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Basic Information
Future Occupation(s):
Teachers, Health Care, Government,
Guidance Councilor
Speeches, meeting new people, working
with people
Independent, shy
Interests & Favourites
School Subjects:
ELA, Social Studies

Whats in your mind? (write a description of

your MI and why you fit into this category).
I fit into this category because I love hanging out with
my friends and like to make new friends. I like
learning by listening to play explain what to do. I
really love spending time with friend during
extracurricular sports. I have met a lot of people from
playing all different sports.

Why is it important to know what our strengths

and weaknesses are? (1.2.1)
Its good to know your strengths and weaknesses
because then you can improve on your weaknesses
and get better at your strengths.

What are some ways in which people with this

type of intelligence learn best? (1.1.1)
They learn the best by listening to people speak. We
also learn best by interacting with people. Another way
people like to learn is in small groups or partners.

Hanging out with friends, saying
Hanging out with friends, socializing
TV Shows:
Pretty Little Liars, Friends
Barack Obama

In your opinion, is this multiple intelligence

smarter than, less smart than, or equal to
the others? (5.1.3)
I think it is equal to because I dont think it is possible
for a multiple intelligence to be smarter than or less
smart than another.

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