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Professional Mission

As a professional in the field of Student Affairs, I am passionate about fostering student

learning through leadership and identity development. I am driven by a students potential, the
overcoming of adversity through a passion to succeed, the ever-changing student demographic,
the evolving nature of student needs, and the options within an educational system. I believe that
access to higher education should be granted to anyone with a desire to learn. I strive to be an
advocate for students who feel that they do not have a voice and for issues that are not being
discussed. I believe all students have a wealth of knowledge, culture, and social capital (Yosso,
2005) to share with the community. I want to empower students to be the best version of
themselves, be involved in their education, enhance their understanding of their own identity and
beliefs, and expand their knowledge and multicultural competence (Pope, 2004) through
community engagement and the sharing and receiving of stories. I am committed to the
wellbeing of all students, the attainment of higher education, leadership development, and
engagement with the local and global community.
To ensure that this mission comes to fruition, I will continue to develop my skills and
expand my network to better serve the needs of students. I will continue exploring my identity
and biases and how they manifest in the work that I do. I will ask for help when I need it, use
feedback to improve my practice, be innovative, collaborate, and always consider the student
voice. I will take time for self-care and model work-life balance. I will stay current with
institutional news, professional journals, and the state of higher education. I will continue to
seek opportunities that challenge me and place me in areas and offices where I will have the
biggest impact, and strive towards personal and professional success. Most importantly, I will
continue to bring my genuine self and not compromise on my morals or personal values.



Pope, R.L., Reynolds, A.L., & Mueller, J.A. (2004). Multicultural competence in student
affairs. San Francisco,CA: Jossey-Bass.
Yosso, T.J. (2005). Whose culture has capital? A critical race discussion of community cultural
wealth. Race Ethnicity and Education, 8(1), 69-82

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