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Core Competencies

Tanya Haislip

Competency 4
Engage diversity and difference in
I worked with a family this week with a
different racial background, different
economic status, and different core values.

Practice Behaviors
4.1 Recognize the extent to
which a cultures structures
and values may oppress,
marginalize, alienate, or
create or enhance privilege
and power.
4.2 gain sufficient selfawareness to eliminate the
influence of personal
biases and values in
working with diverse

4.3 recognize and

communicate their
understanding of the
importance of
difference in shaping
life experiences; and
view themselves as
learners and engage
those with whom they
work as informants.

Practice Behaviors
A family was attempting to have a related child placed in their care
out of foster care. During the course of the home study, several red
flags were found, including the frequent visits of a family member
that had a murder conviction, multiple violent deaths, several drug
related charges, and a sexual offense. Despite the relative
normalcy of the family, the close knit unit, and the love and care
that was demonstrated by both caregivers and child alike, CPS was
unable to approve the home study. I had a personal problem with
the decision. I felt that despite the criminal history, the
circumstances were no longer an influence to the primary caregiver,
nor was their any behaviors present in the home that would have
caused harm to the child. I had to reconcile my personal feelings
with CPS guidelines and the experiences of the family

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