Vruca Galvanizacija

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in saver=io GA 3.1 BS 729 - Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Iron and Steel Articles introduction When speciing,askfor“Hot Dip Gavanizng 1 Stendord for supply eg. 8S 729 1974 10S 720 1071 {198e)" end stateinthe spa. (1686) This Detawol prides wfomatien on tha icaton “Tobe galvanized by e membe of 2 Natse ct matoral to be gavarizad ler intrretgion and use ofthe Bsish Gavanizer Assocation, oF Your natonal AS- % Methodofsamping tobe dopa Standard lor Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Seow : onal 4 Daido equted post oan iron and Stel Aricles~ 8S 720: 1071 (1885) 5 Datals of special requreents ‘This the bese standard eating tothe prow ye_This wll help the galvarior to daterrine tho Son of baich fot dp gabarized steal in the &.Informationtobe supplied by the ros cicent woof prevsna tte sncardt UA Al menbors of Gahsrwzers Ascectaion "purchaser to the galvanizer Supely requred, ond MRL any IPxONe are eure to supply to this slanderd To obtain best resus from tha gaanizng mont othe eaten ole rooming tock inedalion, many members are accredited 0 Spereton, nheteapproorate, thetalownge” of rater which may be necessary 10 BSS7501SO3000EN 29000 saree ofQual-fermationisequred rom ne purchaser” achieve good resi. iy Aranee starderos, wth more tending JREurcpean standard for hat op gatvanizing is ————_———_+ ‘urranly being davolgped. Ths standard wil lot dip galvaniziny be known aa BS EN 21461 when itis com Motang: a pete and vil replace BS 729 n accordance ‘ath the’ European standarcs ‘development palcy ‘iit indi! product epecifentonso ject tender gocumenta may make etarnatve for aslone rocuirem@rts on the SupEhy Diskontinuous Continuous of the gaWanzed ccrponents. We base - see Standard provides a releranca for those as: reSeees Processes, pects ofthe soenpenentsupely which May not Betdearintna convactagreemonts. @ Batch galvanizing © Galvanizing of sheet Thists parculany relevant nthe case of age Sadar Culergrmatng projets thd to hep eres relrence baton his © Galvanizing of pipes steal stip Datasheet ano the standard, the samme sub- types of hot dip gal- @ Galvanizing of wire fusions hevebean vsad to rosea. soo: YAMIN OESSES ‘entinerneon 4. Scope BS 729; 1971 (1986) species the require ‘ants for hot dp galvanized coatings on steel aricles gavanized after faicabon and on ‘ay or maleabe ren components afer cast Fo. acultements relating tothe galvanized coat hg ‘produced on the components focus lstody on the contnulty ofthe ecetngand the acheremant of a minum average coating weight per unt area ‘This slandard does not apply to other hot ip nizing processes such as those used 0 e corinuous stip, vire and. tube, \éhich are covered by thor ovm standards, 2, Definition ‘A Hot Dip Galvanized costing fa coined as “A Coating of zne, and zne- Fon alloy layers, ob tained by dipping prepares kon or stea! ari ‘lesin moter ne”, Further detls of the pro (ess of hot dp gehanaing cane fourd in fashest 7.2 earier fn this seres, S20 abo Faure 1 36 avetyimaortant defeton which shou ba bornoinmindwhenspeothing asihereare ‘bver zhe coating systems which are often Convused wih hot dip ealvanzing, hin ex hit Tower levels of corrosion protection in sori, Product standards Wil tke pieced fre over In base stands, dering ther Fig: Pooling of 2 Dun indvicua equrersanis, however inthe oats hy inadequate absence iis genera standard wll app ‘rainage. voy sauce”? GA 3.1 BS 729 = Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Iron and Steel Articles 4. Basis metal Fig. 5: Paint markings Teadiowshapet posse conosen act town trom ne tion performance fom the hot ofp gaanizd arto tis necessary to fake nto abcaunt, at fn aly stage, sovera fundamental fairs ‘yh infuen the qual ofthe coated pro- oust Toptoducea sound gahenized costing, tothe supply standard, it necessary fr tho pro treament fads to roach el pars ofthe com ‘ponent or structure, Equal tis necessary for the ane to gan access to, and dranage fom, allparis othe component or stuctuze. Si ith for reasons of saely, adoquaterelease of Sniragped airand pretreatment soution is ‘ued to avec explosions upon iremasion ot the component Inthe maten anc. Adequato Gainage aboassistseconomecuse ofthe ne 6. 01 and news welded together protreatmant process, 29. chemical cleaning eee {coe Figure 5 and Daiasheet 2.1) I adses ‘Thestandard requires natholesforadequate et lor soluble palnis shoud bo sod for Fran a ee a oe road nine Weriicaion purboses during fabrication Ary aoe ee oe ceetatan aay ihe gave, permanent doriicaten markings should be faa), uns the purenaser ves writen per de=P\y punched or amibossed. ievon forthe gevanizertocarryouttne nee- Tha surface characteristics of the pretreated Geeay Work Farther dela of teas Oornpo- stele on wl ave an afecton the qual of nent. desgn aspects can be found in Dara- gahanedoetngachieved, Theintroduction ‘seets 2810206. Continues by giving examples of such surface inihehieducion tothestandorditis pointed defects and artigtsoftan found on comoon: Gut Pat rid anciow aloy sleels are partou- _ ofs (se Figure 6 anc Datasheet 2.4), n par diy sulable for ganeniang. cases where ular aps, seams and old in Impure can the purchaser Io uneure tat the material fs__ affect ihe appearance o the coating formed Sutablo for gearing, tha gavanier shoud information Is provided ragarding the effects Ee eae e aria pao Le timeroutresa ss a emeeecloer var Fa pinhees (ten ef eae te cicedon cope saeal conta cc Tis obec cote in purmnm, unig of Gases ‘The mfrocicion ako pois out thatthe sur~ tured to advantage by delberatal roughan- Sracatsings Bora ‘anes to be gelanzed shoud be fre from ing the surface of a companent porto ga a Soa eb ee Meee tanination (pan, ol rease, welding lag Venizng to generate a thicker, and therefore for example) that wii not be removed By the longer lasting, coating. tn practice, the ma imum upiftin coating weight achieves by ths technique 18 around 60 % compared 10 2 Coating formedion asmnootn companentt init ofthe stet friar geometyy and surface chemical rect wy. ‘ean ‘Th atloots of steel surface cherristy aro ar vated, with parila eters to tho reac: ton Between siicon i tha steel and tho mal tenzine ‘Changes to the mechanical properties of ‘Sompunents galvanized are usualy ver sight ‘and of ra signiicanios tothe performance of tne comport during ts design lie, Incoed, gavanizng the component prevents subse- ‘quent dariage caused by aggressive coro Stan envormionts and considerably extend teal He The standardpolnis aut thatthe rasponsitity for changes in the moctanical properties of ‘he component due To gehaniang, res ullshod by Galvanzors Association Wren’ Cour, 66 Victoria Road, Surtlon Colts, Wiest Miclands, B721S¥UK.

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