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Patel et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Khushboo Patel*1, Lipsa Sant1, Priti Yadav1, Divya Patel1, Kaenat Sindhi1, Shivani
Patel1, Hitesh Jain1
1Sigma Institute of Phamacy, Vadodara, Gujarat.
All life on earth is thought to have arisen from water. The bodies of all
living organisms are composed largely of water. About 70 to 90% of
all organic matter is water. The chemical reactions in all plants and
animals that support life take place in a water medium. Water not only
provides the medium to make these life sustaining reactions possible,
but water itself is often an important reactant or product of these
reactions. Every one of us wants to be healthy that is diseased free, but
we are unaware of the fact that most of the diseases are caused due to
our own lifestyle as most of us live an acidic lifestyle, which is the
basic reason of occurrence of diseases. Alkaline lifestyle including
alkaline water and alkaline food can help us from this. Basically
alkaline water can help us to fight against ageing, chronic degenerative disorders, overweight,
tumor and other diseases.
KEYWORDS: Chronic degenerative diseases, Ageing, Tumor, Alkaline water.
Life on earth totally depends on water. A high percentage of living things, both plants and
animals are found in water. The human organism operates at peak efficiency when the pH of
the blood is slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.36. By following a diet of primarily alkaline
foods, by drinking alkaline water and by modifying your lifestyle to avoid acid producing
activities one can begin to detoxify ones body, removing the excess proteins and acid wastes,
which create inflammation and degenerative changes. Water can be either acidic or alkaline.
If the residue from food or water is primarily sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and incombustible
organic acid radicals, then an acidic condition results.

World Journal of Pharmaceutical ReseaRch

Volume 3, Issue 3, 3845-3853. Review Article ISSN 2277 7105
Article Received on
03 February 2014,
Revised on 05 March 2014,
Accepted on 26 March 2014
*Correspondence for
Khushboo Patel
Sigma Institute of
Phamacy, Vadodara,
Gujarat. Vol 3, Issue 3, 2014.

Patel et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Acidic water: It is ideal for external use. It is astringent water that is excellent for skin. Its
slight bleaching, constrictive and oxidizing characteristics are perfect for cleansing, washing
and a variety of topical applications. But in excess it is not suitable for the body as it creates

Alkaline water: It is smooth, energizing, cleansing and great tasting water that has a
combination of unique characteristics. This micro water possesses unparalleled absorption
and hydrating abilities. Rich in alkalizing minerals, it aids in buffering the negative effects of
over acidic health conditions. With an abundance of available electrons, alkaline ionized
water renders cell-destroying free radicals harmless.
1. Ionization raises the pH of tap water from around 7 (neutral) to 9.5 (alkaline). An ionized
alkaline water act as a solvent on acidic waste (such as fats, uric acid, and cholesterol)
stored in the body and dissolves it to be removed by the blood.
2. Ionization cuts the size of the water molecular cluster in half. This smaller cluster can
penetrate the cellular membranes of the body easier, thus speeding new tissue building
and waste removal. The smaller clusters also means that alkaline ionized water is more
hydrating and helps reduce wrinkles and keep the skin supple and smooth.
3. Ionization splits the water molecule into H+ and OH- ions. By drinking the water with the
alkaline, oxygen rich OH- ions more oxygen is made available to enrich the blood which
can increase one's level of energy and promote quicker healing
4. The ionized OH- molecules have extra electrons that neutralize destructive free radicals
circulating throughout the body and thus allow the natural healing processes of the body
to predominate slow down the aging process and promote health.
5. Ionization results in abundant alkaline minerals such as calcium and its ionized form
contribute to the "burn off" of fats and carbohydrates thus helping to reduce weight and
eliminate obesity.
6. Most of the diseases occur in acidic condition of the body thus an alkaline condition has
to be created to prevent the diseases and this can be done by consuming food that contains
more alkalinity and by drinking alkaline water.
Our body can only process a certain amount of acid, so it is possible to overload the system Vol 3, Issue 3, 2014.
Patel et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
and for the body to become overly acidic. Meat including beef, pork, chicken and turkey, is
acidic. Dairy products such as milk, butter and cheese are also acidic. Grains such as rice and
barley as well as potatoes, pasta and bread, are also acidic. Coffee, tea, and soft drinks are
extremely acidic. These dietary products increase the acidity and leads to precipitation of
many diseases.Thus a need of alkaline water arises.
A. Reasons for diseased conditions in the body
pH levels are balanced in our body. To reach and maintain optimum health our blood
fluids and delicate tissues throughout our body must remain alkaline. This however is in a
constant state of flux as practically every metabolic process in our body from breathing,
to digestion, to the production of energy, all create acidic byproducts.
So our body is constantly working to maintain a very delicate balance between acid and
alkaline. When this acidic-alkaline balance is not maintained which results in increasing
acidity is the major cause of diseased condition of our body.
B. Dangers due to too much acid [4]
When our body gets out of balance and become too acidic then our health is directly affected
and gets susceptible to many health issues including
Lack of energy / fatigue
Weight gain

