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Daily Learning Plan Monday and Tuesday


Social Studies

2-2-15, 2-3-15
3.4 The student will develop map skills by
a) locating Greece, Rome, and West Africa;
b) describing the physical and human
characteristics of Greece, Rome, and West Africa;
c) explaining how the people of Greece, Rome,
and West Africa adapted to and/or changed their
environment to meet their needs.

Student Friendly Objective: I can understand the difference between

Ancient Rome and present day Rome. I can locate Rome on a map.
I can explain the connection between the geography and the lifestyle of the
Ancient Romans.
Anticipatory Set/Opening:
TTW: ask student about where we live and how it affects our lives
(activities, food, clothing, jobs)
TTW: tell students they will be taking a virtual field trip.
TTW: show artifacts from Italy (Boothe)

SS.3.3 The student demonstrates

knowledge and
understanding of life in
ancient Rome.
SS.3.3.1 Describe the physical
environment of ancient Rome.
(SOL 3.4)

Direct Instruction:
TTW: using Google Earth, begin at Seatack travel to Italy.
TTW: show students land forms, location, architecture and closeups of buildings and land.
TTW: show photographs from curriculum guide if needed


TSW: give input of geographic characteristics of Rome (hills, river,
Mediterranean Sea, limited rich soil, variety of trees)
TSW: take notes in a note taking organizer

Instructional Materials (handouts, texts, etc.)

Art paper for drawings
Photographs from curriculum guide
Resources (Manipulatives, Models, etc.)
Google Earth

(Check the cognitive level of this lesson)

Remember (1)

Analyze (4)

Understand (2)

Evaluate (5)

Apply (3)

Create (6)

How does where we live affect our lives?

Guided Practice:

TTW and TSW: discuss characteristics from Monday
Brainstorm ways these would affect ancient Rome
Compare/Contrast this with what they remember about Greece
with a Venn Diagram
Checking for Understanding: Were students able to recognize the
connection between the geography and how they lived for ancient Rome?
Independent Practice:
TSW: create a visual for each of the geographic features and how
it affected the lives of ancient Romans.
Closure: Students will share their pictures
List all (ex: Pre-test, Formative, Summative, Exit Tickets, etc.)

Formative: Art students create to show a connection with geography and

how it affected their lives.

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