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EE1100 Assignment 3 Questions

1.Transform each of the following functions of time into phasor form:

a) -5sin(580t-1100)

[Ans: 5

-20o ]

b) 3cos600t 5sin(600t + 1100)

[Ans: 2.41 -134.8o ]

c) 8cos(4t 300) + 4sin(4t-1000)

[Ans: 4.46

-47.9o ]

2. Find Zin at w=4rad/s, if terminals a and b are (1) open circuited. (2) short circuited.

[Ans: a) 10.56 - j1.92 , b) 9.969 + j0.2462]

3. Determine iR(t) for t 0. Assume network is in steady state.

[Ans: 5 + 3.16cos(2t + 18.44o)]

4. Find Vx in the circuit shown in the figure.

5. Given voltage Vin(t) =115

of C1?

[Ans: 9.892cos(400t + 78.76o)]

cos2t, V1(t)= 6.014cos(2t+85.76O)V. What is the capacitance

[Ans: C1 = 4.85 F]

6. Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit.

[Ans: VTH= -50 + j150, RTH = j150]

7.Find an expression for i1(t) flowing through 1 resistor. [Ans: i(t)= 148cos(104t + 179.6o)]

8.a) Find impedance Zab

b) Find the value of phasors I,I1,I2,E2,E0.

[Ans: Zab= 1.4 + j0.8 , I= 6.11 j1.04,

I1= 5.5 + j2.8, I2= 0.59 j3.8,
E2= 8.34 j2.69,E0= 0.296 j1.93]

9. Find the voltage V1(t) in the given circuit with Va= 100cos(2x104t + 3o) V and
Vb= 100cos(2x105t - 3o)V.

[Ans: V1(t)= 3.223x10-3cos(2x104t 87o) + 312.8x10-12cos(2x105t + 177o) V]

10.Calculate values for IL, Ir, Ic, VL, VR, VC for the circuit shown in figure. Indicate all quantities
on a phasor diagram.

[Ans: IL= 57.26

VL= 143.15

-76.76O , Ir = 25.61 -140.19o , Ic = 51.21

13.24O , VR = 51.22

-50.19o ,

-140.19O , VC= 51.21

-140.19O ]

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