Muscle aches and pains

Frequent colds and flu
Nasal congestion and excess mucus production
Anxiety and irritability
Poor digestion
The Acid/Alkaline Balancing act [5]
Under normal circumstances, the body uses two methods to counter metabolic acidosis
and maintain the blood pH in a narrow range of 7.35 7.45. One factor that can cause
metabolic acidosis is a buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood. The lungs are used
to counteract excess CO2 which is normally produced by the bodys metabolic processes.
The most common cause of CO2 build up is exercise, and the body responds by increasing Vol 3, Issue 3, 2014.
Patel et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
the breathing rate which allows the lungs to expel the excess CO2 and maintain the proper
blood pH balance.
Metabolic acidosis caused by diet is marked by a buildup of acid-forming hydrogen ions
in the blood. The kidneys respond to this by producing bicarbonate (HCO3) which is
released into the bloodstream to counteract the hydrogen ions. The kidneys can also act to
reduce levels of hydrogen ions in the blood by expelling them in the urine.
Both pH balancing systems normally work together as well. The products of both systems
combine to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) which can be broken down to form both
hydrogen ions, and bicarbonate, based on what the body needs at the time. In a normal,
healthy body these two systems work to maintain the blood pH balance.
Oxygen is essential to survival. It is relatively stable in air, but when too much is absorbed
into the body it becomes active and unstable and leads to generation of free radicals. These
free radicals are unstable and have a high oxidation potential, which means they are capable
of stealing electrons from other cells. Inside the body free radicals are of great benefit due to
their ability to attack and eliminate bacteria, viruses and other waste products. Problems arise
when too many of these free radicals are turned loose in the body where they can also
damage normal tissue. Some substances are thought to have activity aganist oxygen free
radicals, these are called antioxidants. They are believed to inhibit cancer, which includes:
vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, and glutathione (an amino acid). These
substances are reducing agents. They supply electrons to free radicals and block the
interaction of the free radical with normal tissue.
Table 1: Effect of oxidation on vital organs
Stage 1: Separation and Purification
Pass water through a sediment filter to remove big particles such as sand and rust.
Oxidized tissue Leads To
Liver Hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer
Pancreas Pancreatitis, diabetes, cancer
Kidney Neohritis, nephrosis ,cancer Vol 3, Issue 3, 2014.
Patel et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Then flow it through active carbon filters to remove all chemicals such as chlorine and
Pass it through a reverse osmosis system to eliminate metal and mineral residues.

This is exposed to ultra-violet light sterilization to kill all viruses and bacteria.
It then enters a de-ionization chamber where a special resin binds with any residues
that may have escaped.
Stage 2: Re-energization and Re-vitalization
Simulate the Water Cycle (evaporation and condensation), using a distiller which
removes any remaining negative imprints.
Expose water to full rainbow spectrum of light for several hours.
Now re-energize the water by passing it through a vortex. The vortex reproduce the
natural course of water flowing over and around rocks and other natural obstacles,
creating eddies and undercurrents (vortices) which supercharge the water with oxygen
and help re-establish the coherent crystalline patterns
Throughout these stages water is enveloped in a "blanket" of classical music, creating a
positive imprint and vibrationally-balanced water, further enhancing its Hado structure.
Stage3:Re-mineralization and balancing
For next 24 hours feed water into a ceramic egg, which contains pristine Kalhari crystal
salt, this egg shape creates a natural vortex movement.
Water absorb minerals and trace elements from the soil. Minerals help to re-establish pH
of water, thus creating an alkaline liquid.
All diseases in the body are caused by an acid environment and those diseases cannot
survive in an alkaline environment.
It is also concluded that we are not fat, we are over acid. This is because if we consume
acid food, the body stores it as fat. A glass of lemon water should be taken every morning
and for sweetening honey can be added but sugar cannot be used.
A glass of water with a teaspoonful of bicarbonate soda can be tried every morning to get
rid of acidosis.
When our body is out of pH balance, the disease process begins, resulting in problems
ranging from bone loss to premature ageing. Vol 3, Issue 3, 2014.
Patel et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
When our body enjoys pH balance we experience radiant good health.
1. Anti-ageing and the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases [3, 11]
Ageing is the result of damage to bodily tissues by organic acids and free radicals. Free
radicals cause oxidative damage to the cells of the body. They damage cells and over time
damaged cells lead to tissue break down, which results in chronic diseases. A number of
diseases including arthritis, atherosclerosis, Alzheimers disease and diabetes, have been
associated with free radical damage. Alkaline water helps to counter the free radical damage
that leads to chronic disease. It neutralizes acids and scavenges free radicals.
2. Weight loss [3]
Obesity in the industrialized world is the result of acidity in the body. Due to acidity body
creates fat cells to trap and neutralize these excess acids in the system. These fat molecules
are stored which result in weight gain.Drinking alkaline water and maintaining a healthy
body pH can reduce fat storage by releasing the acidic waste build up.
3. Detoxification [3]
Predominant organ of detoxification is liver which has various filtration systems and enzyme
systems to neutralize toxins and prepare them for excretion. The enzyme systems of the liver
are categorized as the phase I and phase II detoxification systems.
The detoxification systems of the body are taxed by the increasing amount of acidity in the

