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Transitional Reader Small Group Learning Plan (DRA 18-38)



1.Students sort words

2.TTW discuss what a
prefix is and how to tell
when there is not a prefix

1.Slates-TTW call out a

word, TSW write the
meaning of the word and
underline the prefix (if it has

1.Review what the purpose

of a prefix is
2.TSW, in pairs, come up
with new words that have n,
im, dis, and pre prefixes.
They will also write the

Divide the group for choral
Review fluency; buddy read
for expression.

Give examples on how to
read with fluency/expression,
how not to read like this.
Buddy read

TSW present the poem to
the group using fluency and

Title: Hawks on the


Title: Hawks on the Clock

Title: Hawks on the Clock

Title: Hawks on the Clock

5 Finger Summary- Write a
summary using transition
words and details

*What can we infer from the

title of the book? What
predictions do you have based
on the pictures you see?
*Vocab- hawk, surprised, job
*What kind of jobs do you
think these hawks have?

*Verbally summarize what

has happened so far.
*What have we learned
about the hawks?
*Vocab~ complaining,
*Read to find out what
jobs the Hawks have

*Verbally summarize what

has happened so far.
*Vocab~ wing span, bother
*Read to find out physical
and behavioral
characteristics of a hawk
that makes it fitting for its

*Verbally summarize what

has happened so far.
*Vocab~ pest, runway, hired
*Read to find out other jobs
that a hawk can do.
How do you think hawks are
used with airports?

*Verbally summarize main

elements of the story.
1.Describe what a typical
workday for the hawks
looks like.
2.Why dont the hawks eat
the pigeons?


Students read independently

Teacher listens to student

reading and takes anecdotal
records/running records

TSW read until the first post-it

note (pg. 5).

TSW read until the second

post-it (pg. 9), stopping to
write a prediction on the
sticky note at the end.

TSW read until the third

post-it (pg. 13), stopping to
write a prediction on the
stocky note at the end.

TSW read until the end of

the book, and respond to the
question Can you think of
another job a hawk could do
for you? on sticky note.

TSW reread the entire

book, and write down main
ideas on an index card after
reading in order to form


Teaching points: strategy use

Text discussion focusing on

reading comprehension skills

Discuss the following ?s

1.What kind of birds do we
see in this book?
2.Who works with the birds &
what is his job?
3.What do you think they are
going to do for him?

1.What have we found

about the setting and the
2.Why do people come to
the park?
3.Explain what the hawks
job is.

1.What eventually happens

to the pigeons?
2.Describe a characteristic
of a hawk. What can you
infer about how it makes
them a good fit for their

1.What other jobs can a

hawk do?
2.Why are other birds
dangerous in airports?
3.How were hawks used to
solve this problem?
Discuss students responses
at the end of the story.

1.What makes a good

summary? Discuss 5 finger
2.TSW work together to
write a summary about
Hawks on the Clock using
transition words. This
should describe their job.

DRA Level 30
Word Study
Phonetic Strategies
(5-8 minutes - Will be longer on
the day a new feature is

Rate, Accuracy, Expression,
Phrasing (Rereading familiar
texts) (3-5 minutes)

Guided Reading (15-20



Book preview/predictions



Revised 3/30/13



1.TSW complete a blind sort

on prefixes un and dis
2.Discuss new prefix
meanings and differentiate
between words that have
prefixes and words that do not

1.TSW sort words that

have prefixes and words
that do not; review
meanings of un and dis
2.Slates- TSW write the
meaning of each prefix
and the meaning of each
of the words
Discuss how to read with
commas in the poem
TTW model read the poem
Buddy read for fluency.
Use expression sticks

Title: Hawks on the Clock

Introduce book

TSW read poem The List
Makers with their shoulder


Revised 3/30/13

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