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Name ____________________________________________ Date ________________

World Geography Country Project

Overall requirements

3 page paper (divided into sections) single spaced,

size 12, font New Romans, 1 margins
One full page illustrated map with important cities,
capital, and geographical features
Venn Diagram typed on computer comparing your
country with another country we have studied this year in
Bibliography of sources used
Completed Research packet
Timeline of Due Dates
_____ Research at least 1 of 5 sections (history, government, economics, culture,
physical geography) completed by ____________________.
_____ Map information and rough sketch by ____23 February 2015_.
_____ Map final draft completed by February 26, 2015.
_____ All sections of the 5 research areas (history, government, economics, culture,
physical geography) completed by _23 February 2015__.
_____ Rough draft of Venn Diagram due on ______________________.
_____ Rough draft of 3 page paper due on Google Drive on ___23 Feb 2015__.
(paragraphs for each of the 5 sections)
_____ Typed, final copy of Venn Diagram due on ___27 February 2015_.
_____ Typed, final copy of 3 page paper due on ______27 February 2015___.

Research & Sources

You need at least 2 book/periodical sources and 2 internet sources for this project.

You need information in each category below.

Keep track of your sources as you find information by writing the name of the internet
site, book, or articles title in the parenthesis.
1. History
2. Government

3. Economics

4. Culture
5. Physical Geography/Climate


Map Information
Capital of my country ___________________________________________________
Write down the major cities to include:
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
Write down major rivers, lakes or other bodies of water to include:
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
Write down any mountain ranges, waterfalls, plateaus, deserts, etc. to include:
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
A rough draft sketch of my map:

Venn Diagram Information

*For comparing and contrasting, you must choose a country that we have studied this

year in
Geography! If uncertain, check with the teacher.
My country ____________________________ Other country

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