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() (6th century A. D.)

- () 250 B.C




() )








(Chryse Chora - Golden Land)
(Chryse Chersonesus - Golden Peninsular)
( Gerini)

(Chryse Khora is situated just above the maritime region of the Gulf of Martaban)




(Chryse Chersonesus is the
Malay Peninsula and Chryse Chora is a region to the north of it and that is Suvannabhumi).
(Southeast Asia) (Sumutra)


(Southeast Asia) (a Pali scholar, Malalasekera
suggested that there were two places of Suvannabhumi, one originally in India itself and the
other in Southeast Asia)

(John Faithful Fleet)

(Southeast Asia) (Bengal) (Another

scholar, John Faithful Fleet did not consider Suvannabhumi to have been in Southeast Asia at
all, placing it in Bengal instead)



(Southeast Asia)







( Suvannabhum

(Old Buildings),
(Literature Review),
(History Background)

? (={









( )









( )



1. The Mahvasa, Venerable Mahnma, translated by Wilhelm Geiger,

2. Kalyn Inscriptions, Mon King Dhammaceti, Printed by The Government Printing of Rangoon,

3. ()
4. History of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia, by Kanai Lal Hazra,
5. Buddhism in Thailand, by The World Buddhist University,
- -

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