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Rachel Fabian

French 11A
Mme. Maillard
Devoirs 1/13/14
Mandela Translation Par. A:
Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa, spent his life
fighting against the inequalities between White and Black people. A
hero for his people and for a large number of people worldwide, he
died Thursday December 5, 2013.
A descendent of the royal tribe of the Xhosa people, Nelson Mandela
was born on July 18, 1918. He spent a happy childhood in his village.
His teacher called him Nelson, but his father baptized him Rolihlala,
which means in xhosa one through which problems come. Very soon,
Nelson began to indeed show a rebellious spirit. At 22 years old, he
went to law school in Johannesburg, one of the largest South African
cities. There, he discovered the segregation that was being suffered by
Black people.
Par B:
Anger arises among Black people
He engaged in a political party named ANS (The African National
Congress). Then, he became the chief and led demonstrations against
the apartheid (read did you know below). In the townships, the
anger arose and the police used force to silence the demonstrations.
Nelson Mandela was often arrested, but always released . . . until his
first conviction in 1962. Then he was sentenced to life imprisonment in
Par C:
The Fight Continues
Becoming the prisoner no. 46664, he spent 18 years in breaking
stones at Robin Island, one of the most difficult prisons, located off of
the Cape. Transferred in 1982 to the Poolsmoor prison, he continued to
fight and communicate with the new leaders of the country. The arrival
in power of Frederik De Klerk, in 1989, announced change.
Par D:

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