body caused by todays common diet and pollution levels.Thus drinking alkaline water solves
the problem of detoxification.
4. Prevents bone resorption [12-14]
Endogenous acid produced by the metabolism of foods in ordinary diets abundant in
proteins may contribute to the decrease in bone mass that occurs normally with ageing.
The oral administration of potassium bicarbonate at a dose sufficient to neutralize
endogenous acid improves calcium and phosphorus balance, reduces bone resorption and
creases the rate of bone formation.
Humans generally consume a diet that generates metabolic acids leading to a reduction in
the systemic bicarbonate and a fall of pH. Chronic metabolic acidosis alters bone cell
function; there is an increase in osteoclastic bone resorption and a decrease in osteoblastic Vol 3, Issue 3, 2014.
Patel et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
bone formation.
An alkali balanced diet modulates bone resorption and the associated alterations in
calcium and phosphate homeostasis.
5. Maintains homeostasis [15, 16]
Chronic metabolic acidosis is a process whereby an excess acid load is placed on the body
due to excess acid generation or diminished acid removal by normal homeostatic
mechanisms. Excessive meat ingestion and aging are two clinical conditions often associated
with chronic metabolic acidosis. The body's homeostatic response to this pathology is very
efficient. Therefore, the blood pH is frequently maintained within the "normal" range.
However, these homeostatic responses engender pathologic consequences such as
nephrolithiasis, bone demineralization, muscle protein breakdown and renal growth. Acidbase
homeostasis exerts a major influence on protein function, thereby critically affecting
tissue and organ performance. Deviations in body acidity can have adverse consequences and
when severe, can be life-threatening.
6. Inhibitory effect of electrolyzed reduced water on tumor angiogenesis [16]
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a key mediator of tumor angiogenesis. Tumor
cells are exposed to higher oxidative stress compared to normal cells. Numerous reports have
demonstrated that the intracellular redox state is closely associated with the pattern of VEGF
expression.These redox reactions are dependent on pH greatly, in acidic conditions more
oxidative stress results. Results have shown that drinking alkaline water shows effects on
prevention of tumour. Electrolyzed reduced water (ERW) produced near the cathode during
the electrolysis of water scavenged intracellular H2O2 and decreased the release of H2O2
from a human lung adrenocarcinoma cell line.
7. Electrolyzed-reduced water scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from
oxidative damage [17]
Active oxygen species or free radicals are considered to cause extensive oxidative damage to
biological macromolecules, which brings about a variety of diseases as well as aging. The
ideal scavenger for active oxygen should be 'active hydrogen'. 'Active hydrogen' can be
produced in reduced water near the cathode during electrolysis of water. Reduced water
exhibits high pH, low dissolved oxygen (DO), extremely high dissolved molecular hydrogen
(DH), and extremely negative redox potential (RP) values. This protects and prevents
oxidative damage. Vol 3, Issue 3, 2014.
Patel et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Table 2: List of acidic foods

ACID - Proton rich

Mildly Acid Moderately Acidic Highly Acidic
Beverages - fruit juice alcohol, fruit ,tea, coffee,
Condiments sunflower oil, grapeseed oil butter, ghee, corn oil Fruits plum, fresh date, sweet
cherry orange, banana, pineapple dried fruit, pickled fruit
Grains millet, kasha brown rice, wheat, white
rice barley, corn, oat bran
foods fresh water fish ocean fish wild shell fish, farm raised fish
products Rice milk, Milk cream - hard cheese, ice cream,
Nuts brazil nuts, hazelnuts Walnuts peanuts, cashews
Table 2: List of alkaline foods
ALKALINE - Electron rich
Highly Alkaline Moderately Alkaline Mildly Alkaline
Beans and
Soy nuts,
soylecithin soybeans, white navy beans lentils, soy flour, tofu
Alkaline water - distilled water
Condiments Real salt, celtic salt - olive oil, flaxseed oil,
products human breast milk - goat milk
- beets, radish, ginger turn-up, carrot
Seeds pumpkin - sesame, cumin, fennel,
Vegetables grasses, sprouts tomato, spinach, garlic,
cabbage peas, asparagus
It can thus be said alkaline water can be life saving as well can save our bodies from various
problems , deadly diseases caused due to oxygen free radicals. It is concluded that use
alkaline water can help us to maintain a healthy lifestyle and can prevent many diseases like Vol 3, Issue 3, 2014.
Patel et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
cancer. It can be a promising tool to fight against various diseases.
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