Writing 37 Revisionstrategy

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The main thing that my peer reviewers commented about my essay is it I need to paraphrase

more than summarize. In my essay, I had written an excessive amount in quotations and I will fix
that in my revision. For my revision, my top three priorities are the following. First, more
summary and paraphrasal of citations and quotations of sources. This means varying the kinds of
ways I can refer to an authority.Second, I the paper will contain more synthesis of the authorities
and actually putting the authorities in my literature in conversation. Lastly, the revision will
include the rearranging and adding of sentences to make the paper actually look and sound like a
literature review.
As for minor things I will improve on, I will include a works cited page. This is essential to the
MLA format, actually to any paper with sources on it. Checking over my paper for any
grammatical, spelling, or citation errors will also be done.

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