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Name: Nirav Vora

Subject: Consumer Buying Behavior.

My every decision and action is impacted by my personality.
My Personality is not who I am, but who I have become.
There is a reference line defining me. Me defining the reference
line. Everything is quantitative and can be measured. Thats why
there are no new experiences its just the comparison with what
has happened in past. So my personality is the biggest lie.
Anything I do is expressing me, which ultimately defines my
personality, but personality in itself is a lie, because spontaneity
is buried deep inside the Inner defense mechanism.
Now I realize that motivation is Tension phenomena. Need drives
Tension and then whether need is fulfilled or need will generate
and the cycle will continue.
So Achievement is illusion and fundamental is tension.
Invent tension you want.
Attraction for anything generates tension to achieve it and my
resultant actions are by product of it .whether I will achieve the
thing or not has nothing to do with the phenomena of removing
tension, because with another need it will again arise. Thats why
genius are the people who dont know what they do and how they

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