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Guidelines for making checklist:

Checklist is different for different locations.

Develop checklist for different areas gate, TLF, Jetty,
tank farm
Develop checklist for different operations tanker
discharge, truck filling, storage in a tank
Develop checklist for different products Sulphuric acid
should not have water, MS is highly flammable, PO reacts
with water, styrene monomer can polymerise in the
absence of additive or refrigeration etc.
Develop checklist for different disciplines fire safety ,
process safety, mechanical safety, electrical safety
There are different checklists for different type of safety
audits (external safety audit and ISO 18001 audit.)
Finally checklist is an aid de memoir (tool for remembering) and
not the final report.
It is better to carry the checklist in the brain than in the hand.

Checklist for products

1.are people using full ppe while handling benzene?
2.people are aware of charters tics of benzene?
3.while unloading benzene connections are secured?
4.proper earthing is provided for TT while unloading ?
5.before unloading the benzene from tt ,is it checked quality
of benzene?

1.Is ACN is exposed to heat?because it will polymerizted
because of high heat
2.are they using proper ppe for unloading and loading of acn?
3.Is there any leak while loading the acn?

1.handling @EH chemical area is well ventilated?
2.are they following good industrial hygiene practices while
handling 2EH?
1.It is highly flammable in presence of is it handling
safely ? proper ppe wearing by operator?.it is Slightly hazardous
in case of skin contact. rated 3 in fire diamond .are they using proper fire fighting
while they handling acetone?

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