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NWFP, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR (COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR TEHSILDAR/NAIB TEHSILDAR General English =~ Time Allowed: 03 hours. ‘Max: Marks: 150 Hote:= Attempt any BEREE questions and question No I 18 coupulsory. u Write an cosay of about 600 words on ONE of the following topics I+ Patriotisn 22 Symbolisn ‘ket 52 Modomien Berkey 0, qo Pisitivetninking 52 Child da the father of Man @ Tolerance 72 Globel tarxing Ti Summarize dn your om words the following pssaage to about ono-thira of ite length: hase We In thus naling sweetness and 1aght to be chracters of perfection, cunture ie of like spirit with postry, follows one law with poetry. Yor more than on our freedom, our population, and our industrielisa, any aiongst ua rely upon olf religious organisations to ave us. T have enlied religio sore inportant manifestation of hunan nature then poetry, decause 1t has worked on a bpoader scale for perfection, sai with greater anges of mon, But the idea of boaw and of a huaan nature perfect on all its sides, which 1s the donimant idea of poetry, 12 a true and invaluable idea, though it has not yot hed the niccens that the idea of conquering the obvious faulte bf our anisality, sal sf @ husan nature perfect on the noral cide, whieh te the doninant idea of religion, har beon enabled to haves ana it ie destined, adding to iteolf the Foligious idea of a devout energy, to transform and govern the other. The best art oad poetry of the Grosia, dn which roligion and poetry fare one, in which the idea of beauty én’ of s non nature perfect on oll @ides adda to itself a religious and devout energy, and works Sn the strength of that, in on this account of suck curpagsing interest and inctructireneas for ua, though 4t sag, ao, having regard to the fuon rnce in general, ond, indeed, saving regart to the Groske thesselves, ve sust owma prenature atteapt, an attenpt whieh for cuctess necded the oral and religious fibre in Rananity to be sore braced and doveleped then it has yet been. TIT, Use the following idions in sentences n order to bring out their soaning and dowonstrate their correct un Square neal Works 40 Strained relations Short change To run about A corry fellow To cone down in tiie world 7 get on in the world A shrot anchor A otallcing horce IV. Road the following pacoage carefully and answer in your ovm words the questienc given after ths vascoge. Imskeat 40 Life is Like yleying # violin solo in sublite and learning the Anotrunent ag one goes on, One cannot nnke the best of such Ce) 4npossibiliticn, and the question 1s doubly fatuous until we are told which of our two lives__the conscious or the wncons¢ious__is held by the asker to be the truer life, Which does the queation contemplate the life we know, or the life which others nay kmou, but which we knot not ? Doath gives us a life moh and women compared with which their so-called exietence here is a6 nothing. Which is the truer life of Shakespeare, Handie, that divine women who wrote the Odyssey, and of Jane austen the life which palpiteted with sensible warm motion within their own bodies, or that in virtue of which they are still palpitating in ours ? In whose conseiousn’ does their truest life consist__their om, or ours? Gan Shakespeare be said to have begun his true life till a hundred years or so after he was dead and buriod? His physical life was but as an embrymnic stage, a coming up out of darknoss, twilight and dawn before the aunrise of that 1ife of the world te cone which he was to enjoy hereafter, We all live sor a while after we aro gone hence, but we are for the noct part stillborn or at any rate die in infancy, as regards that lite yhich every age and country