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Class 6
Subject: Social Studies
Topic: Citizenship
Time: 35 Minutes

Teachers Intention: To enhance students realization of the responsibilities, and duties of a good citizen.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write the at least 7 characteristics of
citizens and write about any two which they practice in their daily lives in not more than 5-6 lines within 15
minutes in their notebooks.

Material aids: worksheets, Pictures.

Method: Textbook method

Strategies: pictures



Teacher Activity


Student Activity

Warm up:
The teacher will show some pictures
and ask students to identify them.
The teacher will randomly ask the
following questions:

Students will
identify the
pictures and
answer the
question asked by

Do we have any responsibilities as


What according to you the basic

rights of citizens?

Expected answers:

Does every citizen have the right to

have freedom of expression in our

1-Keep cleans the city.

2-To vote, to get education
3-everyone has right to spook
and express opinion.
Topic: Citizens rights


On the basis of pupils response the

teacher will introduce the topic by
1: as a student our responsibility writing it on the board.
is keep our city.
2: freedom of expression is a
basic ..of citizen?
3: Pakistani society is
composed of variety of people;
everyone is equal before?
4: what would be required for
students to be a good

Guided task:
The teacher will divide the students
into rows, the teacher will then give
blanks to the students and will ask
them to fill the blanks with
appropriate words.

Student will
answer the
questions, asked
by the teacher

20 min


Expected answers:
1: clean

Feedback :

The teacher will ask student to share

blanks. The teacher will appreciate the

2: Right

answers of students and will rectify if

3: The low

there are any mistakes.


Student will share

their answers one
by one.

4: Well education

Teachers Input:
The teacher will further introduce the
topic by discussing the responsibilities
and rights of the citizen while pasting
flash cards on the borad.
-1 Obeying the low
-2 Paying taxes
-3 Defend the country
-4 Help needy people
-5 clean school and home
-6 Respect the believes and opinions
of others
-1 Get education
-2 Vote
-3 Freedom of expression
-4 Freedom to express religion
-5 Liberty to live
-6 Right to run for elected office

4 min

Student will work


Expected answer:


Answer would be on the

base of positive Qualities
or may be negative

The teacher will ask students to write

at least 7 characteristics of citizens
and write about any two which they
practice in their daily lives in not more
than 5-6 lines within 15 minutes in the
Student will share
papers provided.
their answers


The teacher will appreciate the students
response and will correct if there is any
short comings.

Overall Assessment:
To assess pupils understanding level the
teacher will randomly ask the following
Q1: Define the qualities of a citizen in
your own words?

4 min

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