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Used for activity sentence strips and pronoun pizza cloze passages

(Adapted from The Cay by Theodore Taylor)

1. Timothy gathers materials to build a shelter. He is working very hard in the hot

2. Phillip thinks about his worried mother. She must be searching for him right now.

3. Phillip and Timothy are hungry. Timothy needs to catch some fish for them to

4. Phillip does not want to be left alone. He begs Timothy, Take me with you!

5. Phillip begins to cry. He remembers his mothers idea about black people. He
thinks, I should have listened to her. Timothy is mean for leaving me behind

6. Timothy and Phillip come up with a rescue plan. They hope it will save them.
Timothy collects the wood and Phillip writes a message. It spells HELP.

7.Timothy decides to create a rope line to guide Phillip to the fit pit. Philip does not
want to help. Timothy says Then weave some mats for us to sleep on

8. Phillip says that because he is blind, he cannot help with the work. Timothy tells
him being blind is not an excuse and Phillip gets mad.

9. Phillip is frustrated and says mean things to Timothy. Timothy smacks him.
Phillip realizes how rude he has been to timothy. He apologizes and asks, Can we be

Created by: Megan Crowder

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