has recognised ao higher on truer than the one of which we are now sentient. As the life of the race is larger, longer, and in all reapects nore te be considered thon that of the individual, zo 1s the life we live in the others larger and nore important than the one we live in ourselv QUESTIONS. Wane the,lives that the suthor has wentioned to be the true lives. Whien one 42 tho 1ife thet ve do not know about? What kind of life does death give? Which 4s the truer life of Shakespeare? Where do the true lives of Shakespeare and Jane Austen exist? Does Shakespeare live his true 1ife after ke ie iead? What kind of stage does a physical 1ife contain? How far do ve live, if we are gone? What 9 difference between the 1ife of a raco and an individual? What is the dnportance of the life that we live in others? aD WEP, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PESHAWAR, % ‘Compstitive Examination fori Tebia, 2007 ISLAMIAT Time allowed: 3 hours Max Marks:100, ee LIT oi Eat & dy Gb Ge tee ste(pvey, IT - oe Oe ao 5S) Shy ese fs Mieded 226 ACC atin y+ We Ti Sis LAE, poe Ae Le do § Soh, et See Slab & 20 bie ox oy Sn OF, Nagy Wx eats od _ Fa . +s to El TES ness simul f (ie Oeipoe tf a) | ILA CA Rb Aw al 7 ele a i lay Tol axe hee cc iwes ase) Gale? 2 ray nents Cétden my A Ne 2, WEP, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PESHAWAR. sildae/ mination forNaib Tehsildar, Q7 PAKISTAN STUDIES. Competitive Time allowed: 3 hours, Max-Marks:100 NATE: Atte pO ancy FIVE questions ein ee Enplihe Uk K ideclegy, Q Bicisten Was Leek ayeale iar Hee Wiskery of We Mosling of Saat Asia Discuss “hs De dou mea Quaid i. Roun om ii - Maite We canlien? Hite rel, Well, Siar Sgeh Alien Mew and Minwo Matec nt Tab KB. Shik Debutation Wes « Grrcneu RrGevenance” Discuss 7M: Disenss te civemmustances aut Lackey eshomsible Gor Ye bint of NU Take Mudie e. x5 “nde Relort” Caused a Sextous dae ge Heid Mushinn welubies is Tada. Discuss: 7b. Thekidy Wee neous Drablews tne Wee ecomennrc develeprnenrt ef oe vt &e Stow. says ANE ET cawavdineds brought about in tee Couskitatzasn of (443 by te LED. Which mredel according te You ts wae Suitable Pow fakichen 3 diseutgs - oR. Corte ectay examine te baegect syste, OT Ancol Commer sin Oieat, or 1 competitive 2 'rdhsildars, 200; VERY DAY SCIENC Marks: 150, “Time Allowed: 3 Hours ve 4. wee x6 Nok: duswer any cae Auediiom. Gusctise notin) ia Comrpullerg ‘either 00 English eR Lede) joe Cn fTilineh Perel a PartiS fam oe 4 Do gew ayer i tena pet debfie RSs oa tipigys & Solon Go Kathrin (3808 accndingy Re Lv, y SO perenne Re oa bly 7 vite: An fe Hee tole FE eet eA a yw por wer Post Apne ce perl wena Commedt Rae a Acie carmen tn Mable wt Mae apt of Mins Sealy : we al am” a. ae PEEY pln Me Protets Mad lod. Trou fie hunt wer con, 4 creas The ea Gn Te Aatalailion f Pecblons a bxS = ee €. ey ytie ae Gene 8 septente — oatees Seni a aonal wate he caren tits Fy ‘ “ aed Poh ge TO 2. byl te oe in Pron as aie ok fo ; 02S%) ic sen SION PESHAW Competitive Examination Fade AbleA“/ Nard Top srileles,, 07 (GENERAL URDU Tine allowed: 3 hours MasMarks:130 9 LB ty Lop Et LOW SHA, 29 annie, Bip phil ecovipist> 3 Yili ab ga de a4 ewe Boel tGort. © 5 “ ee a ¢ hfe! eb Mere ae ; Fhe earliest SeMlements were almest certainly never very far Prom waterand man tock ts the rivers te hunt fish end later used Them Fo travel from one place te ansther, Mesto what Ls S2id about the prehistory of the boat 48 guesseverk, There are few records aud Little real evidence, but the probable aurse of development £3 ear enough. 2 9 i oboe yh GIB dr Wepepe dre Lelparoee ye!” dugg pathogen Ay Lljgpalieif Ley jypsiieesh ~- CMilayeygupaly Liat he orp ~~ bey yah pe ot py poo dues face ~~ as hyeppelpg aay ir sifdr

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