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Councilman Holleman and His Controversial Legislation

Last year, Councilman Holleman made headlines all over the state of Tennessee
after his former wife told police about how he constantly harassed her and
physically harmed her last year. It certainly brought the councilman into the
spotlight, although in a pretty bad way because a lot of people started viewing
him as someone who couldnt get over the fact that his marriage had crumbled
and he was prone to violent reactions as evidenced by how he hit his former wife
on the head with a flowerpot after an argument in their former home. Well
Holleman has made headlines once again, only this time it involves a
contradictory legislation that could end up costing hundreds of employees their
The District 24 councilman submitted two pieces of legislation last January 20th.
This seems like a normal thing to do for a councilman, right? Well the strange
thing about this is that the legislations he submitted seemed to be contradicting
one another. The first ordinance made it illegal for financial companies that
offered cash advances, title loans, and check cashing to operate 24/7. The other
legislation made it legal for the same types of companies to operate that were
otherwise not given any zoning certificates and permits to operate.
A lot of people who work in the financial sector of the business industry have had
nothing, but negative reactions to this legislation. They feel that the only purpose
of this legislation is to help one financial company while potentially ruining
another. According to Holleman, the reason why he does not want to allow these
24/7 financial services to operate is because he feels that they are encouraging
patrons to make financial transactions during hours when they are not even
He believes that most crimes tend to take place during the middle of the night, so
for him his legislation is there to help lower down the crime rate. Advance
Financial is the only check cashing company that operates 24/7 and currently has
approximately 56 branches and 600 employees in its payroll. If you would like to
know more about this situation, you can go to

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