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Fast Healer
Fleet of Foot
Deductive Jump
Eidetic Memory
Fast Reflexes
Iron Stomach
Latent Magic
Iron Will
Skill Boost
Focus State

Gain +2 on presence skills based on appearance
Gain a loyal NPC companion, This character starts with 6 attribute points and 3 skill points and
Double healing from natural healing or medicine skill.
Increase movement value by two.
Gain four extra Hit Points. You also gain +1 HP at each level.
Gain one extra Luck Point at the beginning of a Session.
Double the characters starting money. Gain 10% stipend of starting cash each month.
Once per session, gain a hint on a puzzle or something that will move the plot along
This character remembers all obscure info, The character can make any knowledge based ski
You pick up languages easily, you gain two languages each rank in language.
Gain a +2 on initiative checks. Gain +1 per every three level after 1 st. I.E. +3 at 4
You can eat about anything, if something is potentially deadly if consumed gain +5 to resist it.
You have contacts, on taking this perk choose in which manor this contacts are.
You have some high standing in social status, you receive benefits of said rank and the ability
Choose one magic skill and Learn one novice spell from that school and can cast cantrips. Yo
Gain +1 willpower score.
Gain 2 skill point.
People just don't remember your appearance, People require TN 10 + your presence to remem
You can enter a focused state of mind as a minor action, While in this state you gain +1 to per

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tribute points and 3 skill points and one perk

starting cash each month.

will move the plot along
an make any knowledge based skills untrained.
rank in language.
after 1 st. I.E. +3 at 4th, +4 at 7th and so on.
y if consumed gain +5 to resist it.
or this contacts are.
enefits of said rank and the ability to throw your weight a
t school and can cast cantrips. You have a Magic mana pool (

e TN 10 + your presence to remember you. Cannot be taken

hile in this state you gain +1 to perception ability, you lose

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