
4. Russia
67. ___________ bought Nokia Mobile business.
1. Microsoft

2. Google
3. Yahoo
4. AOL
68. ___________ bought Motorola Mobile business.
1. Microsoft
2. Google
3. Yahoo
4. AOL
69. Man Booker International Prize 2013 was won by __________ .
1. Alice Munro
2. Margaret Thatcher
3. Lydia Davis
4. Malala Yousafzai
70. Due to ammonia leak from a cold storage unit in __________ 15 people were killed.
1. Shanghai
2. Moscow
3. Tokyo
4. Toronto



71. The fastest person of the world is __________ .

A. Kim Collins
B. Usain Bolt
C. Dwain Chambers
D. Justin Gatlin
72. The oldest tennis tournament in the world is __________ .
A. Wimbledon
B. French Open
C. Australian Open
D. US Open
73. The 2013 Wimbledon Championships Singles (Men) title was won by __________ .
A. Roger Federer
B. Rafael Nadal
C. Novak Djokovic

D. Andy Murray
74. The 2013 Wimbledon Championships Singles (Women) title was won by __________ .
A. Serena Williams
B. Marion Bartoli
C. Maria Sharapova
D. Ana Ivanovic
75. The fastest century record in ODI of Shahid Afridi was broken by __________ .
A. Sachin Tendulkar
B. Chris Gayle
C. AB de Villiers
D. Corey Anderson
76. The 2010 FIFA World Cup was won by ___________ .
A. Brazil
B. Germany
C. Spain
D. Argentina
77. The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be hosted by __________ .
A. Brazil
B. Russia
C. Qatar
D. France
78. The 2018 FIFA World Cup will be hosted by __________ .
A. Brazil
B. Russia
C. Qatar
D. France
79. The 2022 FIFA World Cup will be hosted by __________ .
A. Brazil
B. Russia
C. Qatar
D. France
80. The World Snooker Championship 2013 was won by __________ .
A. Steve Davis
B. Mark Williams
C. Stephen Hendry
D. Ronnie O'Sullivan





81. The lowest temperature ever recorded on the Earth is __________ .

A. -83.2 C
B. -86.2 C
C. -89.2 C
D. -92.2 C
82. The lowest temperature was recorded in __________ .
A. Antarctica
B. Russia
C. Canada
D. Germany
83. The highest temperatures ever recorded on the Earth is ________.
A. 56.7 C
B. 57.7 C
C. 58.7 C
D. 59.7 C
84. The highest temperature was recorded in __________ .
A. Los Angeles
B. California
C. Tripoli
D. Doha
85. Who is Angela Merkel?
A. Prime Minister of Germany
B. Chancellor of Germany
C. Prime Minister of France
D. Chancellor of France
86. Who is Franois Hollande?
A. President of Germany
B. Prime Minister of Germany
C. President of France
D. Prime Minister of France
87. The current director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is __________ .
A. James Clapper
B. Thomas Donilon
C. Denis McDonough
D. John Brennan
88. On 27 February 2013 Iraq's state airline, after 20 years, begins flights to __________ .
A. America
B. Israel
C. Iran
D. Kuwait

89. The Nobel Prize for Peace 2013 was awarded to ___________ .
A. Barak Obama
B. Malala Yousafzai
C. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
D. United Nations Security Council
90. The Nobel Prize for Literature 2013 was awarded to ___________ .
A. Margaret Thatcher
B. Alice Munro
C. Sir David Frost
D. Peter O'Toole

81. C
82. A
83. A
84. B
85. B
86. C
87. D
88. D
89. C
90. B
91. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 was awarded to ___________ .
1. Martin Karplus & Michael Levitt
2. Francois Englert & Peter W. Higgs
3. Thomas C. Sudhof & James E. Rothman
4. Lars Peter Hansen & Robert J. Shiller
92. Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, is the wife of __________ .
1. Prince Harry
2. Prince Charles
3. Prince William
4. Prince George
93. The Sinai Peninsula is in __________ .
1. Egypt
2. Libya
3. Jordan
4. Syria
94. According to Forbes Magazine the most powerful man on the Earth is ________.
1. Barack Obama
2. Vladimir Putin
3. Xi Jinping
4. Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud
95. Angela Merkel was elected as Chancellor of Germany for the __________ time.
1. first
2. second

3. third
4. fourth
96. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is __________ .
1. Shahbaz Sharif
2. Nawaz Sharif
3. Asif Zardari
4. Ishaq Dar
97. The President of Iran is __________ .
1. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
2. Hassan Rouhani
3. Mohammad Javad Zarif
4. Ali Khamenei
98. The No.1 Tennis Player is __________ .
1. Serena Williams
2. Maria Sharapova
3. Victoria Azarenka
4. Venus Williams
99. The Defence Secretary of United States is __________ .
1. John Kerry
2. Hillary Clinton
3. Chuck Hagel
4. John McCain

91. B
92. C
93. A
94. B
95. C
96. B
97. B
98. A
99. C
100. B

The Currency of Lativa is __________ .


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