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Directo 1

Carlos Directo
Writing 37
29 January 2015

The Might of We3

To tell a powerful story with an equally powerful message is quite an amazing feat. To add
to the uniqueness, portray this story not in words, but in images and give people something that
will leave them amazed and curious to find out more about. The comic book genre is a special
place where all this is possible and one notable example is a short mini-series titled We3.
Written by Grant Morrison, and illustrated by Frank Quitely, We3 is about three kidnapped
house pets clad in mechanical armour suits escaping the government facility where they were
held and combating the pursuing force that follows them. The story reaches out to raise several
issues about the inhumane use and abuse of animals whilst keeping the reader entertained and
interested in the pages of the book. Several critics and experts on comic book lore agree that it is
through the masterful use of several techniques in comic book illustration and the underlying
message of animal sympathy that "We3" is able to grip readers to the journey of Bandit the dog,
Tinker the cat, and Pirate the bunny. Team We3.
Morrison was featured on Antennae, a non-profit journal, where he was interviewed by
Lisa brown, a journalist for Antennae, about himself and We3. In addition, Marc Singer, a
popular and respected critic of comic books, even wrote his own book about many of Morrisons
works and allocates one whole chapter to explaining the genius of We3.

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We3...fuses a variety of styles as it seeks to open new spaces for formal experimentation
and ethical development, writes Singer, One of the most ambitious Morrison-Quitely
collaborations, We3 extends the struggle for personal and creative independence...depicting
characters who fight to build their own moral codes with the limited tools that nature and
technology have given them(Singer 208). In the Antennae interview with Morrison, Brown
praises Morrison, He infuses We3 with historically accurate tidbits about animal testing. He
explores ideology about the use of animals in warfare. But We3 never becomes didactic, nor does
it rely on treacle sentimentalism to garner the readers sympathies"(Brown 82). Singer and
Brown both agree that "We3" is not any ordinary story and what Morrison and Quitely
accomplish in their graphic novel is groundbreaking and deserves attention. Though the latter
focuses on how We3 stays original and believable, the former focuses on the characters and their
role of the story. Their focus however does not stop them from supporting each others focus. For
example Singer states the miniseries blends narrative and design elements from other media and
other cultures to develop a visual style that is not dependent on the practices of the American
comics industry(Singer 208). Brown as well touches on the characters asking Morisson Each
of the animals has a distinct personality...How did you determine when they would respond to
situations as animals...as machines?(Brown 83). Singer goes on in his chapter on We3 to
point out many details within the novel and provide substantial evidence that everything was
well thought out and deliberate as to praise Morrisons storytelling and Quitelys visuals
concluding with We3 demonstrates what he can accomplish when he is not constrained by
corporate ownership or genre expectations, and when he works with a talented and trusted
collaborator(Singer 220). Brown continues her interview in a general sense concluding with
inquiry about the acclaim We3 has garnered. Browns last question Animal rights issues have

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long been a passion of yours. Do you have upcoming projects that focus on an animal
agenda?(Brown 87).
In the beginning of Browns interview, the introduction mentions Morrisons participation
in the Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group in the 1980s and his many years as an animal
advocate lend depth of his writing(Brown 82). It is clear in We3 that Grant Morrison is
bringing the use of animals for military purposes to light. Singer points out that Dr. Trendle
regards the animal weapons as simulated combatants rather than living creatures in their own
right.(Singer 209). Morrison makes it evident in We3 that the dog, cat, bunny were abducted
from their lives as house pets and trained to be killing machines. Maryann Mot of National
Geographic informs of the fact that more than three hundred canines are trained to patrol and
detect. To kill on command and to protect themselves or their handler. This is very similar to the
pets in We3. They are certainly able to protect themselves and each other even if it resorts to
killing and taking lives. Brown adds to the topic by stating in one of her early questions The
U.S. has an unfortunate history of stealing companion animals in order to use them in labs for
scientific and medical experiments(Brown 82). Brown is reflecting on the fact that Military use
of animals is an important topic Morrison wanted to shed light on.
Morrison and Quitely have created a gem in the world of comic books that is well received
for several reasons while diving deep into the use of animals for military purposes. To stay in the
norm, Morrison may have put three animals in armor to make them powerful, but gave those
same three animals personality. Those animals may have gone through the worst possible
situation for any living thing, but in the end they receive what any animal needs. Love.

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