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February 15, 2015

Pursuit: David, a man and his God 1 Samuel 31 2 Samuel 1

Good Grief

We all deal with grief, but we live in a day and age where grief is minimized. We avoid, deny, and
even pretend that its not there at times. But dealing well with our grief is necessary if we want to
live whole-heartedly. Davids life also teaches us that when we grieve well, we express what we
value and have the ability to honor others.
Thinking It Through (agree/disagree consider/contemplate)

Pain isnt the worst thing. Being hated isnt the worst thing. Being separated from the one you
love isnt the worst thing. Death isnt the worst thing. The worst thing is failing to deal with reality
and becoming disconnected from what is actual. The worst thing is trivializing the honorable,
desecrating the sacred.
~Eugene Peterson, Leap Over A Wall

Working It Out
1. Why do you think we dont value grieving in our culture?

2. Is there a time that you can remember where you grieved well? When you look back,
what were some of the results of that grieving process?

3. How do the principles of the message apply to what is happening to your life right now?

Pursuit: David , a man and his God


2 Samuel 5:1-22
The roller coaster ride in Davids life continues as we wrap up the book of 1 Samuel. After
pretending to be a Philistine ally for almost a year and a half, God provides a way out of Davids
charade and he finds some relief. Now, the story takes another twist, as Saul and Jonathan are
killed in battle along with a portion of the Israelite army. Davids response to this tragedy is not
what wed expect, and as we lean in to how he responds, we can learn a lot about processing
grief in our own lives.
1. How do you think David felt at the close of chapter 30?
2. In light of the events that Ive described in the paragraph above, what seems like the
logical next chapter in the story?
3. Put yourself in Davids shoes. Being the heir to the throne, how do you think youd react
to the news of Sauls death?
4. What role does mourning play in your life?

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