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Hon Albert Jacob MLA

Minister for Environment; Heritage


Our Ref

Ms Louise Middleton

PO Box3172


Dear Ms Middleton
Thank you for your email of 11 November 2014 regarding the allegation that the
Broome Port Authority cleared native vegetation outside the area allowed by its permit.
The Department of Environment Regulation (DER) is aware of the allegation and is
investigating the alleged breach. A DER Senior Investigator will travel to the site to
make additional inquiries and interview witnesses.
This matter is subject to an investigation and it is therefore inappropriate for me to
comment further.

I view this matter most seriously. The alleged breach will be thoroughly investigated
and the outcome considered in accordance with DER's Enforcement and Prosecution
Policy. The policy is available at

Yours sincerely


12th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth Western Australia 6005
Phone: +61 8 6552 5800 Facsimile: +61 8 6552 5801
Email- Minister.Jacob@dpc wa govau

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