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P.O. Box 607269

Chicago, IL 60660-9998

Paid for by Dianne4Ward40.

Which Candidate for 40th Ward Alderman Is Putting



A Bad Deal for Us


A True Community Leader

Is a Bad Deal for Us

he two longtime 40th Ward residents

running for Alderman have followed two
starkly different paths. While Dianne Daleiden
was uniting neighbors and friends by keeping
our kids away from gangs, running afterschool programs, teaching, and working with
her church and neighborhood association to
strengthen our community, Patrick OConnor
was making friends downtown.
As the powerful City Council Floor Leader the
deal maker Pat OConnor has too often put
the concerns of the administration, wealthy
contributors and private corporations before
our families and weve been paying the bill!
So ask yourself, whats your family getting out
of these deals?

OConnor Uses His Power as Floor

Leader to Push Through Deals in
the City Council...
...and We Pay
The Red Light Camera Deal1

$500 million in far.

The OHare Deal2

7 0% of incoming OHare

flights rerouted over HIS OWN
WARD! Our sanity and home
values suffer.

The Parking Meter Deal3

We got $1.2 billion for a deal

worth $11.6 billion.

The Raise the City Debt Deal4

Another $1.9 billion our

children will have to pay.

OConnors Ethics Violations

How Deals Are Made...
City Payroll Abuses: A grand jury
investigated OConnor for hiring family and
friends on the City payroll...two years in a row.5

Shady Property Deals: OConnor zones

properties then his real estate broker wife sells
them to a tune of tens of millions of dollars.6

Unethical Behavior: The Legislative

Inspector General opened an investigation into
how OConnor breaks the rules when making
deals how he solicits campaign contributions,
induces contracts, and wields improper
influence...and one week later OConnor
disabled the Inspector Generals office.7

1. Chicago Tribune, 7/18/14; 2. Chicago Sun-Times, 11/7/14; 3. Bloomberg Business, 8/8/10; 4. Progress Illinois, 2/5/14; 5. American News Post, 4/29/13; 6. Chicago Tribune, 6/1/08; 7. Chicago Tribune, 7/30/14

VOTE Dianne Daleiden for Alderman VOTE Tuesday, February 24th Polls Open 6am 7pm

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