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Students Name: Lacey walker: Chapter: 2





What is known

Digital photos

What must be learned

Digital cameras
Internet skills

Talking to people from different

Better attitudes

improvement in how the

perceived people.
Discuss findings
Schedule so the deadline isn't
so stressful.

Various holidays and foods

Learning different cultures

scheduled review.

It worked well with them accepting different cultures, but it had some errors on the test. She realized
she would have to do a review. She needs to make the project last longers. Also she need to have a
firm schedule, so that the students knew where they should be because they would take pictures more
than necessary.

Standard I. All teachers use technology-related terms, concepts, data input strategies, and ethical
practices to make informed decisions about current technologies and their applications.
1.17s identify the impact of technology applications on society through research, interviews, and
personal observation; and
1.18s demonstrate knowledge of the importance of technology to future careers, lifelong learning, and
daily living for individuals of all ages.
Standard II. All teachers identify task requirements, apply search strategies, and use current
technology to efficiently acquire, analyze, and evaluate a variety of electronic information.

2.1s use strategies to locate and acquire desired information from collaborative software and on
networks, including the Internet and intranets;
Standard III. All teachers use task-appropriate tools to synthesize knowledge, create and modify
solutions, and evaluate results in a way that supports the work of individuals and groups in problemsolving situations.
3.10s use subject matter foundation and enrichment curricula in the creation of product

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